Is the wealthy Jewish conspirator at risk of the DEATH PENALTY?

How much does a potential conviction of his threaten ALL the “platforms” of social media?


Just reading the term “death penalty” is enough to make some people smirk. We live in an era of speed and the need to create easy impressions through verbal exaggerations, and this title might seem like just another instance of hyperbole. Yet, the threat of the death penalty for Zuckerberg is REAL and looms ominously over the head of one of the wealthiest individuals in human history. This is what we will attempt to explain in this text as the Trump inauguration approaches, and things can become very dangerous for some …and those concerned know this better than anyone else.

The credibility of what we’re claiming can be indirectly understood through the behavior of the key players. They are the only ones who truly know what is happening, and this influences their actions. For this reason, Zuckerberg was the first truly powerful Democratic Party figure to rush, almost “on his knees”, to meet Donald Trump after his election victory. Zuckerberg appeared willing to offer “land and water” to the new occupant of the White House, even promising political support for his new term.

But what compelled an economic magnate —the owner of the leading social media platform with corresponding global political and economic influence— to endure such humiliating behavior? The answer is obvious. What forced him to display this servile behavior is something that concerns all humans and makes no distinction between the rich and poor, the powerful and powerless: FEAR! Zuckerberg FEARS for his survival —literally and figuratively—!!! He knows better than anyone that he is more at risk now than ever before in his life. The danger is so great that only someone with a general understanding of the law can fully grasp it. Both Zuckerberg and his businesses are threatened by the Biden Laptop case, which could literally lead him to the electric chair and destroy his companies.

What is this case that has such catastrophic consequences on this scale? …It is the case that decisively —but completely illegally— affected the outcome of the previous elections! …It is the case that literally brought old Biden from the basement of his house and made him President of the United States! …The case that placed the most incompetent President in U.S. history in the White House! …The case that made Biden President, costing the U.S. over $10 trillion, leading to some of the greatest disasters in its history …It cost Americans and the rest of the world a deadly war in Ukraine and a genocide in Gaza. These were the tragic results of his tenure, now counting hundreds of thousands of lives lost — lives that would still be among us if he were not President! This President would never have existed if Zuckerberg had not intervened decisively to shape the outcome of the previous U.S. elections.

Hunter Biden News LIVE | Biden Family Under Scanner | USA News Live | Trump  Vs Biden Updates Since his conscious decision —and in collaboration with “state” and “deep-state” mechanisms— directly and decisively influenced the election outcome in 2020, there is a crime of COLOSSAL proportions! When some­one consciously used private and state resources to “nullify” the people’s choice and impose leader­ship of their preference, we have a COUP! The fact that it was bloodless is irrelevant. What matters is that it achieved its goal! …The consequences of the coup are what are punished, not the methods used to accomplish it. The concept of “coup” is linked to HIGH TREASON, and —under U.S. law 18 U.S. Code § 2381–Treason— it carries the death penalty! In the U.S. legal system, the punishment for this type of crime “starts” with life imprisonment and very “easily” —in a country where the death penalty applies— ends with a death sentence! Therefore, the thickest part of the “fog” surrounding our claim of a death penalty begins to “dissipate”, and some smirks may have already started to fade.

Zuckerberg and the “armies” of lawyers he pays know all this. They understand that from now on, things will get difficult for him. His life is literally at Trump’s MERCY. Trump could “execute” him figuratively without even appearing to personally engage with his case …though he would have the “right” to do so after everything he went through during the Democrats’ dominance. It would be justifiable for Trump to deal with the case of an enemy who genuinely tried to politically, economically, and business-wise “eliminate” him. However, there is no need for such pettiness or vindictiveness. Simply handing the Laptop case over to regular Justice would suffice to “finish” Zuckerberg. He is at risk, without an escape route, since in such a case, he and the “investors” behind him cannot turn the issue into a political matter arising from an act of political retaliation.

Trump doesn’t need to refer this case to some Senate political committee for investigation; he can refer it directly to the Regular Justice system, where it belongs! Everything else that may follow is almost inevitable because the evidence exists. Justice operates simply and makes decisions based on logic and absolute objectivity! In the halls of Justice, there is no political subjectivity, no offsets, no reciprocal agreements, no political “bargains” or deals …There are only facts and laws, which are applied to make decisions. If informing the electorate about the authenticity of the laptop would have influenced their decisions, then there is criminal liability for those who falsely presented it as “fake news”.

