The “carnival” reached the farthest edge of the Western World and completed its journey.

In Los Angeles, the “king of the carnival” of the WOKE agenda was “burned”!


We live in a society of people where everything concerning it has its explanation. In this world, there are NO unexplained mysteries! The current decay of the United States, to the point of decline, is NOT coincidental! …It is a choice made by its leaders, and the people simply “pay” the heavy “price” for it daily …It is a choice that serves the interests of the few at the expense of the many. Never before in history has mediocrity been wrapped in such a “shiny”, “humanitarian”, and “civilized” package. The result is tragic. Americans have “managed” to give the opportunity to the useless and unworthy to “write” their history. While until now the history of peoples was “written” by their most powerful and “brilliant” children through their abilities and achievements, in the United States it is being “written” by the useless —with their inadequacies and mistakes—!

Not long ago, we witnessed an assassination attempt that would have drastically affected not only the history of the United States but also that of the entire world. The current elected President of the United States fell victim to an assassination attempt that his security “public servants” failed to foresee and prevent …An attempt which, had it succeeded, would mean that today we would be discussing an entirely different “trajectory” for the United States …An attempt that failed not because Trump’s protection was successful, but because the conspirators’ effort was flawed! What did that attempt reveal? The absolutely logical: That under no circumstances should positions requiring special physical attributes —crucial for societal security— be staffed based on “sensitivity” and “humanitarianism”!

Simple things, related to logic …One plus one equals two, not three or one and a half …Pilots must see like eagles …Firefighters must be strong as buffalo …Bodyguards must be as loyal as dogs. Why do we use these “picturesque” examples from the animal kingdom? Certainly not for literary reasons or to make our argument more vivid. We do it so the reader understands what “special physical attributes” mean for filling positions of special duties …“Special physical attributes” that go beyond those of the average person, whether male or female …Attributes related to the animalistic characteristics of the human species.

Five questions for the Secret Service after attack at Trump rally When we “tamper” with this logic, danger arises, and that is what the DEI agenda does. This agenda can become dangerous for the entire society! …It claims, and in the United States —for reasons we will explain— it wins a share even in these special positions. We are not talking about accountants, laborers, nurses, drivers, or gardeners …We are talking about positions where mediocrity in their staffing can endanger the entire society or parts of it.

Today’s U.S. leadership —seemingly for ideological reasons— has decided to risk the very safety of American society to impose its “agenda”! However, when you take risks, exposure is inevitable. I-ne-vi-ta-bly !!! You will appoint a lame bodyguard who will pretend to be James Bond with his dark glasses, but at some point, the threat he has been hired to avert will manifest. You will appoint an overweight person to pose as a firefighter, but at some point, a fire will break out that will force him to run and climb into a burning building.

Donald Trump defiant as assassination attempt rocks America | The National There is no way you will avoid expo­sure since the very existence of the position proves that the problem it deals with continues to exist and threatens, and it is only a matter of time before this threat materializes! …There will ALWAYS be a storm that will test the captain! What was revealed in the case of the Trump assassination attempt? …That in such a vital service for the national security of the United States, useless personnel had been placed based on criteria unrelated to the required specifications. When bullets started whizzing past the HEAD of the elected President of the United States, his bodyguards could only secure the safety of his ANKLES!

Bullets tore through the air, and some short, overweight, untrained black-clad women ran left and right like headless chickens. The physically and naturally inadequate women protecting him were untrained, instinctively trying to save themselves rather than protect the “target” from the terrorists’ shots! …The ultimate disgrace of the US “superpower”! We realize that, had the assassination attempt succeeded, today’s situation would be entirely different. The person who today represents the will of the American people simply would not exist! The person who will influence global politics of the next day simply would not exist! Today’s history is different not because his defenders succeeded but because his would-be assassins failed.

