…The victory that changes everything in the global “swamp”!
The Zionists themselves created the “Hydra” that will devour them!
The failed assassination attempt created a “monster” that is difficult to confront!
Now, there’s no point even in assassinating him anymore!
The U.S. elections are over, but some people, it seems, refuse to accept the results. The question now is something else! …Trump won the election …But will he take power? …Will the defeated accept to hand over real power in the United States? …The two major “losers” of the Democratic Party have left us with a question: …Both, Kamala Harris and Gwen Walz, stated that “the fight continues”! …What “fight”, and why does it continue? …What exactly is being implied? …What does “the fight continues” mean? …Is there some parallel activity unfolding “behind” the electoral process that we are unaware of? …In a democracy, don’t elections “end the fight” once the will of the people is reflected in the ballot box? …If Trump has taken the first “step” in this ongoing fight by winning the election, must he take another step to secure the power that the system envisions? …Do those who lost the election have a second “chance” to resist the transfer of power?…
Within this same spirit of a mysterious continuation of the “fight” to RETAIN POWER by the Democrats, come the statements of Trump Jr. According to his statements and allegations, Biden, just days before transferring power —and thus acting as an “irrelevant” figure— is changing his approach from de-escalation of tensions in Ukraine to pursuing dangerous “paths” …He is escalating the war tensions in Ukraine, which “coincidentally” benefit the Zionist financiers of ALL U.S. political players. This benefits the Jewish Zelensky, but above all, it benefits the infamous criminal against humanity, the Jew Netanyahu!
Why did the now “irrelevant” Biden give the “green light” to the criminal Zelensky to bomb even Moscow with American weapons? Why did he do this, especially as his presidency ends in failure? …Why is he trying to entangle the U.S. in a military adventure, creating, at best, a “commitment” for the next administration? We say “at best” because —amid the warlike atmosphere created by the dangerous Russian “bear”— he could “be forced” to declare martial law and indefinitely postpone the transfer of power! …An “indefinitely”, which, with a single bullet to Trump’s head, could become “salvation” for those who today do not wish to relinquish power to the winner of the elections! Is he also continuing a “fight” on behalf of the Democrats after the elections?
This is what we understand from the emphatic statements of the defeated women and, of course, from Trump Jr.’s allegations. But this means that even after the elections, nothing is truly over. This is natural because —in reality, for reasons we will explain— the U.S. CANNOT smoothly transfer power between electoral rivals! What’s the problem? …The problem is that the Zionist dictators of the U.S. DO NOT want to hand over power! …They CANNOT hand it over to someone outside their “circle” because, after such a transfer, they themselves risk ending up in jail. Over the years, they have established a fascist deep state, whose power and operation are based on illegal practices. It could survive thanks to an “omertà” akin to organized mafia syndicates …An operation rooted in a vast “industry” of blackmail, threats, and terror!
They were the masters of everything. A mere disagreement could end even the brightest political career in an instant. All it took was for the Zionist Directorate of the U.S. to be displeased, and even the brightest “star” of the political scene could disappear overnight. These absolutely controlled politicians were the ones we saw standing and applauding Netanyahu because their “masters” demanded it! This is how U.S. political life has proceeded in recent decades. This is TRUE fascism! It’s a state with real “owners”, and these owners are NOT the American people! The so-called “democratic system” of the U.S., based on the alleged competition and “alternation” of power between the two major parties, is now under threat!…
These are the ones who permanently hold power, not the people who supposedly elect them. They permanently hold power because they control the two major parties …The two parties that have illegally turned into semi-state institutional political “enterprises” monopolizing power …The two parties that “reap” and destroy whatever doesn’t suit their owners …The two parties that collectively turn American Democracy into a single-party “Soviet state”! The owners of this “two-faced” single-party system are those who permanently control power in the U.S., not the people who —in a parody of democratic elections— choose between the two, which are essentially the same …The people who are “flattered” every four years as supposedly “sovereign”, just to renew the Washington “Dictatorship”.
