The “closet” with the “skeletons” has been opened!…
…The Director of the “criminal” FBI has resigned…
For many months —before the U.S. elections— we insisted in our writings that the U.S. would face significant problems if Trump won the elections …Elections that would be won by this SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL and not the party he theoretically represents! …In reality, Trump’s victory is a defeat for BOTH major U.S. parties! …For the parties with their institutional “semi-state” role that monopolize power. Thus, the defeat of this “monopoly” of power is equivalent to a regime change, which a system cannot easily handle. That is the crux of the matter. These elections had the significance of a “referendum” concerning the choice of a regime, surpassing the typical characteristics of a simple electoral process focused on selecting individuals to manage power.
This happened because there is NO democracy in the U.S.! In the U.S., a MARXIST DICTATORSHIP prevails, where the one-party system of the socialist model of governance has been replaced with a superficial “facade” of bipartisanship! With absolute control over this bipartisanship, the result is the same! …A MARXIST DICTATORSHIP. Over the past decades, the U.S. has been governed by a hidden, unelected “POLITBURO” that unilaterally decided on all American policies outside of legitimate democratic procedures, indifferent to who would appear every four years as its “Caesar” or, even more so, as its “Father Stalin”.
From the time this began —with the Kennedy assassination and its subsequent “formalization” by the deplorable Kissinger under Nixon’s corrupt administration— their operating model has not changed! …An elected president was overthrown with bullets, and the coup plotters changed the regime while retaining only its democratic “facade”. From the moment the “puppet” Johnson was sworn in as President, power was removed from the hands of the people’s “elect”. From then on, an extralegal “directorate” of bankers and usurious “investors” decided everything without accountability! Using the literally OWNED Democratic Party as a “vehicle”, Zionist usurers have done and continue to do whatever they please without oversight. The U.S. has, quite literally, become an empire “conquered” by Bolsheviks and outlaws!
The success of these “pirates” was based on money and a large-scale class conspiracy—a favorite “game” of Marxism …A conspiracy fueled by competition, conflicting existing interests, and friction between social classes. This conspiracy of power “pirates” relied on class complicity, granting privileges to the bourgeoisie at the expense of all other social classes. Those who became famous as “anti-authoritarians”, driving class “struggles” to the brink of armed conflict —which they called “revolution”— became the worst “authoritarians”, mastering the art of orchestrating this “struggle” to benefit the bourgeoisie. These “pirates”, with their wealth —primarily “laundered” drug dollars— successfully manipulated the bourgeois accomplices, cunningly taking control of the American state. They controlled which politicians, regardless of party, staffed the two main houses of Congress. Regardless of who theoretically was “Speaker of the House”, the “House” always passed laws that suited them because those who voted “YEA” or “NAY” were their “puppets”.
By controlling the media and campaign sponsorships, they alone decided who entered Congress, completely indifferent to who served as the “facade” of power in the White House. They reached the point of “deifying” Biden, even when symptoms of Alzheimer’s could no longer be concealed! …To the extent of putting people with brain injuries in Congress, such as Democratic Senator Fetterman! …Or having McConnell lead the “Republicans” despite spending most of the day disconnected from his surroundings!
By controlling the main legislative and supervisory body of American governance, they had established the perfect DICTATORSHIP. It was perfect because it lacked the typical flaws of DICTATORSHIPS …They managed to imbue it with all the formal characteristics of “Democracy”, disabling all the known “alarms” of such systems. Not only did it appear as a “Democracy”, but it also “exported” its “know-how” worldwide! …The perfect “facade” of a COMPLETELY FASCIST system. It operated with all the formal elements of a Democracy, but without actually being one! …A perfect “bicycle” that remained stationary no matter how hard you pedaled, simply because it lacked a “chain”! Theoretically, the people, as sovereigns, decided who would govern them, but in reality, they were “trapped” within the options provided by the fascists.
The entrapment was absolute because the bourgeoisie betrayed them. The educated elites of the nation, theoretically the “mind” of the people —who, through the “filters” of their knowledge, should decide who would be placed on the “throne”— were complicit with the “pirates”! The result was democratic “proletariat”! …A MARXIST FASCISM with a perfect “facade”! The usurious financiers of Karl Marx were ecstatic because their “investment” after many decades had yielded absolute returns. The American people were trapped, and the outcome of every election was always in their favor! …The “mind” simply legitimized their choices! The “virus” of the DICTATORSHIP was perfect because it had managed to control this “mind” …It had “intoxicated” it with salaries and privileges …It had “confused” the entire “immune system” of Democracy, including its defensive “antibodies”.