The Victims of the L.A. Fires Have Nowhere to Turn | The New Yorker Now the great disaster in Los Angeles has come to reveal once again the horrific consequences of the criminal practice of DEI mediocrity. WOKE California paid in tears and money for the ideological obsessions of its political leadership. It paid for the incompetence of a governor who pretends to be handsome and whose only con­cern is to “shield” the state from Trump politics. It paid for a mayor who became such simply because she was black and Los Angeles needed her for its WOKE “showcase”. One is a useless “product” of nepotism and the Democratic Party’s “clique”, and the other obtained her position solely because of her skin color …Both of them ZERO qualifications, they exist simply because they execute their masters’ “orders”. They took positions that genuinely require qualifications to prevent the society’s safety from being threatened.

So, when the fire broke out, everyone was exposed! …Exposed for their choices up to that point! The Governor of California, to “save” an endemic fish, did not transfer water from the northern regions to the south to shield them for their needs. The Mayor of Los Angeles, apart from being absent, was also catastrophic …She literally destroyed the city’s fire department with underfunding and understaffing. She completely dismantled it, considering that she not only reduced the funds this service needed to function but also eliminated any “standards” the service required for staffing.

Completely ignorant of the requirements of her position, she not only failed to understand that her choices were destro­ying a service vital to the safety of the local community, but she herself advertised these choices as supposed accomplish­ments! Captured by her Marxist ideology, she dismantled all the safety valves that had previously been in place. She con­si­dered everything to be “innovative” and “groundbreaking”. She appointed the first gay Fire Chief! …The first gay Deputy Fire Chief …The first gay Head of Police Personnel Staffing and Training…

…Three USELESS women took the top positions in a service of immense vital importance …Useless not because they are women, but because they are INCOMPETENT in the “field” …They do not understand its operational function! … They do not meet the qualifications required for the posi­tions they have assumed! …Graduates of WOKE Harvard, whose only “contact” with fire before their appointment to the Fire Department was lighting up some hash joint in their university dormitories …“Careerists” defined strictly by DEI standards. All lesbians, who “advanced” solely on the basis of their sexual orientation! …The primary and perhaps sole “core” of their existence! Their goal was to turn the “red” of the Los Angeles Fire Department into “pink”, as that was their “vision”! They even went so far as to deploy personnel and equipment from the Fire Department to parade in the local Gay Parade.

Free Brave firefighter standing Image | Download at StockCake Why do we call them USELESS? …Becau­se, as it turns out, they were fully aware of their inadequacy for the role of their position, but they did not care at all. All that mattered to them was promoting their ideological agenda —even at the expense of their service and, of course, public safety—. They knew they were “eroding” a service whose dysfunction could, at some point, cost human lives. They consciously operated against the “effectiveness” and “reliability” of their service. This is not speculation …They themselves revealed this at an unsu­specting moment! It is only now —due to the massive disaster, which turned into a debacle for the local Fire Department— that their past interviews regarding their “vision” for the positions they held are coming to light on social media.

What was this “vision” for those who took leadership in such a highly specia­lized and, by nature, male-dominated field? …Why male-dominated? —someone might be quick to interrupt to ask the question— …Because that serves society, which in this case needs the services of the male physique. Because a firefighter, just to begin a rescue mission, must carry over forty kilograms of equipment, which, under operational conditions, becomes even heavier when wet! …They must essentially carry a “sack of cement” just to start a rescue operation! …They must be able to run with this equipment, climb, fall and rise again, enter a blazing building with momentum, and exit it carrying an unconscious person on their back.

How many women meet these specifications? What percentage of women can meet these specifications, ensuring that society’s needs are met? The leadership of such an operational department was given to these women? What was their “vision”? To recruit the fittest and most capable men, train them to become good firefighters, and serve society? …Of course not. Their “vision” was to promote the DEI agenda …To “destroy” the “sexist” and “racist” ideal of the fit white male firefighter. That was their issue …In the name of “equality”, to recruit as many women as possible into the corps …In the name of “diversity”, to bring in as many black individuals as they could …In the name of “inclusiveness”, to “include” overweight individuals who cannot even move —to avoid accusations of discrimination— …To “include” short individuals who cannot even climb onto fire trucks —to spare their feelings— …To “include” frail individuals who cannot even lift a fire extinguisher —so they don’t feel excluded—.