This is the reality! …The regime in the greatest “Democracy” is FASCIST because there’s a “deep state” that controls everyone! There’s a “deep state” that turned an initial multiparty system into a two-party system and then merged those two parties into ONE! There’s a “deep state” that governs with the absoluteness of a Soviet-style single-party regime! Just for the “show”, the faces in power change, but they are the same regardless of their party affiliation. Let someone look into the differences between Bush or Cheney and Clinton or Obama, and they will understand what we’re saying. Let someone look at the sponsors of the members of both parties. Through blackmail, terror, threats, and the help of PRIVATE media, they bypass the will of the people and always impose the politicians of their choice. With “tools” like the CIA or FBI, they “eliminate” whatever they see as threatening their regime.
The leader who brought the Republican Party back to power in a completely triumphant manner —securing a majority in both “houses” of Congress— formally does NOT control the Republican “team”! Republican politicians, blatantly defying the will of the people and the triumphant leader, voted to appoint the “chosen one” of their bosses as their group leader!
…The Republican Party has the majority in both chambers of Congress, NOT Trump! …The “bosses” of the party control Congress and the Senate, NOT Trump! …These are the real “gladiators” of power in the U.S. today! …The one who won the White House because of the people’s vote and those who manage it —through their “tools” and, of course, their wealth— against the people. Trump’s electoral victory did not end this conflict, which is expected to escalate. They can push it to the extreme because the “deep state” and its people control the dominant powers. They could even “arrange” Trump’s assassination! Controlling both houses, they could, in such a case, assign blame wherever they wish! There are always “available” Iranians, Russians, or Islamists ready to “claim” responsibility.
Who will check them? Who will turn against them if they assassinate Trump? They will mourn him with great formality, and “business as usual” will proceed! To “blind” his millions of supporters, they will honor him as the British did Churchill …placing him on a gun carriage and ceremonially escorting him to his final resting place. They will comment on the black lace of his beautiful widow and flood the media with “cute” anecdotes. In a few days, the issue will be “buried” deeper than the deceased! In a few days, they will focus on the magnates eager to console the famous widow, likening her to a new Jackie. They did it with the popular Kennedy, and they could do it again with the equally popular Trump. They have no regard whatsoever for the people. When you completely control those who, under the Constitution, hold the greatest power after the President, it is clear that no “leaks” will occur in the event of his assassination …There will be no pressure on security agencies to uncover the truth …No files will be opened for a thousand years …The fears of the most suspicious Trump supporters —those often dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”— will be realized.
This is clearly what the “ladies”, pawns of Zionist opponents of Trump, meant by saying, “The struggle continues”, even after their defeat! And here is where the problem begins to surface …the real problem in its true dimensions. The entire “game” is now being played for the ABSOLUTE control of the U.S. Now that the election process is complete, theoretically, power should be handed over to its victor. But how willing are the U.S. “keyholders” to do this? As strange as it may seem, the powerful ministries that “represent” this authority are not those with the “front” of strength! …The powerful ministries are those that impose the people and policies of those ministries! What does this mean? …That the real battle for power will take place where its “tools” are found, not where its strength is displayed.
This is what the reader must understand! The deep state does not need the “tools” that direct official state policy. The deep state needs the “tools” that “produce” policy …It needs the “tools” that enable it to impose its choices both in policy and personnel …The “tools” that allow it to select Presidents and Ministers of its preference so that the policies they subsequently pursue originate from the same source …The “tools” that allow it to blackmail and threaten even with death anyone who does not follow its orders. This is the real power of the “deep state”, and this power is not automatically relinquished after the electoral process.
