The new great “patient” of global society.

Where is humanity “headed” today?


In the end, the Democrats managed to prove that “climate change” really exists! Within a few days, they transformed the U.S. from a serious nation of the cold American North into a “Banana Republic” of the warm tropical zone! If things weren’t so tragic and dangerous, they would at least be laughable. The now-former President of the United States, just before leaving office, like a common Mafia capo, handed out “pardons” to his entire gang! Completely brazenly and provocatively, he did what a few years ago would have been considered a major scandal. The U.S., in this way, is entering a dangerous path of authoritarianism and corruption that is bound to lead it into turmoil …All kinds of turmoil! …From civil war-type conflicts to uncontrolled corruption, all of which have the same ending …Decay and rot! The U.S. is probably writing the last “words” of its —already— short history!

What has happened now is absolutely unprecedented! Corruption in the U.S. has gained its own legitimacy. The U.S. political system shows an inexplicable inability to address the problem that could destroy it. A family of corrupt individuals “contaminates” the entirety of political life in the U.S., and no one steps up to stop it. What Biden did not only lacks any moral legitimacy but is also legally unsound …At any moment, his actions could be overturned by a Supreme Court ruling! While presidential pardons are considered irrevocable, this does not mean that, when legal loopholes exist, they cannot be annulled. The granting of pardons is a privilege of the President, but ONLY “if and when…”! …If and when there is respect for the country’s Constitution! …If and when the state and the American people are not insulted! …If and when there is a confirmed crime and a criminal who deserves a pardon! …If and when there is no hint of a conflict of interest between the person signing the pardon and the person receiving it! …If and when …If and insofar as the President is standing well in his mind!

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If these conditions do NOT exist for granting a pardon, then it is called into question and CANNOT be enforced! The matter is simple! Since this right is a privilege granted to the President —obviously in favor of the smooth and fair functioning of Democracy—, this privilege should not threaten the very Democracy in which he serves as President. There are three reasons why this “flood” of pardons proves that the U.S. is a sick Democracy and that the outgoing leadership is a gang of criminals! The first reason is the justification given for the granting of pardons! The second reason is the absence of an actual crime —meaning there was no “case” that required a pardon—! The third is the mental state of the person granting the pardons!

Let’s take things step by step so the reader can understand exactly what is happening and what we are referring to. Biden signed a series of pardons with the justification that he feared future prosecutions of his associates and even his relatives! He acted “preemptively”, just as fascists always do, to secure a justification for their illegal actions when none actually exists. This alone is a massive blunder on Biden’s part against his country and, of course, against himself! By doing this, the head of state himself casts doubt on the quality of the government he is handing over to his successor! He undermines the Constitution and the laws! He discredits the reliability of the institutions! He “stains” the history of the American state! He insults its citizens!

Before Biden: Trump, Clinton, and Carter's most notorious presidential pardons for family members - Hindustan Times If he believes that the state and its institutions do not operate based on the Constitution and can be turned into “tools” in the hands of whoever temporarily holds the presidency, then there is a problem …A huge problem when the leader of the U.S. himself questions the democratic “functioning” of the state over which he has presided and for which he has been responsible for the past four years. Theoretically, in a democratic system, a President should not be able to “weaponize” the judiciary to persecute his opponents. If he can do so, then there is certainly NO Democracy. There is no Democracy where an elected President can —whenever he wants— become an unchecked and ruthless Dictator. If an elected President has the ability, from the first day of his leadership, to pursue his opponents, then the primary culprit for this is his predecessor, not himself!

Whether or not Trump has the ability to “persecute” the “Biden team” in retaliation, the one responsible for this is Biden himself. If he has this ability, it means that Biden, during his own term, allowed the state to have this weakness …and thus, by his own consent, chose to govern in this manner. As evidenced by the reasoning he used for the pardons he signed, he was aware of this “weakness” of the state and DID NOT rectify it during his tenure. This means that the U.S. —according to the testimony of its own outgoing leader— does not have the “quality” it claims to have and supposedly promotes to the rest of the world. If those who are “selling” Democracy have Dictators in the White House who hunt down their opponents for revenge, then there is a problem when they attempt to “spread” this “Democracy” to the rest of the world!