This was confirmed by the person responsible for recruiting and training personnel …They want firefighters “similar” to those affected by the fire people …To “empathize” with them …To make them feel understood …They do not want a firefighter strong as an ox, who would charge into the flames and rescue anyone they find inside …They want a firefighter who will cry alongside those weeping among the ashes …Who will be equally incapable of helping those in danger as those standing helplessly by. So that those crying, unable to act, don’t feel bad! …To provide the first “comforting hug”! Beyond that —she emphasized— it’s the citizen’s fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time if that is not enough! This is exactly what she said …and she thought she had “silenced” everyone.

Anadolu Agency Captures Empty Water Reservoirs in Fire-Ravaged Los Angeles At the same time, another individual gave a similar interview. She was responsible for filling the firefighting water tanks …The tanks that were found empty at the critical moment of the fire! She too was a pioneer of DEI policies. She was the first Latina to hold this critical position. This person, who should already have been arrested and imprisoned for her criminal negligence, had her own “vision” for her role …Not to fill the tanks with water and keep the system ready to support firefighting, but to promote more women into the service! …To ensure “justice” for women through these nepotistic appointments! The absurdity is that all these crimes are being lavishly paid for by the American people! …These useless individuals, occupying such vital positions solely for their ambitions, are not doing society any “favors”. Each of them earns half a million dollars annually! …The Fire Chief and the one responsible for the tanks earn $700,000 each. They have proven incompetent only in their duties …Not in negotiating their salaries.

Millions under extreme fire weather alert as strong winds lash Southern California | National News | The results of these “suicidal” political choices are evident today. This is clearly a premeditated crime. It was only a matter of time before the criminal stupidity of this practice was revealed. Just as Pennsylvania’s bullets exposed the inadequacy of Trump’s “guard”, the flames of California exposed the inadequacy of Los Angeles’ “fire safety”. The fire broke out, and along with it, panic erupted in the “pink” leadership of the Fire Department. When the fire trucks were not wandering aimlessly —due to poor decisions— they were empty of water. Even when they managed to arrive at the fire —with water— they couldn’t operate at full capacity because the “equals” and “inclusive hires” pretending to be firefighters were untrained. The outcome? …Tragic! The fire swept over them without resistance, burning every­thing in its path. It took lives and destroyed the property of thousands of people. The U.S. literally faced damage that could only occur in a war. At this moment, Gaza is in a better state than the areas of Los Angeles that burned. All this happened because of the colorful “visions” of the political leadership of California.

Here, the reader might naturally ask the obvious. Are the Democrats so naïve that they don’t know what’s right for society’s safety, especially when it’s so evident? …They know …They definitely know …For example, we didn’t see them make the same mistakes when selecting bodyguards for Obama or Hillary …We didn’t see them hiring black trans pilots to fly their Lear jets …We didn’t see them hiring incompetents in their businesses just to satisfy DEI demands …They “played smart” against Trump and repeated the same “smartness” at the expense of California’s ordinary citizens. When it comes to themselves, they are very clever and perceptive! They only pretend to be “civilized” and “smart” at others’ expense.

Upon closer examination, we see that even in this case, they are just as clever and perceptive. Simply put, in this case, the wrong and the irrational serve their political interests, not the right and the rational. They benefit from this “mad” policy of nepotism. In this case, their interests are served by the opposite side …They profit from the incompetence of those they hire! …Political profit, but also financial gain, as we will see. This way, they can create social allies in their “battle” for power …They can separate individuals whose survival or professional success depends solely on them …They can construct the “janissaries” of the New Order. These “janissaries” are the fervent supporters of the New Order, and they are dangerous …Modern “eunuchs” who depend entirely on the favor of the ruling system. They are ruthless, as they will execute every command, no matter how much it harms society. They are dangerous because, through the positions they unjustly obtained, they will support any policy of their masters …no matter how anti-social it is.