Trump knows this, and that is likely why —even before his inauguration— he “gave” the State Department to the Zionists, who are so desperate for it …The department that both Jewish Zelensky and Netanyahu are so eager to secure …The department that can make Jewish investors Fink and Soros’ investments in Ukraine profitable …The department that can back the settlement of Gaza. He had no issue doing this because foreign policy —regardless of who is Secretary— falls under the President’s jurisdiction. This means that whoever is placed in that position cannot establish their own “shop” at the expense of the President. Whoever is placed there is ousted “immediately” in case of any disagreement with the President. The same applies to the Departments of Defense or Treasury …The President is the “Commander in Chief” of the American state and responsible for its economic policy! Thus, handing over —to the deep state— ministries that report directly to the White House does not pose a problem for him.
What does pose a problem is silently taking the “tools” away from the deep state …Acquiring the powerful departments that control the “strings” within the U.S. state …The Ministries which control the President himself and can either blackmail him as a person or threaten him with “mutinies” …The strong ministries that manage the “keys” of the American state …The departments that, due to their subject matter, can establish parastatal mechanisms and —with the “tools” or information they possess— blackmail even the President. Examples include the Department of Justice, which controls the FBI and is currently blackmailing the elected President with new trials on the same “fake” charges …The Department of Homeland Security, which oversees intelligence agencies, and thus the individuals monitoring the President even while he sleeps …The Department of Health, which has a “file” that could blow up the U.S. if it is opened! Whoever controls these departments holds ABSOLUTE power in the U.S., and that person is not necessarily their President!
The reader can now grasp the difference between the “showcase” of power and the actual power exercised from “behind the scenes”. Power is NOT swearing an oath on the steps of the Capitol! …Power is being handed the “keys” to the state! Being handed the files by the Zionist owners of the American state, being given access to the information and “tools” that allow you to threaten and blackmail not only your opponents but also your allies. Power is when the Zionist “dictators” who control the bipartisan fascist mechanism of U.S. governance transfer their control …Those Zionists who have looted the American economy and placed the political, military, and economic power of the American state at the service of global Zionism and Israel! …Those Zionist criminals who have turned the United States into a “gun” used to terrorize all of humanity!
These Zionists are those harmed by Trump’s victory and will do whatever it takes to avoid handing the “keys” of the state to Trump! Not because they fear Trump himself, who, as an individual, has only one term ahead of him. Trump threatens them because, through him, those “keys” may pass into other hands, losing their value! …Either the “locks” they open will be destroyed, or the “keys” themselves will be rendered useless. Whether this means that those being blackmailed in critical positions will be “exposed” or the blackmailers who constructed this “machine” will be “burned”. This is their major problem, one they are utterly incapable of managing! If these “keys” change hands, they primarily threaten those who “forged” them to break into the greatest democracy on the planet.
There are three “keys” to power in the U.S., and their “keyholders” are all Jewish …Every single one! …All are fervent Zionists with Israeli citizenship and —obviously— agents of Mossad! All other portfolios are secondary because the significant ones are ONLY those that enable the blackmailing of political figures. Once this is achieved, no one cares who occupies the positions that implement official state policy, whether as Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of State, or otherwise. Who are these “keyholders”, and how are they connected? …The “keyholders” are all Jewish Zionists! They are Garland, Mayorkas, and Levine —the Secretaries of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health, respectively!
While the Secretaries of the Treasury and State —like Yellen and Blinken— may also be Jewish, their departments do not contain “keys”. Policies implemented there, whether correct or incorrect, whether you agree or disagree, remain within the “sphere” of politics. They do not cross the boundaries of subjectivity, and thus there are no clear distinctions between “mistakes” and “betrayals”. This means that in these departments, there is security for those implementing policy—even if they make “mistakes”. Power can be transferred to Trump’s people regardless of any problems.
However, significant problems exist where objective criteria apply to issues of illegality and treason …In such cases, there are no “mistakes” excused by ignorance or ideology …You don’t blackmail out of ignorance! …You don’t threaten with murder due to ideological convictions! In these departments, crimes of illegality and treason are objectively judged, and these are the ones that truly “captured” American democracy, transforming it into a “Soviet Union”! These are the crimes that turned some leaders of the democracy into dictators! …Crimes that transformed the American state into Zionist property! …Crimes that allowed a few to loot the wealth of the American people!
