Δολοφονία Κέννεντι: Οι (μισές) αποκαλύψεις του φακέλου - Οι Ρώσοι, οι Κουβανοί και η CIA

What does the assassination of JFK have to do with today’s elections?…

…The hidden “cornerstone” of today’s global New Order is under “threat of collapse”!


Often, the greatest secrets of the world are hidden in plain sight! We become so familiar with them that, in the end, we fail to understand what we are looking at! Such a secret is the assassination that shook postwar America and influenced the workings of the Western world …the assassination of JFK. We became so accustomed to the “official” lie, which is perpetually repeated in the same absolute manner, that we fail to see the “gaps” in the conspirators’ narrative. For decades, Kennedy’s assassination has “haunted” American political life and beyond. It remains the favorite subject of all “conspiracy theorists”, continuing to intrigue the world with undiminished intensity even today.

Authors, filmmakers, and journalists have achieved fame merely by adding a “stroke” to this “murky” criminal “image” in history. This assassination was so pivotal for the USA that it truly marked the beginning of major societal shifts within the country. The USA irreversibly lost its innocence …it “sinned” and became like the “others”! The “sterile” impression that the American people had of themselves was permanently “stained” with an indelible “mark” of blood. Until then, they believed they were the superpower of GOOD, with everything within them pure, Christian, and patriotic …They thought they were building a New World free from the “sins” of the Old World …”God bless America”! For the first time in Puritan America, which had “anointed itself” as the guardian of global democracy and Christian “purity”, the same Ρόμπερτ Κένεντι: Τι θέλει ένας «Δημοκρατικός από κούνια» στο στρατόπεδο του  Τραμπ | HuffPost Greece ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ story involved dirty sheets of illicit lovers and treacherous state services. A magical “hand” had pulled back the “curtain”, revealing an unbelievable filthiness in its “hidden parts”.

Puritan America was shocked to learn about sexual “kinks”, fraternal “orgies”, and drugs …lots of drugs! This was something this society could not handle, and as is often the case, it “banished” the matter to the “depths” of its historical “consciousness”. It literally “settled” for burying the issue. This national “taboo” resurfaced during the recent elections! …A Kennedy appeared in an unconventional manner in the presidential elections, and this event revived memories …An authentic Kennedy from the Democratic “Camelot” supported the Republican candidate! …The son of Robert Kennedy turned against his father’s party! …The utterly “profane” and “unholy” act for the Democratic Party brought all its “ghosts” to the fore! …”Apostasy” for some, “patricide” for others …The “Furies” stormed into American parlors seeking revenge.

The first thing the “apostate” Robert Kennedy Jr. declared when he aligned with Trump was that …the basic condition for his cooperation was the revelation of the truth concerning his family. He believes only Trump can fulfill this promise, which is the release of the classified files about his uncle’s assassination, which in turn could lead to the resolution of his father’s murder. This demand was truly a great surprise to us! One would assume that his family —and therefore himself— would have complete knowledge of what happened.

Usually, in such cases, the killers of organized crime —common mobsters— “inform” the relatives of their identity to ensure they remain “quiet” …to stop them from causing “trouble” in pursuit of the truth, thereby avoiding unwanted revelations …To stop targeting individuals, as there is a risk of creating a “vendetta” and the situation spiraling out of control …The relatives “exchange” their “silence” for safety and “compensation”, and the matter ends there. We thought this had happened with the Kennedys. Nevertheless, we see that this is not the case! …Indeed, some Kennedys are still seeking the truth, including Robert Jr. He holds the same position —and therefore the same view— on his family’s issue as the average American citizen.

Δολοφονία Κένεντι: Αυτόπτης μάρτυρας λύνει τη σιωπή του και εγείρει νέα  ερωτήματα για τον αριθμό των This is the peculiar aspect. In the case of the Kennedys, everything is so blatant that it constitutes a clear “message” from the perpetrators of the assassination. They gave a straightforward “message” to the family not to attempt any “trouble” and to silently “step aside”. Nothing further needed to be added, as the facts were simple and visible. However, apparently, some of them did not understand this! Ignoring this silent “message”, Kennedy Jr. continues to search for evidence of the murder, while the truth is right in front of him. He looks at the tree and misses the forest. He searches for a clue and misses the picture. He sees the “wolf” and seeks its “tracks” to find it. What do we mean by this? …It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a lifelong member of the Democratic Party and not know with absolute certainty who killed the Kennedys …It is IMPOSSIBLE to see in whose hands the party of the dead leaders ended up and not “see” their murderers …It is IMPOSSIBLE to know the “sick” relationship of the FBI with this party and still search for evidence of those who “fatally wounded” your family.