It doesn’t matter if they are overweight, effeminate, or even caricatures like male-female “carnival” figures. They are dangerous because, with their weaknesses and needs, they form a compact social group that obeys the tyrants of society completely …A group that hates the “normal” society …A group that seeks to benefit at the expense of the capable …A group that, buried in its psychological problems —and to secure a job ensuring its survival— risks even society’s safety …That, without qualifications, takes any position that suits its “masters” …That, without qualifications, is tasked with protecting a figure who represents an “investment” for society and whom society cannot afford to lose …That, without qualifications, is tasked with extinguishing a fire, which, if it breaks out, society cannot afford to let spread. NOTHING matters to them in light of their need to survive as a “species” at the expense of the rest, whom they hate anyway and have no problem causing pain with their incompetence!

With these allies, the current political establishment of the USA proceeds. These are the ones it uses as “tools”, resulting in the “erosion” of ALL state mechanisms —not only the security services or the fire department—. No one knows today how badly the American police, for example, has deteriorated. From time to time, we see some funny videos of overweight officers unsuccessfully chasing street rogues, but the real damage inflicted on the underfunded and understaffed police force remains unknown. The same applies to the military, the border patrol, etc. Corruption has prevailed everywhere because there are always willing “peculiar” people to turn a blind eye.

Admiral Rachel Levine, US-Gesundheitsministerium : r/uniformporn

What do the Democrats aim to achieve with this “erosive” methodology? …Political and economic profit. Under the guise of supposed humanitarianism and culture, the Democrats weaken state mechanisms and impose their political agenda. For example, they weaken the border patrol through underfunding and their DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies, promoting pro-immigration policies. Using the same practices, they weaken the police, allowing illegal activities to flourish, which, however, benefit them by developing the armed paramilitary mechanisms needed for their collective security. All this allows them to monopolize power and threaten their opponents while engaging in unpre­ce­dented looting. It is no coincidence that such phenomena have their absolute development in the states tightly controlled by the Democrats: New York, Illinois, and California.

As always, when dealing with interests and profits, we seek those responsible for this destructive policy. For this reason, we initially stated that there are NO mysteries in this world. What someone can imagine is confirmed by the profits. Who would benefit the most from Trump’s useless bodyguards? …His Democratic political opponents! …The same people who imposed the WOKE agenda, placing incompetent bodyguards around him, are the ones who would benefit from their incompetence. Who stands to gain the most from the incompetence of the “Los Angelian” firefighters? If we again find the same “lucky ones”, we have what criminology calls a recurring “pattern” of operation — a methodology or operational template.

This is what we seek …The recurring “pattern” of operation imposed by these individuals. Through the policies of the Marxist Democrats, we reached today’s wartime-like destruction in Los Angeles. The underfunding of the Fire Department and metropolitan fire infra­structures, combined with the DEI “circus”, clearly yielded the result they sought. What we witnessed did NOT happen by chance; it was deliberate! The question is to understand what political or economic benefit they sought from this destruction. We don’t need to search long because, besides being incompetent, they are overconfident and “verbose”. Judging by the words of California’s Democratic Governor, they already drafted grandiose construction plans for the burned area! …Plans drafted long before the fire …Plans drawn up when Los Angeles secured the Olympics and some dreamed of billions in real estate profits! Were they prophets or conspirators when they decided on these plans? Since prophets don’t exist, they were likely criminal conspirators.