So, this FBI, ever since it fell into the “hostage” of the Zionists, continues doing the same things but in a much “heavier” version. From the simple adultery cases of past decades, it has now moved on to much heavier pedophilia. Just as it used to protect the “light” criminals of Prohibition, it later protected drug traffickers. Everything is on a more “intense” scale, but the practices remain the same …Blackmail and threats against politicians! This is the same FBI, under the control of Mossad, that used the Jews Epstein and Maxwell to “produce” pedophiles, who would then be blackmailed. Through the Jew Dershowitz, the information would go to Mossad and the Jewish “directorate” of Kissinger, Netanyahu, Harari, etc. The same was true with the Jew Davis, who controlled Puff Daddy and his “parties”.
The FBI supported and protected a network that itself created the conditions it later exploited …A network that organized “parties” of deviance with selected guests to blackmail them and thus control them …”Willing” guests of the highest level, who dominate the political, social, and economic life of the superpower …Politicians like Clinton, Obama, etc. …”Blue-blooded” princes like Andrew and Harry …Tycoons like Gates …Famous artists, journalists, and influencers …People who, with one “word”, influence American public opinion. The FBI has thousands of hours of video with these people as “protagonists”.
Why did those who control the FBI benefit from keeping these videos in their possession? …Because these “protagonists” would come out to support their “chosen ones” when the public needed to be swayed. These videos are what “burn” those we refer to …Those who are already “exposed”, and we saw them in the elections supporting Harris …And these are just the ones we know of, whose names have already “leaked”. Imagine how many there are that we do not know about …How many are currently running to buy the videos that concern them. These videos were the power of the deep state. These videos must now be handed over by Garland to the victor Trump and his “chosen ones”.
…They accuse Gaetz of “trafficking” a minor …They accuse him of inappropriate sexual behavior, drug use, etc. But, Clinton, Epstein, and Bill Gates’ “buddies” accuse him to gain leverage over him, not genuinely. If they had evidence, they would have destroyed him already. Since they believe Trump will impose him on the department despite their will, they want to intimidate him “in advance”. All this aims to put him in a difficult position so they can preemptively place him among the “blackmailable” when he, as Secretary, gets the blackmail files in his hands …To scare him and make him blackmailable himself …So that the blackmailers remain the same …So they can impose the “omertà” on him as accomplices …So they can secure his “silence”, ensuring the information that will come into his hands due to his responsibilities does not “leak” beyond him …Not even to Trump himself. This is the current goal of the filthy people trying to blackmail Trump’s “chosen one”.
In those “files” are the details of who their parents were and who “trafficked” them. If some were terrified by a film like “Sound of Freedom”, we can imagine what would happen if these files were made public …They would be looking for another planet to hide on! If, for example, Garland’s department’s files have videos of what happened to these children where they ended up, then Mayorkas’ department’s files have the details of the identities of these children. If, that is, Garland’s Department of Justice knows exactly where these children ended up, who abused, raped, or mutilated them for their organs, Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security knows everything about these children.
The Jews Mayorkas and Garland are the ONLY ones who know the “fuel” that fed the “machine” of the Jews Epstein, Dershowitz, and Davis. Mayorkas’ department squandered all FEMA funds, intended for natural disaster relief, to transport and “plant” the ILLEGAL immigrants wherever it suited the “deep state” for elections. Moreover, we must not forget that Mayorkas himself must know what happened to the children of Maui, which all the rich Zionists want to turn into a sanctuary for the anticipated “Doomsday”.