Understanding this issue requires simple logic, not forensic evidence. The Kennedy assassination was a tremendous event! So monumental that the modern history of the U.S. state and society could be divided into two periods: the pre-assassination period and the post-assassination period. What does this mean? …The societal changes triggered by this assassination were so significant, and the interests of those who killed him so obvious, that their analysis can be straightforward …logical! What are these unique characteristics of this case—those that divide historical periods? Think about it in simple human terms.

What is an event so significant in a person’s life that it cannot be overlooked when referring to them? …An event so significant that it cannot be overlooked under any circumstances when referencing his life …A devastating illness, for example …An incurable disease that leads to disability. Such an illness is an “earth-shattering” moment in a person’s life, marking a milestone …A defining moment by which everything is measured …”He graduated from university before he got sick” …”He got the promotion after the illness” …”Three years before he fell ill” …”Ten years have passed since he got sick”. Such an impactful event defines someone’s life as much as birth and death. It separates their life into a “before” period and an “after” period …The period before the illness and the period after the illness”.

The 1950s in Color - Life in America Something similar happens in the history of the American people. This great “disease” for the American society is the social “scourge” of drugs! The Kennedy assassination was the great “symptom” that revealed it! From that point onward, EVERYTHING changed, and the USA was never the same again. Before Kennedy, there were no drugs in the USA. The youth in the USA did not know drugs. At worst, the most “advanced” among them would secretly carry a few bottles of illegal whiskey to drink at drive-ins or parks, as there were no establishments allowing entry to those under the age of 21. In the USA, before Kennedy, drugs were NOT a business of organized crime. The underworld did NOT deal with drugs. However, his assassination marked the beginning of a massive change at all levels.

Following his assassination, something shocking and unique in history occurred: the internal hierarchy of the American underworld changed, and this change, in turn, transformed American society. The “barons” of crime changed, altering the political and economic map of the country. The underworld was “flooded” with dirty money, which influenced the entirety of the nation’s economic and social functions. The ruling classes of society and the economy changed, and simultaneously, these nouveau-riche criminals gained political control of the country. The Italian mafia, which had prospered during Prohibition, “retreated”, replaced by the drug mafia. For reasons that will become clear, this new mafia was never labeled with a national identity!

In a nation of immigrants, where every activity was associated with the ethnic identity of its dominant minority, it is peculiar that drugs were never given a similar characterization. Isn’t that strange? Were there no Americans —of specific ethnic backgrounds— collaborating in this illegal trade as their ethnic “specialty”? As their own “cosa nostra” within a society accustomed to conducting everything in a “brotherly” manner, where guns were readily drawn? Isn’t the “orphanhood” of the most organized form of mafia in U.S. history odd? This drug mafia had unparalleled wealth and “bought” flawless organization —perfect and untouchable— built directly into the U.S. state apparatus! This was a mafia that modeled itself after none other than the FBI itself…

The Rise of the FBI | American Experience | Official Site | PBS …It extended beyond the confines of Chicago or New York to blanket the entire USA, establishing “shop” wherever there was an FBI “office”, which meant EVERYWHERE. This mafia had so much money that it entered the legitimate economy with immense influence. Its uneducated leaders moved seamlessly between the criminal underground and the boardrooms of skyscrapers, surrounded not only by henchmen but also by educated lawyers, economists, and managers. This mafia no longer merely employed bouncers and pimps; it became the largest employer of college graduates in the country! Millions of young people in colleges saw this “flood” of semi-legal employers as their golden opportunity for quick and easy riches.

This drug mafia gained absolute power and built its nationwide “web” when criminals managed to “handle” the perverse Hoover. Through this compromised individual, they gained control over the FBI, using it as the “supporting structure” for their “edifice”. They used their money to “sponsor” politicians and penetrate the major parties of the USA. What does this realization tell us? It means that when investigating the interests behind Kennedy’s assassination, we should not start “from the top down” but rather “from the bottom up”. We do not need to look for the President’s murder in international diplomacy or imperialism! We are not searching for the culprit among communist secret services or terrorist cells! Kennedy was “taken out” by those “below”—by common criminals.