In this very perfection lies the ultimate conspiracy against the American people. The original “virus” of the Zionist Marxists had multiplied, producing additional “viruses” that spread throughout the “body” of Democracy, infecting it. The Zionist usurers, with their money, “sickened” the bourgeoisie, which then dominated all other social classes. The fascists, controlling the two major U.S. parties, created the perfect conditions for a conspiracy against the people and the polity! With the few bullets that killed Kennedy, they conquered the entire U.S. and divided it among their accomplices. This conspiracy relied on the overproduction of pathological “viruses” …The “overproduction” of Colleges! …The “overproduction” of “incubators” for parasitic bourgeoisie! …The “overproduction” of “factories” of Marxists like Marcuse! Millions of idle, unskilled, parasitically trained “scientists” in nonexistent “sciences” had dispersed throughout society, influencing the judgment of the American people by virtue of their “status”.
They intentionally created a multitude of new “pseudo-sciences” to differentiate their “chosen ones” from other workers officially, distinctly, and institutionally …To grant them “degrees” as worthless and easy to earn as a “paper napkin”, which nonetheless set them apart from ordinary workers. They filled cities and villages with Colleges as “baptismal fonts” for the bourgeoisie. In this way, they ensnared all of the U.S. into the “trap” of the bipartisan shadow state of THE SAME usurers! This is why they subsidized the funneling of millions of students through Colleges. A funneling that, according to the Jewish Democrat Sanders, should be intensified even further! …To provide even more student loans so more young Americans could pretend to be students and then “crawl” outside the party offices of the “Sanders” for job placement.
…Sociologists, political scientists, managers, economists, psychologists, marketers, publicists, communication experts, advertisers, journalists …”Scientists” without a real scientific subject …”Professionals” without specialization …Experts in fraud and deception …Trained “parasites” by parasitism specialists …”Pacifists” of marijuana and lethargy …”Professional” Marxist bourgeois! …Fools with political ambitions like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Fetterman becoming “role models” of success for countless “scientists”.
One and a half trillion dollars is the “balance” of the costs of their “construction”, as this is the amount owed in non-performing student loans by people who have no profession to repay them. These characteristics bound them inseparably and absolutely to the power system and the choices of its main representative, which has always been the Democratic Party …The Democratic Party, which, completely irrationally and illegally, wanted to forgive these loans …To “treat” them to the great “hit” of college life with taxpayers’ money! …The bill to the “suckers”! Its aim through this illegal choice was to favor them simply because IT EXPLOITS THEM!!!…
…These are the partisan “army” of the Democratic Party …The useful “shepherd dogs” permanently used to “herd” the “sheep” into the bipartisan “pens” …The useless, uneducated, and lazy high school graduates who, after finishing school, didn’t want to work and financed the “sweet” college life with student loans, specializing in “NOTHING”! These were the “constructed” janissaries of the Democratic Party! …The modern “proletariat” of the Colleges! …The ardent fans and admirers of Obama and Clinton! …Those who took loans to become “proletarians”! …Those who, even in their utter poverty, would support this party regardless of its choices! …So, no one should wonder how they “didn’t see” Kamala’s inadequacy in the recent elections! …They are the same ones who “didn’t see” how “finished” Biden was! …How useless Obama was or how criminal Hillary was!
Always obedient to the commands and directives of the party, like the most fervent Bolshevik Marxists! Always ready to take to the streets with bats and knives, pretending to be Antifa and BLM, or with “garters” to march in Pride parades! Always ready to “serve” their “masters” as “guides” of society …Democrats, Republicans, Whites, Blacks, ILLEGAL immigrants, Latinos, workers, farmers—all potential “clients” and “flocks” to be “led” wherever the power system benefited. As long as the system didn’t equate their wages with those of workers and the “lowly” “plebs”, they would support campaigns like those for Ukraine, the “justice” of Gaza’s butcher, or Woke “parades”. Why? …Simply to benefit personally …To have their student loans forgiven …To get free doses of drugs …To get new loans to continue idling …To secure sinecures from the country’s largest “employer”. These were the supporters of the MARXIST DICTATORSHIP of American bipartisanship! These were the conspirators with the government against the workers or farmers of the country! The bourgeois “filth” covered the entire American “body”, preventing it from reacting and claiming its freedom.