U.S. Supreme Court | Court-packing, Pros, Cons, Debate, Arguments, History, & Politics | Britannica If Biden were a capable, competent, and above all “clean” President, he would not have granted any of these particular pardons because he would not have needed to. He would be confident in the objectivity of the American judicial system and, of course, in the functioning of the state. If he were confident in the innocence of his own people, he would fear nothing, just as an ordinary citizen living in a well-governed state should fear nothing …Let alone a powerful figure like the President! By making this choice, he questions all of these things. He does NOT consider the American state to be well-governed! At the same time, he irreparably tarnishes the institution of Justice. ONLY in a “Banana Republic” does the leader himself exempt individuals from judicial scrutiny because he does not trust the integrity and independence of the Judiciary. In a well-governed state, there can be NO justification for providing protection out of fear of politically motivated prosecutions and thus the need for preemptive “exonerations”! This is exactly what Biden did …He granted “pardons” to some individuals because he does NOT trust the American judiciary! …He does NOT trust the judiciary, which, until a few hours ago, he himself oversaw.

He granted them “pardons” BEFORE any charges were even filed against them and thus BEFORE they were even guilty and in need of a “pardon”. However, all of this is constitutionally ILLEGAL, politically SUSPICIOUS, and morally UNACCEPTABLE!!! …He granted them “pardons”, thereby insulting the very concept of Justice. The Supreme Court justices of the U.S. did not rise to the occasion and “hid” behind the noise and fireworks of the new President’s inauguration, pretending to be unaware! However, this is a BETRAYAL of Justice by its own practitioners! Because of them, Justice did not exhaust its “weapons” to protect itself! The Judiciary may not have the right to challenge the President’s power to grant pardons, but it can challenge the reasoning behind this “forgiveness”!

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You cannot tell someone, “The girl MUST come with me, because if I leave her with you, you will DEFINITELY RAPE her and possibly KILL her”. In such a case, you are gravely insulting the other person because you are implicitly calling them a “rapist” and a “murderer”. This cannot be said “preemptively” and demands explanations, as defending one’s honor in such cases justifies even the threat of violence. This is exactly what Biden did to justify his illegal decision! …He preemptively insulted the Judiciary! …As a President, you CANNOT grant “pardons” at the expense of Justice! …You CANNOT play the “good guy”, because the other person is de facto “bad”! …To grant pardon “in advance”, because you doubt the integrity of Justice and its resistance to future fascist and illegal “orders” from the executive authority! You grant pardon because you consider it possible for Justice to “fabricate” guilt? …The guilty are created by their crimes, and they are not “fabricated” by the Courts!

Therefore, the Judiciary should have “returned” the White House’s decision as morally unacceptable or even constitutionally inadmissible! In this case, the Supreme Court should have stepped in and saved the honor of the Judiciary, which was so brutally and violently tarnished by the corrupt old man from Delaware. The Supreme Court should have publicly declared that: “…We do not legally, but not politically, accept the justification for granting these pardons, without, however, disputing the President’s ‘right’ to issue pardons! However, the justification must change if he wants to proceed with granting pardons to these specific individuals”. It is impossible for one of the key branches of government to shift its own “sins” onto another …In this case, the Executive Branch is issuing pardons because it supposedly does not trust the Judiciary. However, if the Judiciary does not react, it confirms and legitimizes this insult against it! This creates a dangerous precedent in which future Presidents can exploit this justification whenever they please. If the Supreme Court remains silent, then the entire foundation of Justice in the U.S. is shaken, proving that there is no genuine separation of powers, but rather a corrupt system that operates on mutual cover-ups and vested interests.

However, if Justice were to “return” the “favor” to the White House for reasons related to the justification —one that is insulting both to itself and to the Constitution— it would create another, much greater legal problem for Biden …A problem that would not allow him to proceed with granting the pardon! Why would this happen? …Because in this case, we have two simultaneous “fouls”! The first is that the “integrity” of Justice is being questioned, and the second is that the very logic and purpose of Justice as an Independent Authority are being challenged! What does “preemptive forgiveness” mean? If certain people are judged “preemptively innocent” by the President, then, likewise, Justice is judged “preemptively guilty”, as its judgment is being questioned!

However, in this case, things are even worse. If there are no “criminals”, to whom is the “pardon” being granted? Is Cheney a criminal? …What is her crime, and what is the penalty she seeks to avoid serving? …Is the President’s brother a criminal? …What is his crime, and what is the prescribed penalty that gives value to the “pardon” granted to him by his brother? The process of administering Justice follows a specific logic, which is why there is a vast spectrum of laws! Specific crimes are punished with specific penalties! There is no such thing as an abstract “criminal” and “penalty”! Each crime carries its own penalty, which is proportional to its nature. Therefore, the “pardon” regarding the penalty must be specific, as it concerns a specific criminal for a specific criminal act, which entails a specific penalty.