Το «κάθαρμα» που έστησε τη δυναστεία των Κένεντι The Irish Kennedys were known to be “children” of Prohibition. The “patriarch” of the family amassed wealth through illegal alcohol—a common, uneducated criminal who fathered many children and spent time with prostitutes. He made his son President as a “hobby” with the vast wealth he gained through alcohol smuggling. Joseph Kennedy was not merely connected to the underworld—he was a prominent member of it! However, he belonged to the segment of the underworld that was losing ground to new and aggressive criminals …It was the part of the underworld that thrived on Prohibition, losing the battle to those who now invested in “drug prohibition”, which was far more dangerous and, therefore, much more lucrative. Who were these new, ruthless, and aggressive criminals? …The Jewish criminals!

The Jews until then were the “gypsies” of the underworld …The disreputable “lookouts” …The “caught-red-handed ones” …Those who would bring the prostitutes for the bosses’ parties …Those who would carry “messages” between the bosses …Those who would inform on someone to trap them …Those who would undertake some treacherous murder that needed to remain “orphaned” …Pimps, knife-wielders, and gamblers …Disreputable even among criminals …The “rubber bands” of the famous “Lucianos” of the mafia. Why do we mention these vile characteristics of theirs? …Because it is significant in interpreting their choices …Because, within a given and solidified —by many bullets and blood— ”hierarchy” of crime, the Jews had a similarly fixed position …A position that wouldn’t change unless something extreme happened! The Jews COULD NOT “overtake” others without a major “leap”! To achieve this, they had to take risks where others wouldn’t dare …They had to have no inhibitions where others did.

Precisely because they were insignificant and had little to lose, they risked everything. They were gamblers and ruthless and “invested” in the worst “commodity” in human history …They “invested” in drugs! …They “invested” where common mobsters wouldn’t even approach …They trafficked “death”! In pursuit of profit, they didn’t care how many “goyim” would die! Without any moral scruples, they “invested” in drugs! JFK had the “misfortune” of being the President of the USA when they were “building” their empire. Unfortunately for him, he was a man of the previous “emperors” of crime, and it was almost certain that at some point, he would have to be eliminated. Why? …Because he would create problems for them—and they had no problem getting rid of him. Where could he have caused them problems? Here lies the key question, which, if answered, reveals EVERYTHING …and especially his killers.

To discover this, we must know their “needs” and see where Kennedy could have played a role in them. What were their needs? …They needed to set up the drug “factory” from scratch since there was no prior “infrastructure” for this activity …Not even a “client base”! As we understand, their problem was very significant. Until then, drugs were confined to very small human groups in specific major cities …A trivial social problem of an extreme “fringe”, demographically undetectable. Only the “finished” and “outcasts” of society were drug addicts, and they usually didn’t have money to “attract” the interest of organized crime as “clients”.

There was, therefore, no infrastructure to build a “golden” nationwide trade on drugs. What does infrastructure mean? It means control of production and, simultaneously, a “network” to get the “product” to clients—who, in reality, didn’t even exist. Essentially, nothing existed! Until then, the underworld of the USA not only didn’t traffic drugs but actively opposed them. They had certain unwritten ethical codes, and drugs disrespected these codes. Indeed, when a gang member “fell” into drugs, they were considered “broken” and usually executed by their own, since —among other things— they were considered dangerous to the group because of their addiction.

51 Drive In Movies ideas | drive in movie, drive in movie theater, drive in  theater They disposed of their drug-addict associates without guilt because they believed they were offering a social “service”, ridding society of the few “dregs” who trafficked death and polluted it. It was a “benevolent” contribution by criminals to society if they executed a drug dealer who hovered around schools targeting youths …Much like what happens today in prisons with lifers and pedophiles.

As a result, there was no “market” for drugs in the USA that could interest the organized crime of that era. This means that everything had to be created from scratch. Not even the “product” itself was assured since there was no access or control over its “source” …It wasn’t whiskey that could be produced in shacks hidden in the mountains and valleys. Drugs had specific production areas —outside the USA— that weren’t within the reach of the American underworld. Simultaneously, there was no nationwide “network” to distribute them and no clients who desired them.