This Ministry is important because if it is proven that the panic and terror imposed on the American people —and from there, on the entire planet— regarding the so-called “Pandemic” was a conspiracy of power with financial goals, then another chapter in the history of the U.S. officially begins! Some, using this artificial panic as a pretext, seized the “keys” to the U.S. “treasury” and looted it …FIVE TRILLION dollars in “cash” was taken by Biden and handed to the Zionist usurers while their “bubble” was collapsing on the American Stock Exchange, and their destruction would have been total. At that time, the “talkative” Buffett had gone silent, and no one could find him. Using the urgency of the “Pandemic” and the “lockdown” as an alibi, the Zionists stole FIVE TRILLION dollars from the Americans to save the usurers! …The greatest “heist” of ALL time! …They erased overnight the entire external debt of the U.S. from Obama’s era …Four times the amount that Obama gave to the SAME Zionist usurers to “save” them in 2008.
These trillions are what today make the Zionists the wealthiest people on the planet. With the stolen wealth of the American people, they are sweeping up everything today! They illegally “collected” the “bubble” of the New York Stock Exchange, which they themselves created! They shifted the damage to the American banking system —which the people will soon be forced to support— while they seized this wealth and “swept” the planet’s “real estate” …Before the dollar, because of them, becomes “trash”, they will manage to convert their dollars into “assets” of global “real estate” …From Bill Gates’ “fiefs” to properties that are true “jewels” of world architectural heritage, everything has entered their “portfolios”! Everything that companies of criminals like Fink and Black Rock are “sweeping up” today happened because of this money. They “destroyed” the global economy and are buying it at “wreckage” prices …Global agricultural capital, the global infrastructure network, global human housing …Food, services, and basic needs will leave humanity at the mercy of Zionist usurers! …At the mercy of the “thieves” of the American people!
Then everyone will try to understand WHY American politicians did not react to the greatest “looting” of all time …WHY all those whose role is to protect the American people did not react. They will try to understand whether they are idiots with diminished comprehension or if they were blackmailed with Garland’s videos of children sent to him by Mayorkas. They will understand the role of Biden, who is “at the mercy” of Garland’s Jewish FBI —because of his corrupt son and more— …The Zionist Biden, who —according to his own statement— was pleased by the little children who stroked the hair on his legs!
Given all of this, the reader can “see” events differently. This blackmailed and perverse Biden is the one escalating the confrontation with Putin today. It is evident that he has been ordered to place the winner of the U.S. elections under Zionist hostage. This “hostage situation” is their last “card”! …The “hostage situation” of their government through a “staged” Zionist-driven war conflict with Russia! …This is what Trump’s son denounced. However, even so, things are not easy for them, regardless of their means. Especially now, with their mistakes, they have strengthened their enemy.
By failing to assassinate Trump, they have created a “Hydra” that threatens to devour them! …They have literally opened Pandora’s box! Trump, either by instinct or by accident, has crafted the best defensive strategy for himself …A strategy that literally prevents them from assassinating him because, in such a case, things would worsen for them! This is certain to happen because they would face individuals who may be even more capable than Trump and would have ALL his enraged supporters on their side.
What do we mean? …Especially now, with “eccentric” Trump surrounded by people much worse for the Zionists, he has been made incredibly powerful …The “eccentric” Elon Musk, who has far too many billions to be corrupted …The “paranoid” Kennedy, who has many political interests to protect and, at the same time, restore his family’s name …and —why not— reclaim the party “stolen” by the Zionists …The “fired” Tucker from Fox News, who knows firsthand what it is like to be “fired” by the Zionists if you do not follow their orders. These individuals were “given” to Trump, and now they will pay for it. The longer the Zionists delay “clearing up” the situation, all these people gradually become “potential-Trumps”!
The Zionists have again been surprised by the Trump-phenomenon because they do not understand the situation. Again, Trump’s peculiarity produced a peculiar result, and that is what surprised them! As we said, Trump is not a professional politician, which makes him dangerous not only for his policies but for all his other choices as well! Trump has the confidence of a successful person …He is not insecure …He has no problem sharing “work” and “rewards” with his collaborators, whom he may admire for their successes in their own “fields” …He is not a pitiful Obama, who had to choose a dud like Biden as his Vice President to feel unthreatened …He is not a pitiful Harris, who had to choose an unremarkable Walsh to feel secure …Trump chose a young, successful-for-his-age, ambitious politician as his Vice President …He does not envy or oppose him for what he “earns” as an individual in a joint activity. He behaves similarly —“unconventionally”, based on the perceptions of politicians full of complexes— at all levels!