However, for such a DICTATORSHIP to function, an organized paramilitary mechanism is required …A mechanism capable of threatening, terrorizing, blackmailing, trapping, and —if necessary— killing rebellious citizens! …That is, what the Marxist Gestapo did in Nazi Germany, the Marxist KGB in the Soviet Union, or the Marxist STASI in East Germany! …A fear-producing mechanism that relies on information against citizens! …A mechanism that monitored society and collected information on those who opposed it! This mechanism for the Marxist DICTATORSHIP of the USA has always been the FBI …The FBI was the one illegally gathering information about American citizens and politicians. It was the one that terrorized, threatened, and blackmailed them. It was the one that entrapped them or collected information that could entrap them. Part of this mechanism was “exposed” with the scandals of Epstein and Puff Daddy.
This perfectly organized mechanism ran the USA for the last few decades. When such a “perfect” fascist mechanism operates with absolute security for its “masters” ONLY under the condition of maintaining its “airtightness”, we understand the risk when a “hole” opens somewhere …It is threatened by the ostensible democratic processes when these, due to errors and oversights, “invalidate” its strategic choices! …It is threatened when, for whatever reason, people unqualified and uninvolved occupy key positions in its power mechanism. It is not necessarily threatened by declared enemies attempting to harm it. It is also threatened by unqualified individuals who don’t know what to do and, of course, don’t know how to keep secrets …It is threatened by the chatter of people who are not “sworn” to the “omertà” of gangs.
When we said there was a risk to American power in the event of a defeat of the monopolistic bipartisan system —even if this is called a “Trump victory”— this is what we referred to …To the case where the ostensible process of democratic elections destroys the “airtightness” of the fascist design …Where it “invalidates” the class conspiracy that protected the bipartisan DICTATORSHIP …In the case where the “cry” of people’s anguish and pain prevails over the “voice” of the media and the precise “retransmission” of the “educated” from the Colleges. This is what finally happened! The ruined industrialists, bankrupt artisans, unemployed workers, impoverished farmers, desperate livestock farmers, panicked housewives, and all self-employed small professionals went “en masse” to the polls and punished the comfortable Marxist conspirators! Along with them, they punished all the “fools” of the Woke agenda and the “carnivals” of the LGBTQ community, who are the most fervent supporters of the MARXIST Democratic Party.
American society had been “simmering” within its problems in recent years, and this was a natural evolution of things. It was only a matter of time before it reached “explosion” unless someone stopped this “boil”, which had become uncontrollable. The wild “party” of “highs” and stupidity would eventually be stopped by those who “paid” for it …The American people had sent their “message”. Trump’s victory was by no means a bolt from the blue. The ruling class had been warned by the people of their intentions, but intoxicated by their arrogance, they ignored it! They didn’t realize it was only a matter of time before the WOKE bipartisan political system became a “humiliated” BUD LIGHT that no one would “buy” anymore.
This commercial-type electoral “boycott” was what we saw in the last elections …The once all-powerful mechanism of bipartisan “Junta” of Zionists and their beloved bourgeois lost the elections. What seemed impossible a few years ago became reality because the people wanted to punish the arrogance of power and the “kleptocracy” of the American political system. The fascist bipartisanship literally lost the contest to an INDEPENDENT candidate! …A candidate who officially faced not only the Democratic Party, the FBI, social media, the mainstream media, and the billions of dollars of their usurious owners but also most of the party he theoretically represented!…
…He faced the entire “deep state” and its “tools”, with the FBI at the forefront. The FBI played a very dirty role throughout this confrontation. During Biden’s entire tenure —and with the “blessings” of the Zionist usurers— the FBI relentlessly pursued Trump in every possible way and for every conceivable reason, ultimately aiming to exclude him from the elections …The goal was to brand him as a “criminal”, legally barring him from participating in the elections. He was accused of mishandling —at a criminal level— classified government documents. He was accused of business fraud. They tried in every possible way to discredit and slander him in the eyes of his millions of American supporters. He was directly portrayed as a new Hitler, someone who threatened democracy with “secret” plans “revealed” by the FBI, plans accompanied by mysterious codes.