So, what did they have? …NOTHING …They had to create everything from scratch! …They wanted the “reach” of the US government —to control global drug production— and also a nationwide network that extended across the ENTIRE country …They wanted a hardline imperialist policy to grant them control over the drug-producing countries, and they wanted an “erroneous” domestic policy to create clients for them. Who could secure these things for them? …Only the leader of that state …The one who controlled its authority and could regulate its external and internal operations …The President of the USA! Therefore, there was a need for total control of the state’s external and internal policy. This was the peculiarity of drugs …As an “object” of the underworld, they had to be “born” from scratch! …Not only could they NOT emerge “independently” of state power, but they also required its participation!

Secret shame of Hoover the hypocrite | Express Yourself | Comment |  Express.co.uk It is at this point that we find the “contact” point we are looking for …That point which would bring Kennedy into conflict with the Jewish criminals …The point that would bring the “tasteful” —and therefore blackmailed Kennedys— into “friction” with the blackmailers, collectors of porn videos like the deviant Hoover. How could Kennedy have been useful to them and presumably refused to serve them? …In those needs we just described …In the production and distribution of their “product” …Their then-new “product”, which at this time was a “taboo” for common criminals …Their new “product”, which was the “golden” opportunity for the Jews to conquer everything …The golden “product” that would change the balance of all powers within American society …The “product” that would generally change the image of the USA.

Memoirs of the Vietnam War Draft 1966 eBook : Oettinger Jr., Joseph:  Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store Therefore, to the question “Who killed the Kennedys?” the answer is obvious …The gang of Jewish criminals and the civil servant Hoover! …The gang that “planted” the Jewess Marilyn Monroe among them to produce the blackmail “material”! Beyond that, whether it was because his policies didn’t serve them or because —as President— he might have wanted to replace the ultra-valuable Hoover for the “network” —it doesn’t matter—, he found himself “opposed” to them, and they assassinated him. Simple as that. The truth about the murder of the Kennedy brothers lies in the utility of the White House for the drug network and the securing of FBI control through Hoover! So, where do we look for this “utility” to prove the obvious? …In Kennedy’s policies …In the pinnacle political event of JFK’s term. So? …In the Vietnam War!

From the “mysteries” and “unexplained” aspects of that war, we can understand exactly what the Jewish criminals and usurers sought to gain from the President of the USA and where a conflict could have arisen between them. One of the unexplained aspects of that war is this: Why did the USA get involved to such an extent —and at such cost— in a costly war that could have been “ended” almost effortlessly before it even began? …A war that could have “closed” along the lines of the Korean War? A war that, with a little goodwill and a simple compromise, could have “ended” as it did a few years earlier in Korea? The Americans not only did not pursue such a cheap and bloodless solution, but they did the exact opposite! What was so crucial in that war that pushed them to get involved on the other side of the planet? They didn’t even have such involvement in World War II, where they posed as the “liberators” of the West and rose to the “top” of the world.

Additionally, there was another tremendous phenomenon. They didn’t get involved in the usual postwar manner, which typically characterized the USA as “proxy” participants through professional soldiers. The Americans in this war did not have an indirect involvement as military “advisors”, as they did in other similar cases. They may have started that way in this case, but it ended completely differently. In this instance, they didn’t just have others’ children killed but also sent their own …For the Vietnam War, they conducted a regular draft in the USA! …They sent young conscripts from all over the American territory! …They interrupted students’ education to send them to war! …They took them from fields and factories to send them to the other side of the planet to “fight” communism!

We Won't Fight Another Rich Man's War!!!" - Vietnam Veterans Against the War,  circa 1970. [2500×1673] : r/HistoryPorn In the Vietnam War, we saw an incredible and inexplicable “rotation”. Why, in a “proxy” war that was essentially conducted through others, did the USA send the “flower” of their youth? …There is NO “logic” to justify it! …It’s as if they were sending hundreds of thousands of American soldiers today just to “station” in Ukraine, given that the main burden of the conflict involves the Ukrainians who are directly fighting the Russians! When did this inexplicable “rotation” begin? …AFTER Kennedy’s death! That is, Kennedy sent the first American troops to Vietnam in 1962, but he wasn’t the one who initiated the terrible “rotation”. That began after his death, in 1965 …That’s when the USA started sending “shiploads” of soldiers from across the country. Why? …This is the billion-dollar question we seek to answer!