That is to say, one must be convicted of a specific crime, and at that point, the President intervenes with his “right” to grant a “pardon”! A “pardon” makes sense for a criminal who has been proven to have committed a specific crime, which carries a specific penalty. But even this is not respected by Biden. He takes his disgrace even further and turns the “pardon” into “immunity”. How is it possible to distribute pardons for extended periods of time? What does it mean to grant a pardon to an innocent person but for all crimes they may have committed over the past ten years? Is it possible that someone who committed, for example, a financial crime and was convicted of it could receive a presidential pardon, and that “pardon” would “extend” over time? …Would it absolve them of penalties for murders or pedophilia committed at other times, simply because these acts had not yet been uncovered but had occurred within the pardoned time “zone”?

So, Hunter Biden was absolved of tax evasion, corruption, and trafficking crimes, but did he acquire a general “shield” of protection even if it is revealed that he committed murder during the same period? If it is proven that Hunter Biden committed a murder two years ago, will he remain unpunished due to the pardon granted by his father? Not even dictators in the last “banana republics” of the world do such things! Even when they protect their “praetorians”, they do it discreetly to avoid creating undesirable impressions …To prevent the people from forming the belief —which Biden himself shouted about before even starting to sign “pardons” like the leader of a mafia gang— that some people are above the law …NO ONE is above the law!

Here arises a simple issue that “tests” common sense. If, as President of the United States, you believe that your successor will persecute innocent people —who just happened to be your relatives— for existing legal cases or accusations, why did you not expedite fair trials during your “ethical” term, so that they would be definitively acquitted and free from future prosecutions? If they are innocent, let them be “cleared” legally after fair trials. According to the American Constitution, no one can be retried for a crime for which they have already been judged. Why did Biden not allow the cases of his son or brother to be adjudicated during his term? Why did he allow them to stall, preventing them from facing their Judges? If they are innocent, they would have been acquitted summarily. Why did he leave them exposed to the “whims” of his successor, creating the need to “forgive” them just hours before his departure? Was that his goal from the start? Was it because he could not intervene in the courts, but no one else could interfere with his “pardons”?

The way Biden handled the situation resembles an insurance program called “friends and family” …Everyone protected no matter what they did! …As if members of a mafia family had prearranged that the capo-president, with his power during his term, would prevent Justice from bothering them and, just before relinquishing that power, would absolve them of any responsibility they might have had …A full-fledged gang with distinct roles and matching aliases. The “Big Guy” allowed them to steal throughout his tenure, knowing he held a signed “pardon” in his hands from the beginning! How humiliating is it for a U.S. President to be closely connected by familial ties to those he “absolves” with his “pardons”? All these are ABSOLUTELY alarming phenomena, proving that American democracy is “ailing” severely.

The irony is that everything Biden feared his relatives would suffer from an unjust Executive Authority —which would “weaponize” Justice against its political opponents— he himself did to Trump! …He persecuted him to the extreme, trying to render him guilty even with false evidence on nonexistent charges! When he could no longer act against him to prevent his candidacy, he left him unprotected among the “wolves” to destroy him physically. The “weaponized” Justice of Garland, as the superior authority over the FBI, failed to protect Trump from assassination attempts, which were only unsuccessful due to the incompetence of the would-be assassins. Never in modern U.S. history have American Justice and its law enforcement agencies —under its control— been so “contaminated” by political expediency!

Now, this USELESS Biden comes to tell us he is afraid his successor might do the same to him! The same Biden who, when he was “elected” President, told us he was concerned that the outgoing Trump might abuse this right for his family, because he was a FASCIST! …At that time (2020), the “democrat” Biden was worried about the misuse of this presidential right by Trump! …The corrupt Biden …The leader of the Biden gang of unemployed fraudsters with dozens of shell companies and hundreds of bank accounts! …A real gang! …Both political and economic! The ridiculous part is that through his actions, he is “exposing” ALL members of his “gang”. Just by looking at whom he pardoned, one can see who were members of his gang and where he “fears” the threat against them will emerge …Fauci and Cheney at the political level …His son and brother at the family-economic level …A full-fledged “friends and family” insurance and protection “program”!

Oh no, Joe: Biden confuses 'All Blacks' rugby team with 'Black and Tan' military force – POLITICO At the first level, the “Friends” category, the first to receive a “pardon” was Fauci. The man responsible for handling the supposed “Pandemic”, which led to the collapse of the U.S. economy in favor of Biden’s “sponsors”! We must not forget that all known “sponsors” of the Democratic Party profited immensely from the plundering of the devastated American economy, thanks to Biden’s policies. All major “sponsors” became wealthy under Biden’s rule, aided by the Capitol “invasion” provocation, which Cheney helped cover up …Cheney, who also received a “pardon” just moments before Biden packed up his underwear and diapers to leave the White House— was equally useful in her “work” …The supposed “Republican” Cheney.