Now the difficult times begin. The people sent a “deafening” message that even the “deaf” heard. The “junta” of the Democratic Party hit a “wall” and will now struggle to save its key “tools”. The entire U.S. political system is currently backed into a “corner”, and the worst part is that the “keys” to the deep state have been exposed for public view! The equivalent “keys” of the KGB or Stasi were never —due to “Democracy”— left in uncontrolled hands! …In such cases, these “keys” are destroyed and not handed over. They are completely destroyed, as the Stasi spent months doing when the Berlin Wall fell! But in the U.S., this pseudo-democracy cannot allow such a thing, and therein lies the great danger to the U.S.-regime. The “wall” has fallen in the U.S., but the FBI cannot erase the dangerous evidence it
The “hole” in the American “ship” has now opened, and no one knows where the handover of the FBI’s “keys” to people outside the deep state will lead. These are people who are not initiated into the conspiracy. This is an unprecedented situation, affecting not only the U.S. but the entire world. It is a global concern because American policies, conducted with these “keys”, served the “invisible” Politburo, which profited from worldwide massacres! This is a situation that placed all American politicians, who decided on such policies, under a regime of blackmail. A situation that spread corruption across all nations!
Trump’s victory opened “doors” and “windows” where there should have been solid “walls”! Every day, unpleasant developments begin to unfold for the DICTATORS of the U.S. These are both unpleasant and unprecedented because they cannot defend themselves! Democracy, even in its miserable form, has “tied” their hands! This is not a regime change like in East Germany, where the destruction of files and records was justifiable. This is supposedly a simple leadership change WITHIN THE SAME DEMOCRATIC regime, meaning those who broke the law until now are at risk and cannot “erase” the “traces” of their crimes! That’s what this is about! …No one can send armed forces to guard the FBI’s records until they are destroyed to prevent their transfer to the next administration and, through them, to public view.
There are legal consequences for the specific director because he previously, under oath before a congressional committee, categorically denied the existence of such agents. Why could this personal issue of a corrupt official escalate into a MAJOR National Issue? …Simply because this fact will “reopen” the case of the Capitol “insurrectionists” …It will remove “obstacles” and allow full “visibility” into “murky” situations …It will pave the way for new investigations into the actual events, as thousands of videos from the invasion will be examined to determine the role of specific individuals …Individuals who, until now, went unnoticed because they were not linked to the FBI and posed as “angry” citizens in the mob …Individuals who, through the videos, can easily be shown to have played a pivotal role in inciting the mob to invade the Capitol …Individuals directly tied to Pelosi, then the Democratic Speaker of the House …Individuals whose existence Wray categorically denied! This is how a criminal offense by the corrupt director becomes a MAJOR National Issue!
Also resulting from this situation and the fear engulfing the U.S. “deep state” is the request of Republican Liz Cheney for a presidential pardon similar to Hunter Biden’s! Why is she desperately seeking this pardon? …Because she was the head of the congressional committee investigating the “January 6th Insurrection”. She was the “Republican” investigating a case that supposedly disempowered a “like-minded” candidate and therefore her own party …The so-called “Republican” responsible for imprisoning innocent people to politically destroy her supposed ally, Trump, is now anxious about her “survival”. The daughter of the notorious warmonger and former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney…The “Republican” who, in the recent elections, did everything she could to support the Democratic Kamala Harris campaign …The so-called “Republican” who, before the elections, spread through media “puppets” the rumor that she would be the future Attorney General in Harris’ Democratic government …The one who was being groomed as a successor to the corrupt Garland and head of the FBI.
Her ambitions were logical, as the Zionist “Politburo”, which both she and her father had faithfully served, “owed” her. She, as head of the committee investigating the insurrection, offered her party identity as “collateral” for the credibility of the “supra-party” committee. All the “credit” went exclusively to the Democrats, who reaped all the benefits of the coup-like provocation at no cost! Her malice and bias in the case concerning the democratic functioning of the U.S. and the fate of hundreds of citizens who ended up in prison for her “bosses’” political games will not be forgotten. Today, this vile politician is accused of concealing, altering, and in many cases destroying evidence!
Now, however, she is in danger, as it is proven that she herself “set up” the witness to provide false testimony, and this constitutes a felony! Leaked messages demonstrate this conclusively! Cheney and the witness Cassidy Hutchinson exchanged phone messages, which is the very definition of illegality in judicial-type investigations. Cheney is now at risk for violating federal law 18 USC 1512, which pertains to witness tampering and perjury. We are talking about a felony because we all understand the consequences of such actions. All these lies —taken to a ludicrous degree— had tragic consequences for some people.