So, Kennedy gave them this war, which allowed them to control the “Golden Triangle”, where the overwhelming majority of the world’s opium was produced at that time. The American army had gained access to and therefore control over the drug production “fields”, which Hoover’s Jewish blackmailers desperately wanted to get their “hands” on. However, that wasn’t enough for them. Their needs didn’t end there. What were they still missing? …The most essential thing for trade …Customers! But how do you find customers in a “naïve” America, which didn’t even know drugs? In a religious America that even tolerated “sinful” alcohol being illegal? In an America where adults went to bars and drank soda? In an America where its youth hung out on sidewalks outside burger joints? Even today, to buy a beer, you need to show ID and be of a relatively high age.

G.I.s' Drug Use in Vietnam Soared—With Their Commanders' Help | HISTORY How would they find customers in the USA, then? How do drug dealers find customers? …With “pushers”! The “pushers” are the ones who do the dirty work for the dealers …They are the ones who create customers …Their free doses must be paid for by their naive victims. So? …So, through the Vietnam War, Jewish mobsters sought to cover this need as well! …To create millions of “pushers” who would, in turn, generate “customers” across the entire USA! That was the “Great Crime” of Vietnam! The Jews destroyed an entire generation of Americans to “sicken” all of America for decades to come! Millions of poor, unsuspecting rural kids or children of struggling workers went to Vietnam to become drug addicts, all so the Jews could profit! The children of the wealthy —like Bush and others like him— paid their way out to avoid the “hell”. The “hell” was only for the poor and those without means.

Even a glance at the numbers from that war would shock anyone with the brutality of how some common criminals and drug dealers “attacked” an unsuspecting American society. When Kennedy assumed office in 1962, there were only 2,400 American military personnel in Vietnam —mostly advisors. By the time he was assassinated, that number had risen to 16,000 —mostly professional military advisors and thus non-combatants. Three years later, this number skyrocketed to an incredible 385,000 soldiers! A total of 2.7 million American soldiers “passed through” Vietnam …58,000 never returned …and 300,000 returned to the USA wounded, drug-addicted, and crippled.

Does the reader understand why there was this enormous and inexplicable “rotation” of soldiers, who were essentially not expected to fight? …They were SENT TO VIETNAM TO BECOME DRUG ADDICTS!!! …To “discover” drugs!!! …To develop an addiction!!! …To return to their hometowns and, in their desperation to find drugs —to meet their own personal needs— to create customers who would pay for them! …To flood cities and towns across the USA with “pushers” searching for customers and, because they didn’t exist, to create them themselves! Somewhere “around there”, Kennedy seems to have drawn back. Somewhere “around there”, he became afraid and didn’t want to serve their agenda. Precisely because he was afraid, we speculate that he turned against them with the power of the U.S. presidency and, therefore, first of all, turned against the intermediary, who was the deviant Hoover. How did he turn against him? …With his brother, who was Attorney General and therefore Hoover’s political superior!

Vietnam War Draft Lyndon B. Johnson Announcement U.S. Military 1965  Newspaper | eBay Quite “coincidentally”, both were assassinated, and Hoover emerged “unscathed” from this horrific event, even though he was directly responsible for the failure of the U.S. government to protect its president! …He “survived” the FBI service crisis caused by the assassination without any issue! …No problem! …”Useful” people always survive! Kennedy was not yet buried when his successor, Lyndon Johnson, was already signing conscription orders and military deployments to Vietnam. With expedited procedures, the American government “flooded” Vietnam with young American soldiers. They were sent there to lounge in the “haze” of opium…

A typical American family in 1950s, Detroit, Michigan. : r/OldSchoolCool …There was more violence in Hollywood movies than in American camps in Vietnam! The camps of American soldiers were filled only with the smoke of “haze”. With Kennedy’s assassination, the Jews essentially declared a new “Opium War” against the USA! …What the British did to the Chinese Empire —socially dismantling it through the Opium War— was what the Jews did to the USA! The only difference was that the “attack” occurred outside the USA, and the ensuing “losses” unfolded within its borders. No one has ever done greater harm to the Americans than the Jewish drug gang! They deliberately “sickened” a healthy and vibrant society to the point of inflicting conscious “disabilities” upon it. They literally dismantled it. They entered its homes, schools, and neighbor­hoods, destroying everything. That assassination was the “Pearl Harbor” of this undeclared war …It was the spark, not the cause!