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The records containing the visual material from the Laptop, which leaked at the time, “prove” what everyone in the world —except Zuckerberg and American Justice— already knew! One didn’t need to be an expert to understand that a personal computer containing such intimate videos of Hunter Biden’s scandals could not be FAKE! If it wasn’t FAKE, then the rest of its contents couldn’t be FAKE either! This content, mixed with videos of drugs and prostitutes, also included banking transactions related to corruption funds. The evidence proving the laptop’s authenticity —and therefore its contents— existed from the start. Naked photos of Biden simply provided undeniable proof of the “bare” truth about his corruption.

Because of these photos —which, due to their nature, leave no room for doubt about their authenticity— the laptop hosting them would conclusively prove the truth of its legitimacy. This made it a reliable “tool” exposing the corruption and delinquency of the Biden family. It was, therefore, a REAL political scandal, not FAKE news! It deserved the appropriate publicity to help the American people draw proper conclusions and reflect this in the “ballot box”. This laptop would have barred the repugnant Biden from entering the White House —the same laptop that revealed, four years earlier, the need to pardon his criminal son—. The evidence was there for the American people to see, and Zuckerberg rendered them “blind”! The “blind”, however, make wrong decisions, one of which was electing Biden.

This news, which could have “condemned” Biden through its dissemination among citizens, was suppressed by Zuckerberg’s orders. By illegally using his resources, Zuckerberg decided to “silence” ALL citizens who —within the framework of smooth democratic functioning— saw it as their duty to inform their fellow citizens of what they had discovered. Zuckerberg prohibited this vital function of democracy with a single decision. Alone, he decided that the American people should not know that the man seeking their vote to govern them was a common criminal — a criminal who would be dependent on interests that would blackmail him to the detriment of public interests.

Zuckerberg Testifies Before House Energy And Commerce Committee : The  Two-Way : NPR Simultaneously, there is the testimony of Zuckerberg himself, proving that this criminal “omission” was NOT accidental! At an unsuspected time, he had declared —under oath to a Senate Committee— that he had secret meetings with FBI officials who decided to hide the truth from the public. He instructed his employees to strictly follow this directive from the platform’s ownership and to erase all opposing views that exposed the illegal activities of the candidate running for the highest office in the United States. They went so far as to delete Trump’s own account from the platform! Such organized criminal actions have never occurred in the developed world. Zuckerberg imposed an extraordinary level of censorship, unprecedented in historical records — not only “passive” censorship but also “active” censorship. Not only did he prevent the people from secretly being informed of crimes affecting them, but he also openly punished those attempting to spread the truth. He did not merely delete the citizens’ complaints about the laptop’s contents; he erased those individuals from Facebook entirely. Thus, it becomes evident that Zuckerberg is a genuine political fascist and a criminal — a “Goebbels” of the technological age — a criminal who truly risks ending up in “Guantanamo”, where enemies of American democracy belong!

However, this is where another dimension of the problem begins—much larger, if not more significant, than the Zuckerberg issue itself! Any conviction against him does not threaten only him personally but could bring about a catastrophic domino effect of biblical proportions on the entire social media construct. If Zuckerberg is convicted for any reason, this would trigger a domino effect across social media platforms. META’s stock would be at real risk of collapse, dragging down the entire social media network—regardless of ownership. Why would this happen? …Simply because the law protecting these platforms —and thus ensuring the value of their stocks— would come under absolute scrutiny.

This is the problem that would arise from a potential conviction of Zuckerberg. If political leadership cannot manage the immense power and influence social media wields over citizens, these platforms might cease to exist. If the establishment, in order to survive, must “kill” social media, it will be forced to do so. They allowed these platforms to grow and gain power, believing they could control that power. However, if the freedom of speech promoted through social media has reached a point where it overshadows the systemic state propaganda media, their elimination is inevitable. If their owners lose the ability to control these platforms and exclude the “troublesome” voices, we will return to the “good old days” of traditional media.