Trump’s election victory terrified all of them! Out of this fear, they began to concoct “escape” scenarios! …They started leaking the “information” that Trump intended to sign an “Act of Pardon” for the “invaders” to release them. Why did they do this? …To create conditions for “offsetting” blame so that they too could save themselves! They wanted to portray them as “gang collaborators” of a fascist who would release them using his authority. Just as Hitler did in the past with his associates who were in prison. This is why they connected the victims of this political CONSPIRACY from the outset with the Hunter Biden case and the concept of “political pardon”.
They wanted to embed in the public’s consciousness that they had done their “job” correctly …That they were right to imprison all those fascists …That they were real criminals and not victims of political CONSPIRACY …Criminals who would simply be released by their “boss” …Criminals who would “escape” justice due to the election result …Trump would “release” them but NOT “exonerate” them, since the President is not a judge! …A “pardon” that would supposedly “counterbalance” Biden’s disgrace over his son’s issue! …Balancing the useful with the enjoyable! …A maliciously crafted scheme. With the “release”, all legal matters concerning them would cease, and their files would be archived! The Democrats would “get rid of” the investigation into the January 6th CONSPIRACY while simultaneously “staining” Trump by implicating him in an unethical game of “trade-offs”.
This is not an arbitrary conclusion …This was “revealed” through the actions of Schumer himself, who knows the truth, when he tried in every way to prevent Tucker Carlson from releasing videos proving their innocence …and the truth, as we saw from the beginning, did not interest him at all! …Schumer, the Zionist, was not at all bothered that innocent citizens were in prison! …What bothered him unbearably was the leakage of evidence exposing this injustice and identifying Pelosi and the FBI as conspirators and “Enemies of the State”! …Evidence that clearly implicated the corrupt Pelosi, who spearheaded the “setup” of the “siege” of the Capitol, for which she was responsible for security …Evidence that clearly implicated FBI Director Chris Wray, who orchestrated the provocation, as well as Cheney, the “investigator”, who concealed it. Ordinary citizens suffered in prison, and the games of corrupt politicians and officials did not stop for a single moment!
They have every interest in being tried because, based on the existing evidence and thousands of hours of surveillance footage, their acquittal is certain! …They have an interest in their acquittal because it establishes the right to demand compensation from those who unjustly imprisoned them! …”Pardon”, in the case of Trump, means “cover-up”, and we do not believe that Trump would so greatly wrong his supporters! “Pardon” means both moral and material harm to them. So, why would Trump expose himself with such a decision and “waste” his supreme “Right” as President of the United States when he can simply expedite their trial, which will bring them the same result as the Pardon? …It’s others who should fear such a public trial, not the imprisoned “insurrectionists”! Beyond that, suspending their detention until their trial is within his power to offer, but that is entirely different from the concept of “Pardon”!
TRUMP MUST characterize the issue of the “Capitol Invasion” as an “Urgent Matter of the Highest National Priority” and set its resolution in motion! …He must seek accountability not only for the Invasion but also for the concealment of evidence related to it and its exploitation during Biden’s term! If this “invasion” was a provocation by conspirators like Pelosi, Garland, and Chris Wray, they should go to prison! If people like Schumer or Cheney not only knew the truth but also falsified evidence for political gain —leaving people to suffer in prison— they too should go to prison! …Entire families were destroyed for the criminal political games of these individuals! Along with them, ALL false witnesses who lied to the Investigative Committee, resulting in innocent people paying the price, should also be imprisoned!
TRUMP IS OBLIGED to do this because he “owes” it to them! All these people who suffered to defend his cause and found themselves defenseless in prison because it served a deep state they never believed would be so cruel and unjust to its citizens. TRUMP MUST depoliticize the case and hand it over intact to the regular Justice System! …To take the case out of the “hands” of unreliable bipartisan politicians and deliver it intact to the regular Justice System and professional Judges …To remove any political “coloration”, ensuring no doubts about the trial, whatever the outcome of Justice …To leave no suspicion of political manipulation aimed at corresponding political gain! …To appoint a scientific supra-party committee of distinguished legal experts —from the most reputable law schools in the country— as observers and make it a “Lesson in Democracy” for future generations!