Thanks to Cheney, Biden gained the “legitimization” of his election. Thanks to Cheney, all evidence concerning the truth of the Capitol “invasion” was blocked. Cheney “baptized” an FBI and Democratic Party provocation as a “coup attempt” by “fascists”. But today, in the era of cameras and images, all evidence is available that could send her to prison, and that is why she needed a “pardon” from the one she benefited. And if these were Biden’s political accomplices, he also had his family members in the economic realm …Family treasurers who looted from everywhere! They were “forgiven” by Biden, so we now know his accomplices from the evidence!

Speaking of “morbidity” in the American system, here comes another very “delicate” issue …Very delicate, very personal, and very dangerous at the same time! It is not only the legal loopholes that exist in Biden’s acts of granting “pardons”. There are issues that also concern his mental and cognitive health! If one considers that the acts of “pardon” for Fauci, Cheney, and his family were signed just a few hours before his departure from the White House, there is an issue when there is a prior “allegation” about his mental state …An allegation made in the most official and explicit manner by the most official “lips”!

In this case, we are not talking about an investigative journa­list or a political analyst! …We are not talking about some “conspiracy theorist” or fringe commentator …We are talking about the “number three” in the hierarchy of the political leadership of the USA! …We are talking about Mike Johnson …The “number three” in the political leadership publicly revealed —and thus “denounced”— that the “number one” is not in a sound mental state! …He revealed that his assessment was made after a direct, personal encounter with the President! …An encounter which —as he disclosed to us— was absolutely undesirable for the President’s corrupt “court” and which they attempted to prevent.

Wall Street Journal: Ο Μπάιντεν ήταν σε διανοητική παρακμή από την πρώτη μέρα στον Λευκό Οίκο - The Speaker of the House revealed that, in his opinion, the President is incapable of performing his duties …He revealed to us his suspicions that some other individuals are signing state documents on Biden’s behalf and not Biden himself. According to this top political figure in the U.S., the President is incapable of making decisions since he has no “grasp” of reality!!! Can such an “allegation” be ignored? Is there a judicial system in the U.S.? Why did the Attorney General not intervene? There is NO more serious allegation than this! A thorough medical examination should have been conducted by specialized doctors, as required for such high offices. It is inconceivable that such an allegation by such a high-ranking political figure was ignored without a medical examination of the man who holds in his hands the nuclear codes of the Superpower.

Misery (1990) The examination would have determined which of these two top figures would remain in office. If the Speaker of the House lied so blatantly against the President and therefore against the National Security of the U.S., he should have been removed from office as a common slanderer! However, if he was telling the truth, the President should have been forced to resign and the Vice President should have taken over, as provided by the Constitution. He would neither be the first nor the last to lose his “fitness” due to illness. This is not something beyond the reality of ordinary mortals. Illnesses are part of life …Everyone is human, and all these things are human experiences. That is precisely why the Constitution provides mechanisms to address them. But did anything like this happen? Why did the prosecutors and judges “sweep under the rug” such an allegation? Perhaps because the hidden “masters” of the U.S. had agreed with Joe —back when he was not yet a “vegetable”— to help him “escape” from the White House along with his gang? Did they leave the fate of the nation in the hands of a “vegetable” simply because they needed to escape alongside the “worms” that surrounded him?

Therefore, there is yet ANOTHER legal “complication” regarding the granting of these “pardons” …A legal issue of credibility arises when one considers Johnson’s allegation. There is a huge legal problem when there is an official “challenge” to the identity of those who are actually making decisions or signing presidential decrees. From the moment there is even an indirect “allegation” regarding the President’s mental state —one that chronologically precedes the granting of the “pardon”— it means that the allegation must be investigated and the pardons must be put on temporary “hold”. Who can know what was happening inside the White House? It is possible that some criminals had “seized” the poor President and that he was living under conditions like in “Misery” …That they had turned him into their “hostage” so they could operate as a gang against him.

Joe Biden Pardons Possible Trump Targets Anthony Fauci, Liz Cheney Shouldn’t the Justice system investigate what is happening? Shouldn’t it be known who is actually signing these documents? Are they the individuals designated by the Constitution, or are they people from the underworld or the deep state? Was the President possibly under “hostage” condi­tions and still is, living in a state of “confusion”? Even his resignation letter, where he withdrew from the right to participate in the elections as a candidate, was of suspicious origin. No one knows whether he signed it himself or if it was done by someone like Schumer or Pelosi.