The law granting platform owners the ability to control social media —and making these platforms attractive to authorities and profitable for investors— is specific, well-known, and of questionable legality. A conviction of Zuckerberg would lead to a “trial” of this law, marking the END of social media. It would reveal that this law is systematically violated by platform owners and not only fails to benefit societal order and fair competition but also threatens democracy itself! Section 230 of the “Telecommunications Act of 1996” does not ensure fair competition; instead, it creates severe conditions of injustice and unfair competition!

Section 230 | Electronic Frontier Foundation What does this mean in practical terms? …Quite simply, social media platforms operate arbitrarily and criminally, serving the interests of their owners and the establishment because they are shielded from any external threat. They are protected from those they threaten, blackmail, and sometimes destroy. The method is simple: their owners, regardless of their actions or whom they harm, have guaranteed “alibis” and, thus, immunity. They can do whatever they want to whoever they want, safeguarded by unacceptable immunity for democratic functioning. This is achieved because, under this law, they are not classified as “content creators”, leaving them unthreatened by those harmed or destroyed by their content. They cannot be held accountable by those they slander, threaten, or damage because they function as neutral “platforms” that reflect the “free” collective opinions of their millions of users—a “community” governed by an abstract ethical “code of conduct” that no one knows who defines.

Trump Is Fighting Section 230 for the Wrong Reason - The Atlantic In this way, these platforms imposed —without the communi­ty’s knowledge— the owners’ opinions as the collective view of the community …The views of Zuckerberg and his “associates” on political, social, and economic issues became the norm. They promoted the Democratic Party’s agenda on issues such as immigration, race, gender, etc. They made trends only out of what their own “shops” sold on all levels. They effectively silenced those with opposing views, using the pretense of freedom of expression for those with similar opinions. This is the absolute definition of FASCISM, where a social group imposes its views on everyone else! Protected from civil or criminal liability, they “safely” sell “services” and support to political figures, parties, and businesses of their preference—preferences tied to billions of dollars and immense political power.

With billions in profits, they have infiltrated all sectors, including politics. Acting as contractors for third parties, they arbitrarily —and thus illegally— shape public opinion in favor of the parties and businesses of their choice, reaping financial rewards in return. If Zuckerberg is convicted for his criminal involvement in the deliberate suppression of the laptop issue, this conviction will effectively apply to all his peers. His conviction means that until now, HE COULD safely commit crimes tantamount to high treason, protected by this law—this criminally “illegal” law! He presented his personal opinion as the community’s view without the billions of platform users knowing! These unsuspecting customers served as “ballast” to lend weight to his personal stance.

Thus, an ordinary fascist, obeying secret “directors”, imposed his personal opinion on billions, hiding behind a law that wrongly protected him as an individual! If he is convicted for handling the laptop case, it will open Pandora’s box for all his peers, enabling everyone affected by similar actions to take legal action against the companies that harmed them. Zuckerberg’s conviction could translate into a conviction of the law itself. His ABILITY to act as he did proves that the law COULD NOT stop him! That HE COULD do so condemns him, while the law’s INABILITY to restrain him condemns the law itself.

In such a scenario, the companies’ defense line collapses! Why? …Because Zuckerberg’s conviction will prove definitively that these so-called “communities” NEVER functioned as intended under the law, because THEY NEVER TRULY EXISTED! …It will demonstrate that platform owners “produced” or selected content behind the scenes and attributed it to a NON-EXISTENT collective! …It will prove they operated solely in favor of their bosses and the establishment. His conviction will unequivocally show that social media platforms actually project only the opinions of their owners! Therefore, these owners are “content creators” and, like all content creators, bear civil and criminal responsibility for those harmed by this content.

Suddenly, Facebook, due to its owner’s conviction, would be held accountable to millions of users who suffered damages due to the “community’s” choices—a “community” that, in reality, did NOT exist! …It was an ever-changing conceptual “collective” that included, on any given issue, only those agreeing with the owners’ views on that topic …A “community” with as many “faces” as the topics it addressed. With Zuckerberg’s conviction, millions of citizens could claim damages or lost profits because Zuckerberg and his close financiers supported ONLY their “clients”—both literally and figuratively!