And to think that the real problems for the “deep state” don’t end with this dreadful case. The real problems haven’t even started yet! …Terrifying problems, considering that Chris Wray, upon his resignation, left the “keys” to America’s “closet” of “skeletons” on his desk. The “void” left by Wray’s resignation is extremely dangerous for the American deep state, and this does not concern only the U.S.! …The revelation of the “skeletons” in America’s “closet” concerns the entire Planet and, for this reason, it should become a universal demand! …It concerns the whole Planet because wars that cost millions of human lives and are currently raging across all corners of the globe may be rooted in the blackmail of politicians! …Blackmail based on classified files managed by the FBI …Blackmailing by powerful political and military interests targeting corrupt and depraved politicians!
Hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians would be alive today if we had timely knowledge of Clinton’s real relationship with Epstein! …Thousands of children in Gaza would still be alive if we had known what exactly linked Obama with Puff Daddy! If, for instance, the criminal handling of the “Capitol Invasion” was orchestrated to bring the Democrats back into the White House, then the equally criminal handling of pedophile lists was done to ensure the policies this White House would pursue. If the Epstein scandal had been revealed legally and in due time, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved!…
…Thousands of lives could have been saved, lives “lost” due to orders issued from a “blackmailed” White House! This is about legal proceedings because, in both these cases, we are referring to COMMON CRIMINAL OFFENSES! In such situations, the concept of “secrecy” due to national interests DOES NOT APPLY! …There are no “secrets” or “classified information” when dealing with secret agents who deliberately and systematically led people to breach barricades to storm the Capitol …There are no “secrets” or “classified information” when it involves citizens participating in pedophilic orgies! …People commit crimes, and people must be punished! …NO ONE can invoke “National Interest” or “State Confidentiality” in such cases!
The fact that Epstein and Maxwell were criminal pedophiles should have been made public, and along with them, all their “accomplices”! The claim that these depraved individuals were simultaneously agents of Mossad —and therefore their blackmailing served Mossad’s interests— is a collateral consequence. The crime, however, cannot be concealed because of such collateral consequences! Who has access to Maxwell’s “blockbuster” video productions? Who can guarantee us that Netanyahu isn’t fearlessly implementing his criminal policies in Palestine because he has videos of all the “prominent” passengers on Epstein’s flights? If Mossad possesses videos of Clinton, Obama, Hillary, or Biden, who will check Netanyahu, who oversees Mossad? If Mossad has videos of all British princes who were Epstein’s “travel companions”, who in London will refuse Britain’s involvement in the war in Ukraine?
These archives lead to another “tail” with international ramifications …They implicate all nations, not just the U.S., where these crimes occurred. For years, these individuals engaged in the GRAND CRIME of pedophilia without any interference. A victim’s complaint about this vast criminal activity was necessary to start unraveling this “thread”! Given that no one interfered, the immediate question arises: “Where did they find the children to commit these heinous crimes?” …There had to be a “pool” of children available for abduction— as many as they wanted, whenever they wanted— to perpetrate their crimes. And again, the “skeletons” lie in the same “closet”! It is absolutely certain that the FBI knows where these children were found to be raped, killed, or dismembered for “parts”!
That is where the “terrible things” will happen, as the FBI must “explain” to its new Administration how, during Biden’s tenure, 400,000 ILLEGAL immigrant children “disappeared”! Since children cannot “vanish” magically, it is certain that the FBI knows exactly what happened to them and their fate! Then, the “universe” will collapse because these children sustained the “factory” of political, economic, artistic, intellectual, and social elite blackmail in the U.S. …These children were the “fuel” for everyone’s entanglement in the “blackmail networks” …The abuse of these children was, for some, their “passport” to fame and fortune! This “passport” may now become a “burden”, dragging them down to the “bottom” and to prisons.
The breaking of this “abscess” will undoubtedly shake American society to its core. Famous individuals, who flaunt the title of “Philanthropists” in their biographies —and thus beyond suspicion— will be irreparably exposed. Why has the arrogant and verbose Bill Gates disappeared? Why did he donate fifty million dollars to ensure Harris’s election? What did he need to “buy”, apart from “omertà”? Why did his wife divorce him, linking the separation to his “coziness” with Epstein? Alongside him, others as well. This is why other “prominent” Americans are beginning to abandon the “burning” ship like rats! Where is the “all-knowing” Oprah? Where is the “sensitive” DeGeneres? …All are now “queued” up to be “remembered” by Biden for a “Pardon”! From the list of officials currently —persistently and anxiously— seeking “Pardons”, one can understand exactly where the deep state is “exposed” and who is seeking guarantees to leave their governmental positions.