In any case, we understand that Biden’s decisions —due to the above— can be annulled without challenging the presidential right to grant pardons itself. It would not be the first or last time that a Presidential Decision is annulled or returned for “correction” due to constitutional or other “impediments”. We therefore understand that the American Justice system, once again in Garland’s era, did not “rise to the occasion”. Unfortunately, some top judges did not stand up to the circumstances. Obviously, for them, lifetime appointments and shiny robes are much more important than the “lost honor” of Justice and, of course, of their homeland.

But Trump himself did not seem to “rise to the occasion” either. Trump does not seem to have started his term well!!! …He starts this term with a “foul”! Instead of denouncing the Dictatorial behavior of his predecessor and holding Justice accountable, he reacted with a mindset of “trade-offs”. He began his policy with “mutual concessions”. He did not start his new term well, just as he did not end the previous one well. Let us not forget that his previous term left a bitter “taste” in the end, as Trump himself acted similarly by granting “pardon” to the Jewish fraudster who was his daughter’s father-in-law …The same “pardoned” criminal whom he recently appointed —without any qualification beyond his release certificate— as the U.S. Ambassador to Paris.

Apparently, wanting to maintain his own right to “save” his relatives if necessary, he did not react to Biden’s provocation. To Biden’s “pardons”, he responded with his own “pardons”! Here, however, arises the following question: Why did Trump rush to pardon those who were imprisoned for the “Capitol invasion”? Did he not see the videos that the Democrats concealed and were eventually leaked? Did he not see that the only truly guilty individuals revealed in the videos were Garland and Biden’s FBI provocateurs? Why did he grant “pardon” to innocent people who were victims of Garland’s Justice? He could have simply suspended their detention and initiated their trial. The innocent have a right to a fair trial! With this “pardon”, he made them ALL de facto guilty! Moreover, with this pointless pardon, he may have even caused them financial harm, since, in reality, he nullified their right to demand compensation. Only through acquittal —after a proper trial— would they establish the right to claim compensation from the U.S. government! With the “pardon”, they lose that right!

The most tragic —and perhaps saddest— aspect is the reaction of the American people …or —to be more precise— their NON-REACTION! Instead of taking to the streets to protest against the corrupt Dictator, who is leaving office in an organized manner with his “gang” while keeping all their “loot” intact, they accepted the disgrace and did not react at all. They accepted the impunity of pimp Hunter and the millions of idle Bidens. In doing so, they created a “precedent” that will surely be repeated frequently in the future. This passivity of the Americans is perhaps the worst phenomenon that resulted from these illegalities …The phenomenon of corrupt leaders “protecting themselves” by abusing their power while the people do not react …Phenomena that truly “resemble” the Middle Ages!

We did not arrive at this point by chance. Biden’s “sponsors” have “poisoned” the American people. Through the major media outlets and social media —which they control completely— they have “convinced” a large part of the people that anyone who opposes the Democrats is a “fascist”, a “conspiracy theorist”, or a “NAZI”! Unfortunately, out of fear of confronting these Goebbels-style “propaganda machines”, Americans pretended not to “see” the greatest “fraud” in their history! At the very moment they should have been “watching” the “gang” escape, instead of “screaming”, they were looking at Melania’s hat. They surrendered to the whims of the corrupt power in order to avoid additional problems. They threw up their hands, content simply to watch the corrupt gang distance itself from its positions. In the era of Epstein and Puff Daddy, where 400,000 children are missing, the “gang” that covered for them has ensured its impunity and safe escape!

The decline of the US and the rise of the East - Global TimesWe have said it before, and we have no problem repeating it until everyone understands it! …NOTHING is over yet! Something VERY BIG is coming, which will overturn the current prevailing New Order! Whatever the corrupt and murderous rulers of this world may think or do, soon it simply will not matter at all …Things will be DECIDED in the end based on the logic of the new situation that is currently “being born”! The world will see the USA as it truly is and not as Americans believe it to be. Whether Trump has the right perception of things or not does not mean that Biden and his “gang” will get away with it! …Everything will be “paid for” by those who must “pay”! So, let Fauci, Cheney, and Biden’s relatives not rejoice “in advance”. Things can change at any moment, and Biden’s very decision may be “judged”! Until then, it seems Trump will have far more important matters to settle than worrying about when the Gulf of Mexico will be renamed the “Gulf of America” …

Panagiotis Traianou