In such a case, however, the “Pandora’s box” opens for everyone, because EVERYONE dipped their “hands” into the “honey” of fascism! This concerns Google, which, as a search engine, literally “buries” anything that is politically, nationally, ideologically, or socially inconvenient for its owners. It too can easily end up in the “trash bin” when one considers the statements of a top executive regarding the management of information about “climate change” that are systematically silenced. YouTube is at risk as well, as it literally “erased” anyone who questioned mandatory vaccinations from the map. This involves Microsoft, under the “savior” Gates. It concerns TikTok as well…

Zuckerberg foresaw this danger, and for this reason, at the very last moment, he wanted to “offer” us “freedom” by lifting the “filters”. Out of fear, he is trying to “ingratiate” himself with Trump, appearing to be “more royalist than the king”. He pretends to support Trump’s agenda, even on issues that were previously “red lines” for the Zionist Democratic Party. He is willing to lift all restrictions regarding statements against certain racial and sexual groups. He appears determined to leave these groups “defenseless” against those accusing them of mental disorders, such as transgender individuals. Even the concept of “hate speech” is being downgraded to merely “offensive behavior”. The global “censor” is offering “discounts” and promises to abolish the entire illegal and fascist “fact-checking” program.

Facebook Celebrates Pride Month | Meta In this way, he sought to “guarantee” that his “platform” would not censor its users and, therefore, would not only promote opinions aligning with those of its owners, which effectively made them “content producers”! He promised us “freedom” AFTER a crime had already been committed and must therefore be punished! He decided everything on his own, evidently without attempting any consultation with the Facebook “community” to change its terms. The mere fact that he “immediately identified” —without the assistance of “scientific” committees or “community” representatives— the points to be removed from Facebook’s functionality constitutes a CONFESSION OF GUILT!

This is a CONFESSION OF A GUILTY PARTY who deliberately —out of economic and ideological interests— restricted the freedom of expression of billions of people who believed they were expressing themselves freely through social media! His proposal cannot be explained otherwise. If, until now, he believed everything he did was correct and protected freedom of speech, how could he so quickly identify the WRONG actions that restricted it? Therefore, all these “mistakes” were deliberate acts to restrict freedom of speech and censor billions of Facebook users. He imposed the “muzzles” on behalf of the “community” and removed them on his own without consulting a “community” that evidently DOES NOT exist!

For all these reasons, he must be condemned and punished. Such a conviction would have incalculable consequences, not only for him or the fate of social media but for global society as a whole …It would concern global Zionism, which currently rules the planet …It would affect the murderous Zionism, that is protected by global public opinion through the censorship imposed by social media —especially now, when the planet is “boiling” due to the massive slaughter in Ukraine, orchestrated by Zuckerberg’s “chosen one”, and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza! Unfortunately for these fascist murderers, things are not going as they would like. They have entered a dangerous “path”, and the situation will only worsen! They will pay for their arrogance and lack of restraint. “Drunk” with the absolute power they enjoyed and disregarding the rules of conspiracy, they failed to secure adequate defenses in case of failure. The result is what we see: they are “exposed” for ALL the major crimes that are currently “bleeding” humanity!

If the Jewish Zuckerberg of Facebook, along with the Jewish Brin of Google, imposed Zionist Biden of the Jewish Schumer’s party on the White House in a fascist, illegal, and coup-like manner, it means they are complicit in all their crimes. These are crimes that cost millions of lives during the rule of these coup plotters! Crimes known to have been orchestrated by Jewish conspirators in the U.S. and executed by Jewish Zelensky and Netanyahu! If one also considers their stance on the so-called “pandemic” and the execution of this crime by the Jewish Bourla, the conclusions become clear. It is easy to understand that Zuckerberg’s “salvation” is a critical issue for all of them —a major issue concerning not only social media but Zionism itself, which governs the New Order.

How Israel's 'Facebook Law' Plans to Control All Palestinian Content Online  - Politics For The People It is now evident that it is only a matter of time before they discard the LGBTQ community, the DEI’s policies, and their pro-immigration stance to save themselves, as Zuckerberg has already begun doing. He has started discarding “ballast” from the “ship”, which indicates it is about to “sink”. He must act before the situation becomes irreversible for himself and his “masters”. If the “yarn” begins to unravel, no one knows where it may lead! From the Capitol’s staged invasion to the Twin Towers attack, there are many “skeletons” hidden in the dirty “closet” of the Jews! At the same time, the authorities must be prepared to face developments and make decisions. If Zuckerberg fails to save social media under the existing regime that benefits the authorities, the authorities will have to discard the social media themselves! A survival struggle is currently underway among the powerful, and it is every man for himself!