Until Trump’s inauguration, the situation will remain dangerous, as the deep state will attempt to regain its strength and control by any means, even illegal. It will invoke all possible and improbable reasons —national, social, political, ideological, military, economic— to prevent the leak of threatening information buried in FBI drawers. The Marxist Junta of the Democrats —as openly and blatantly revealed by the “defeated” Kamala and the “behind-the-scenes” Obama— will continue its “fight” for political survival even after Trump’s inauguration. Trump’s electoral victory marks the beginning of a great “war”, not its end! This is the beginning of a “war” in which the deep state will simply have to fight for its survival, this time without all the tools at its disposal. Already —as we see— this Junta is winning some “battles” in a “war” where nothing has yet been decided!…
…Victory of the deep state is the escalation of the conflict with Russia beyond any reasonable limits …Victory of the deep state is the “blind” support of the murderer Netanyahu, who in just a few months killed tens of thousands of children and destroyed all the neighboring states of Israel. Victory of the deep state is the non-condemnation by the U.S. of the criminal Netanyahu …Victory of the deep state is the appointment of the warmonger and pro-Zionist Marco Rubio as the successor to Zionist Blinken …Victory of the deep state is the appointment of the Jew Kushner as Ambassador to Paris …Victory of the deep state is the “pardon” of Hunter
However, despite all these “peripheral” victories, the final outcome has not been secured for the fascists. The “mother of all battles” will revolve around the “closet” of “skeletons”! …Around the filing cabinets of the American “STASI”! Why? …Because if these “skeletons” come to light, ALL the previous victories of the deep state will simply mean nothing! ALL the ephemeral victors will go straight into the “trash”! A SINGLE video of pedophilia involving an important figure of Zionism or American politics would render all these small tactical victories meaningless! …A SINGLE video starring Clinton or Obama, for example!
We understand, therefore, that this battle directly concerns ALL of us because its outcome will determine international politics! What the Democratic Party did in the U.S. to “conquer” it, served as the “guide” for what all Marxist-type parties governing Western states did in recent decades. If this “guide” party collapses in the U.S. —due to its defeat in the recent elections— it will drag down similar parties in all countries! It is clear that the fate of the “tool” that allowed the Marxist “priesthood” of the U.S. to blackmail and threaten everyone to impose its policies, concerns ALL of us. Let someone recall which leaders hated and accused Trump in the West, and they will understand who this situation concerns and frightens. Betrayals, corruption, drugs, wars, ILLEGAL immigration—these are the “skeletons” in a “closet” that is now “open” and will become the ultimate “prize” of this tremendous clash …The most significant “prize” in human history!
The outcome of this clash will determine whether the Marxist “politburo” of the New Order will continue to have the ability to blackmail and threaten the utterly corrupt international political elite. Its outcome will decide whether and to what extent the undeclared “Opium War” —launched by the Zionists against Christianity after 1962— will continue. Its outcome will determine the global drug trade, which has always been controlled by the FBI and CIA and has “infected” all of humanity. Its outcome will decide whether the “protection” of the “paradises” hiding the dirty money of global corruption, which has destroyed all states and handed them over to Zionist usurer “creditors”, will persist. Its outcome will decide whether the human slaughter scheduled across the planet will continue. Its outcome will determine whether the Zionist beasts —like Netanyahu or Zelensky— will continue to “bleed” humanity with impunity …Whether the usury beasts —like Fink, Buffett, or Bloomberg— will keep profiting from human corpses …Whether the “man-eating” beasts —like Soros— will keep sending “shiploads” of human souls wherever “meat” is needed for the “slaughter”…
…THIS CONFLICT CONCERNS US ALL and WE ALL need to be INFORMED about its outcome!!!
The world is changing at tremendous speed, and the Marxist “proletarians” of the New Order, the WEF, and the Bilderberg Group will soon face their victims!
The END of the New Order is inevitable because the bourgeois class —in which it invested— will “die” from overgrowth and “hypertrophy”! This always happens in nature when “measure” and control are lost! When the “parasite” becomes bigger than what its “host” can sustain —and they clash for survival— the “parasite” always “dies”, because it cannot sustain itself independently and with its own resources!
The NEW ORDER is “dying” before our very eyes!
The victory cries of Trump are simply the noisy death “rattle” of its demise!
Panagiotis Traianou