How do we see this difference practically? Despite having personal advantages like financial success and power, he did not hesitate to seek collaboration with someone even wealthier, like Elon Musk. While aiming to present himself as the patriarch of a future “dynasty” —economic, social, and possibly political— he also did not hesitate to collaborate with a member of the only authentic and famous “dynasty” in the U.S., the Kennedys. Similarly, though he is communicative and enjoys the direct exposure of social media, he sought to collaborate with the ultimate U.S. social media star, the famous Tucker Carlson.
However, this uniqueness of his is utterly destructive to his enemies. Through this approach, he has ensured —whether he realizes it or not— his biological survival. Why? …Because now, they cannot assassinate him …They lost their chance in Pennsylvania. Since they failed and he managed to form his alliances, they cannot “eliminate” him. He had time to create a monster! …He created a “Hydra”! …He created his “likenesses”! …He created his “idols”! …The ONE became a TEAM! Now, even if they wanted to assassinate him, it would not be advantageous for them …It is more beneficial for them to tolerate him —even if his presence “hurts” them— than to eliminate him. Why? …Because each of those mentioned could, in the event of his assassination, take his place! Each of them has the same characteristics that make Trump antagonistic to the political star system.
They are all wealthy, famous, and share the same political perspective. So? …They are all “potential Trumps”, and each of them, in some particular domain, is stronger than the original Trump. All of them can now defeat their “chosen ones” in future electoral battles because, besides their fame, they will permanently carry Trump’s “inheritance”. If, a few months before the elections, a bullet in Pennsylvania could have solved ALL their problems, today that is no longer feasible. Today, it would mean social unrest, uniting this team against his assassins and, therefore, against the Zionist establishment that is currently exploiting the country.
This is Trump’s great achievement. In reality, he dismantled the two-party system in the U.S.! He eroded it, as he was essentially elected —given that the Republican Party elite was and still is against him— as an INDEPENDENT!!! The fact that he formally declared himself a Republican does not change the reality: he practically ran for office as an “INDEPENDENT”. Especially after his “defeat” in the battle for Republican leadership within the Capitol, this became absolutely clear to everyone. Similarly “corrosive” was his alliance with Kennedy. The Kennedy family is the “Camelot” of the Democratic Party—their DNA, their “holy grail”. When Kennedy “moved”, the Democratic Party lost its “identity”. If Trump “eroded” the Republican Party from the “bottom-up”, his alliance with Kennedy “eroded” the Democratic Party from the “top-down”. This means that today, the U.S. is governed by a “newborn” party that did not exist on the “map” before Trump. The two major parties of the Zionist “pirates” will either end up in the “dustbin” of history or be forced to unite their remaining forces to survive the new reality.
The Zionist “owners” of the U.S. have been fully exposed! These masters of conspiracy and blackmail —whether Musk, Tucker, or Kennedy— are no longer hiding in the “shadows” …Everyone knows who they are and who they control. Thanks to Trump and his double-front war —against the two-party system he faced— EVERYONE now knows which politicians are funded by the Zionist AIPAC! They saw them during the Republican leadership vote. They saw them in the “expulsion” of Kennedy from the Democrats when he sought the nomination to run as a party candidate. If, for any reason, the Zionists assassinate Trump, they will face a TEAM TRUMP that knows them and “sees” them! …The ONE became a TEAM! …A team that “sees” them and, therefore, will be difficult to defeat.
Can someone imagine, under the present circumstances, the assassination of Trump? …Such an act would rally even more strongly the forces that are currently dominant and, above all, uncontrollable! The Zionists can no longer rely on their usual “crutches”, which operate in various social spaces. The deviants from Epstein’s or Puff Daddy’s parties will have nowhere to “hide”. This is the worst outcome of the immense polarization following the last elections. In their desperation to win, the Zionists revealed all their “cards”. There is no public figure of any influence supporting them who has not been exposed. Actors, singers, influencers, athletes, celebrities, scientists, etc., who previously pretended to be “above it all”, were forced to reveal themselves in their masters’ great “battle”. They even threatened to leave the U.S. to blackmail American voters into submission.