With control of the FBI —and the “backing” of the new U.S. President— everything that followed was easy for them. Kennedy’s assassination wasn’t a major concern for them, as they could “handle” it. Why? …Because they had Hoover, their blackmailed cross-dressing pawn —who would take charge of the “investigation”— and simultaneously had a “scapegoat” to pin it on! …The PERMANENT “goat” of the Cold War period! Who was this “goat”? …The communists! …The communists would be blamed for this as well! …The communists, who “hated” Kennedy because he was fighting them in Vietnam! A simple narrative, easily understandable by the “masses”! Hoover, who had become a “hero” during the anti-communist hysteria, would lead the case with minimal opposition.

Who in America would dare question Hoover’s “narrative” within the USA? How would anyone know the truth? Could they risk being branded a communist? And if the anti-communism expert Hoover labeled them a “crypto-communist” and targeted them? Who would dare take on a shadow state capable of killing even the President of the United States? Similarly, there was no challenge abroad since the Jews controlled global “communism”! Every communist party worldwide —including Moscow— was under Jewish control! What does this mean? …That Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK’s assassin, could easily be presented as a “communist” with ties to Moscow …A “communist” who assassinated the U.S. President supposedly because he disagreed with his “anti-communist” war in Vietnam. They would sprinkle some Cold War conspiracy “dust” over it and then eliminate him with one of their own operatives.

Η δολοφονία που μεταδόθηκε σε ζωντανή τηλεοπτική σύνδεση στην Αμερική. Ο  Τζακ Ρούμπι σκότωσε τον κατηγορούμενο για τη δολοφονία του Κένεντυ. Πέθανε  από εμβολή λίγα χρόνια μετά - ΜΗΧΑΝΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΟΝΟΥ Who would resist? …No one, be­cause nowhere in the world would communist parties react …for fear of being blamed for this monu­mental political assassina­tion of the leader of the free world. From there, the conspirators would ensure that this “communist” assassin would NEVER go to trial. How? …With another assassin …With one of the FBI’s associates and thus a pawn of the mob’s blackmailers. They would use a common criminal to assassinate him for political reasons. They would find a common drifter of gambling and prostitution to be “sacrificed” for “ideological” reasons. And that’s exactly what happened. They’d find a thug —dying of cancer— to carry out the assassination …A thug who —by a devilish “coincidence”— was also Jewish …A Jewish pimp who owned a strip club in the area. Everything “settled”! …Neither Kennedy’s assassin nor the assassin’s assassin would ever go to trial! Americans would never know who ordered Oswald to kill Kennedy, nor who ordered the Jewish Ruby to kill Oswald.

From the moment they assassinated John Kennedy, it was only a matter of time before Robert Kennedy would also be killed! Leaving him alive would have nullified the decision to assassinate his brother …This massive risk would bring no profit. Their main problem was that Robert was Attorney General and therefore, at some point in time, Hoover’s political superior, indirectly implicated in the murder of his brother. He knew the inner workings, and that terrified them. If they allowed him to become President, things would become very dangerous for them. Additionally, because of his close relationship with his brother, he understood the political motives that led to his elimination. It was absolutely certain he would defeat the useless and corrupt Lyndon Johnson if they faced off in an election, whether primary or national.

Behind the Picture: RFK's Assassination, Los Angeles, 1968 By 1968, Robert Kennedy knew who killed his brother and “why”, since the assassins had already implemented everything his brother had refused to grant them. Based on the evidence, he knew what they had asked of his brother —and what he had refused— and also, with the clarity of hindsight, knew exactly what Johnson willingly gave them. In 1963, there may have been unknown or “dark” aspects to the assassination, but by 1968, everything had become clear! …By 1968, initial suspicions had turned into certainties! Thus, it was only a matter of time before the Kennedys’ return to the White House would lead to denuncia­tions and prosecutions of the enemies of American society.

As expected, Robert Kennedy was executed just before his return to the White House. Again, they secured a “scapegoat” who suited their needs and “covered” everything. The first Kennedy was assassinated by a “bad” person who was a “communist”. The second Kennedy was assassinated by another “bad” person, who was so bad that he was also an “anti-Semite” …He killed him out of “anti-Semitism”. After communism, anti-Semitism also pulled out its useful “guns” for the Zionists. A “bad” man killed the “good” Kennedy because he loved “good” Israel. They “self-promoted” with one Kennedy’s assassination as “anti-communists” and repeated the same with the other as “anti-racists”. They used all the “clichés” of an era emerging at that time. Who would dare question them? …They would be accused of either being a “communist” or an “anti-Semite”, both highly “dangerous” accusations at the time.