These criminals targeted billions of dollars in profits. Billions that can only come from real estate require large buildings with many apartments. It did not benefit them to “waste” land in such a valuable and in such high demand corner of the USA. They found single-family homes, even if they were palatial, unprofitable—especially if they didn’t own them. They dreamed of vacant lots to build on from scratch without partners. They sought to upgrade residential zoning from simple R1 to R3, enabling high-density apartment construction. This isn’t merely a supposition. The Governor of California publicly revealed it! We don’t speculate because we’re conspiracy theorists but because the conspirator himself confessed it. According to his statements, there are already “investors” eager to buy the burned land from the devastated owners to start construction on a “blank slate”, without partners. The same thing they did in Maui —as the Governor confessed, dancing— was to exploit the massive demand expected for the Olympic Games. This is precisely what he implied with the term “Marshall Plan” …A plan to address the situation through centralized state authority …A plan for crea­ting a Los Angeles 2.0, which nobody knew existed and certainly nobody requested.

We realize, therefore, that the DEI agenda serves as a “tool” for some. This is what readers should take away from this text. Some conduct “business” with the unsuitable and inadequate at society’s expense. They exploit their weaknesses to serve their plans. They place them in critical state positions to “paralyze” the system at will. It’s akin to someone wanting to rob a vault while having the authority to appoint its guard. What’s more “humanitarian”, “sensitive”, and “civilized” than appointing a guard who is lame, deaf, and blind?

This is precisely what the DEMOCRATS and the Zionists hiding behind them did with the DEI hiring policies. Wherever they want to “weaken” state mechanisms, they “invest” in their DEI “chosen ones”. Wherever they wish to exploit the state’s errors and delays, they “push” incompetent individuals into decision-making centers, thereby exploiting their ineptitude, which translates into the state’s ineffectiveness. They even secure a “façade” of “humanitarianism” and “culture” through this policy. They gain fanatical allies among those who, in any other normal society, would simply be doing other jobs. They also secure the allegiance of their families. It’s a win-win scenario …And no one understands what’s happening!

However, this “fairy tale” seems destined to “burn” in the fires of Los Angeles …It will “burn” because it could become the “drop” that overflows the “cup”! The victims of this disaster are not poor and uneducated Hawaiians …They are part of the US social elite. They wield economic power and immense social influence, considering the names of those who lost their homes in the disaster. People like Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Crystal, etc. If they realize that some “investors” set the fires and turned their lives to ashes simply for profit, there will be rapid developments. It’s certain that they are too wealthy to let Zionist funds like those of Fink and Buffett “sweep” their land without resistance.

Blackrock has already begun making offers to the devastated owners to buy their plots …The same Blackrock of Fink that “burned” Maui to seize the land of the natives. Now, they’re repeating the same in California. The critical difference in this case is that their victims are not as weak as they are accustomed to dealing with. They are too wealthy to let the same people who “invested” in Gaza —before it was leveled by Israeli tanks— do the same in Los Angeles. They are too connected to allow Blackrock to turn them into naïve Ukrainians stripped of their assets. Whatever the Zionist fund “investors” have in mind, it will cost them dearly.

What’s important is that this disaster marks the “end of the road”. It’s a clear “own goal”, as the greedy Zionist beasts fiercely attacked their own protectors …They viciously attacked individuals as powerful as themselves, which will destroy them. The Zionist Jews attacked their American “hosts”! Schumer’s, Blinken’s, Soros’, Fink’s, Zuckerberg’s, and other Jewish usurers’ party became intoxicated by its greed and disrespected the boundaries concerning its own safety. The usurers shot themselves in the foot.

The fire in Los Angeles, painful as it is for some of our fellow humans, has a liberating character for the “intoxicated” American society. It resembles the ritual fire of a wild, uncontrolled “performance” that ends with the “fire” of “purification”, grounding everyone in reality …It resembles, for example, the fire that signals the end of “Carnival” with the burning of the “Carnival King”. This is precisely what happened in Los Angeles …The “Carnival King” of the WOKE agenda and the DEI policy “burned”! …The absolute failure of the incompetent and the useless revealed those hiding behind them. Instead of serving them, they will destroy them. The DEI joke must eventually end because it costs lives and has enormous economic and social repercussions. The fires in Los Angeles represent the final burning of the “Carnival King” of the WOKE agenda.


Panagiotis Traianou