All these individuals are now “burned”, as the public and, more importantly, Trump’s “strike team” are aware of them—a team that ensures his survival and renders a Trump assassination “not worthwhile”. It is now certain that the Zionists will move towards negotiations, with the escalation of the Ukraine front being part of these preparations. They will attempt what Trump Jr. denounced: …to force the next government into a fait accompli to save their skins. They aim to pressure it, through their own war, to negotiate under difficult terms to avoid prosecution. They want to compel it to “seal” forever the files on Epstein or Puff Daddy, claiming national interest, so they can use these secrets for mutual blackmail.
In essence, they will try to exert maximum pressure, framing it as a matter of “common interests” among co-conspirators. Realizing they cannot control him, they will attempt to make him an accomplice. These are the Zionists’ goals because their defeat is what terrifies them. This is why they continue their “fight” without respecting the election results. They tremble at the thought of everything being exposed—the mechanisms they used to control the U.S. government, the most powerful Christian state in history.
At this point, the fate and functionality of this state concerns ALL who depend on it—ALL the people of this planet! The outcome of these files affects us ALL DIRECTLY! Whoever holds this information gains a dangerous level of dictatorial power in the U.S., which dominates the planet! Naturally, this creates a MASSIVE global RISK, as anyone with such unchecked power in the world’s greatest political, economic, and military force becomes dangerous for EVERYONE. It is clear that a dictator in the U.S. could easily become a dictator of the entire world!
However, the American people voted to escape global dictators, not to appoint new ones! Therefore, it is imperative that these files are made public, regardless of the “cost” to the American “elite”. The fate of these files is NOT a matter of Trump or Democrats! Whoever possesses these lists and videos is effectively unchecked and, thus, permanently dangerous …Permanently unchecked, as they can perpetually blackmail figures influencing humanity either directly or indirectly …Permanently dangerous, as they could even bypass the two-term limit for U.S. presidents, appointing their “chosen one” and violating all legal procedures without anyone daring to speak out. We saw Obama do this with Biden, and we saw him repeat it with Kamala Harris! Obama and, clearly, all those behind him exploited this information.
Those on these lists must be “burned” because, as long as this does not happen, they will continue threatening the world. American society must be fundamentally “cleansed” to pave the way for democratization — and consequently, for the global community’s liberation from the “sewer” of the New Order, which uses these fascist U.S. structures as a “gun to humanity’s head”. What matters for all of humanity is the exposure of ALL the scandal lists—the entire “industry” of Zionist blackmail—and the exposure of the blackmailed individuals involved in these abnormal activities. Why? …Because they must be “burned”.
The world is now too “small” to hide such “big” secrets. The entire planet has a vested interest in the disclosure of these horrifying lists of pedophilia, which evidently involve not just Americans. It is undeniable that pedophilia-based blackmail has become a global method of control—a practice employed by the Zionists across the planet. The global elite has been ensnared in these pedophilia networks by these “filthy individuals”. This “abscess” must be “lanced” to save humanity. The Zionist “pirates” of the American state, who have ruled global geopolitics from within, are now “trapped” in the cockpit of the Christian “ship”! The doors of the Lord’s House have shut tightly behind them! Netanyahu ensured these doors are completely “locked”!…
…The suitors who entered the Lord’s House will face the consequences of their crimes!!!
BECAUSE OF THEM, in Ukraine and Palestine alone, we “mourn” over a million people!!!
Humanity “bleeds” so that Soros and Fink grow richer and Gates pretends to be “God”!?!
…They will weep very soon …ALL of them!
…And to think that we’ve only just officially entered the glorious AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!
Panagiotis Traianou