Marilyn Monroe Found Dead of Suspected Overdose (Original Variety Report)

We understand that there were predetermined decisions about these murders, which —just a few months before JFK’s assassination— began with the murder of Monroe. The central protagonist in the pornographic collection of blackmailer Edgar Hoover could not have had a different fate. The Jewish Marilyn Monroe —or Norma Mortenson as she was known— was the “Lewinsky” of her time …Another “Jennifer Lopez”, who had no issue being sent to the parties of the “Puff Daddies” of her era and being filmed …At every party they found convenient, culminating in the best one of all …at the White House.

Hoover must have had her erotic “anthology” in all “styles” …and thus so did Lansky —just as Clive Davis and Garland now have all the videos of Lopez—. Consequently, Monroe’s fate was sealed the moment she provided the evidence for blackmailing the Kennedys. Once the possibility of assassinating Kennedy entered the “table”, there was no way they would leave alive someone who knew so much about …an assassination that “cemented” Jewish supremacy! …Especially Monroe, who was addicted to drugs and had romantic ties with all the hooligans of the time, who would have wanted to exploit her knowledge to profit through blackmail.

Protesting in the 60s : r/LSD This marked the beginning of the “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” era in the previously “sterile” United States. Hoover’s major enemies were dead, and no one would dare remove him from his position. The Jewish mafia had seized the White House, with the eternal FBI chief as their “bodyguard”. Hoover was content, and even happier were his blackmailers, who would establish the drug “industry” under the FBI’s “oversight” …an “industry” that had already begun generating a vast “clientele” …a “clientele” both among those who went to Vietnam and those who, as “pacifists”, condemned the war. Drugs literally “flooded” the American territory! Everywhere, new addicted “clients” were emerging, making the Jews happy “suppliers”. The American society was entering a terrifying “vortex” of deadly decadence, and it was unaware of it. American youth began to “sicken”, and no one saw past the “smoke” of opium that obscured everything. Heroin flooded colleges, which began to resemble “dens”, yet they still demanded ID to sell beer to students.

We realize that all of this was the ultimate result of the “misguided” American policy in Vietnam. None of this could have happened without the Vietnam War veteran “drug mules”. For this reason, in U.S. history, there were no veterans as disliked and unwelcome among the American people as the Vietnam War veterans …The only veterans in history whose “grateful” society did not want them among its members. Everyone feared them because wherever they settled, a new “wound” of drugs would open for society. On this foundation, the entire post-Kennedy American state was built. That death was more significant in U.S. history than World War II. That death “deformed” American society in all its “depths” and “heights”.

The Golden Triangle: Asia's Busy and Deadly Drug Route | Breaking Asia

If World War II was the Americans” dream “promotion” in the global hierarchy, Kennedy’s assassination was the tragic “accident” that left them “disabled”! …Dominant globally but now “crippled”! …Omnipotent, but “addicted”! From that point onward, due to this “disability”, their entire behavior was influenced. The entirety of both foreign and domestic policy would henceforth pass through an additional “filter” serving the needs of the new “masters”! It was only logical and inevitable that the U.S. would later “appear” in Afghanistan! …The drug trade was flourishing, and the Jewish gang controlling the American state had to ensure a monopoly on global production and, thus, control of Afghanistan.

America's Deepening Heroin Problem Has Its Roots in War-Torn Afghanistan

Wherever there was “produ­ction” that threatened their “market”, they would have the USA “clean up” the issue. It was only a matter of time before they decided —after Vietnam— to use the American army to guard the Jewish plantations in Afghanistan. That’s when the “specialization” of state appa­ra­tuses, which the conspi­rators needed, took place! …The CIA specialized in controlling pro­duction, while the FBI specialized in the distribution of the “product”! However, ALL American politicians and officials, without exception, as criminals, were under the FBI’s hostage, which was directly and completely connected to the American Justice system! The “omertà” was a given, as there were now not only Al Capone’s guns but also the “hammers” of U.S. judges!