The only line of defense Zuckerberg has at this moment is the politicization of his case! He is trying to entice Trump by offering the “services” of social media, which until now ONLY benefited the Democrats. He is trying to save social media and the law that “weaponizes” them by winking at the new “world leader” to prevent him from making devastating decisions and taking Biden’s case to court. The criminal is attempting to turn his pursuer into an accomplice with illegal “offers”. That is why he has initiated changes to Facebook’s functionality and his hypocritical support for Trump’s policies.

They fear love because it creates a... - Humanity & Peace | Facebook Meanwhile, he is trying to turn his personal case into a “political issue” that will divide society and bring it into the “game” of conflict. This is extremely difficult to achieve with the evidence available if his case is referred to regular justice! This is his ultimate fear! Simply “for the sake of appearances”, he is obliged to make some political and ideological “shots”. What kind of “shots”? …The usual Marxist ones! …The kind Marx refers to: “Do what you accuse others of allegedly attempting to do, to confuse the public”!

…You accuse Trump of wanting to politicize your case, while you are the only one benefiting from this politicization! …You talk about an act of political “persecution” and revenge while being the first to genuinely support Trump’s political persecution! …The first to back the corrupt Department of Justice and its “thug” —the FBI— in their attempt to destroy Trump politically, economically, and personally! Politically, by spreading the FBI’s “notes” about the supposed mishandling of classified documents. Economically, by disseminating inaccuracies that led to crippling fines on Trump’s businesses. Personally, by spreading rumors about the infamous extortionist porn star, whose case had no place in the public sphere.

However, at that time, Zuckerberg felt like a small “god”, pulling the “strings” and able to elevate or destroy anyone he wanted with the resources at his disposal. Now he must face the consequences of his actions! Now he tries to convince us —he, who imposed Biden on the White House— that he was forced to obey Bidens orders! He, the “puppet master” who pulled the strings of the “puppet”, now tells us with “tears” in his eyes that he had to obey its commands! EVERYONE has entered a battle of logic, a “save yourself if you can” situation! Zuckerberg “blames” Biden for what he was “forced” to do, and Biden now finds Zuckerberg’s statements and decisions disgraceful! The “gang” has “broken up”, and everyone is trying to save themselves! Zuckerberg’s END is not far from becoming the END of social media as we know it today.

For this reason, Zuckerberg rushed to promise “land and water” to his hated opponents. He seeks salvation not only for himself but for his entire “clique” …He even removed tampons from the men’s restrooms in his company. For this reason, he tolerates people like Elon Musk “sawing away” at all the “foundations” of the Zionist New World Order! Things will start to become increasingly dangerous for all these conspirators because of the revealing “sawdust” that results from this “sawing” …Very dangerous for all those who conspired against the American people and U.S. democracy! …Those who were the protagonists in all the atrocities against this people and their children! …Those who placed deviants in the schools of their children! …Those who, under the pretext of “the environment”, shut down massive industrial operations, throwing millions of Americans into unemployment! …Those who forcibly vaccinated them, treating them like mindless cattle! …Those who still keep innocents in prison to maintain the alleged “truth” of the Capitol Invasion provocation, which placed Biden in the White House.

Μαρκ Ζούκεμπεργκ - There are no more pitiful people than those who tried to play gods and, after their failure, must face the consequences of their “hubris”! This is what Zuckerberg did, and this is what he is now trying to correct! …”Too little too late”, especially in very “suspicious” times! …Times in which, especially the Zionists —who are overwhel­mingly fervent Kabbalists— should know better! Zuckerberg offers “land and water” to the wrong people, because they simply lack the power to save him. Something VERY BIG is coming, fueled by its wrath against them, supported by crimes they have already committed, and the evidence exists! …It will base its wrath on their own blackmailing materials, found in Epstein’s lists or Puff Daddy’s videos. Now, all that remains for them is the concept of punishment! …and they are merely “playing for time” in an inevitable and very harsh end!

Based on all this, we might assume that there aren’t many smiles left on the faces of those who laughed at the initial title of the article…

Panagiotis Traianou