Everything that followed was a natural consequence of this overwhelming victory of Jewish criminals both against their rivals and against the official state. The once healthy and robust American society had begun to decay. Drugs started to be “surrounded” by all their known “satellites” …Pornography, prostitution, pedophilia, and all the privileged “fields” of the Jewish mafia —with ample funding— began to “flourish”. Always accompanied by an “army” of lawyers —and with the American Justice system under their control— they literally did whatever they wanted. American society was surrendered as “prey” to Jewish criminals …Jewish criminals who, with the infinite money they had, did not fail to “polish” their social “profile” as well…

…Their own Hollywood undertook to “canonize” them as supposedly “victims” of the “Holocaust”! …Their own Hollywood undertook to consign to the “outer darkness” all “deniers” of the “superiority” of the “chosen ones” of God! …They became “beyond suspicion” figures standing atop the greatest “corpse” in human history. Wherever Hollywood couldn’t reach, lawyers and, of course, paid journalists specializing in “character assassination” took over! The image of the “superior” and the “chosen”, which has been attributed to Jews over the last century, was bought and crafted with infinite money by the best directors of Hollywood. A very significant achievement when one considers that for thousands of years, Jews were the “bottom” of human society …The absolute limit …The gypsies of the gypsies …The “ghettos” within the “ghettos” …The outcasts in all societies, which were unlucky enough to “host” them—usually against their will …The “impure” and the unwanted.

All this changed with the enormous sums spent on propaganda. They “polished” themselves —as it suited them— as supposed “martyrs” of the “Holocaust”, and everything else was “buried” as if it had never existed. This was an easy target for people like Redstone, Weinstein, Myers, Spielberg, or Davis. Billions of dollars were spent to buy everything! …Film studios, TV channels, newspapers, publishing houses …Anything that could help blind society, they bought with drug money …Mass media, cinema, and the music industry “laundered” money and “washed” filthy drug dealers and porn peddlers who posed as “philanthropists” and successful entrepreneurs.

They invested money everywhere, which their competitors did not have, and swept through all sectors. There was NOT A SINGLE sector —business, journalism, art, or society— that they did not “dominate”! Since they needed political power as well, they didn’t stop investing huge sums in that area too. The Kennedy party literally became their property. The Jews, in this way, “hijacked” the top political machine, which gave them permanent access to power …Power that, when it didn’t protect them, simply turned a blind eye to their atrocities and illegalities …Power that brought them into the grand “salons”, even though in their daily lives, they never escaped the misery of ghetto life …They lived in palaces but continued to exhibit the habits they had when living in shanties.

Amazon.com: Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky: The Controversial Mobsters Who  Worked with Lucky Luciano to Form the National Crime Syndicate (Audible  Audio Edition): Scott Clem, Charles River Editors, Charles River Editors:  Audible Part of this plan was the gambling “industry”. Why? …Because gam­bling, by its nature, can justify enormous and “unexpected” profits and thus “launder” money. What is “inexpli­cable” in the real economy finds a supposed “explanation” in gambling! …And this allows “laundering”! For this reason, the Jews —at an unsu­spected time and with great speed— set up the “laundromat” of Las Vegas! Their drug revenues were so enormous that until then, there was no conventional way of “laundering” to meet their vast needs!…

…At that time, there were no “offshore” companies and no “tax havens” in a global economy that wasn’t “open” …Only through casinos could they “launder” money on such a scale, and that’s what they built in the middle of the desert. It is no coincidence that the “founder” of the “factory” named “Las Vegas” was Bugsy Siegel …A prominent member of the Jewish mafia! …Coincidentally, a childhood friend of Meyer Lansky! …A childhood friend of the man who blackmailed the “homophobic” Hoover with those photos showing him performing “oral acts”. This Jew, with drug money and under the FBI protection and guidance of Hoover, chose a desert —with minimal state presence and oversight— to “invest” in casinos. This is why they chose Nevada to “set up” their “laundromat”. EVERYTHING there was done with drug money and “investments” from Jewish usurers posing as bankers.

Mob Museum Exhibit, Las Vegas Editorial Stock Photo - Image of security,  mafia: 103404033

These enormous laundering revenues naturally changed the internal balances of the entire American economy. When laundering such a “dirty” and extremely profitable —due to its danger— activity reaches 80% to 90% of such colossal sums, this can only be done through the official banking system …And we understand that bankers would gain enormous power. That’s when the “hijacking” of the Democratic Party occurred! …That’s when the extortionists became the “masters” of the Democratic Party and, indirectly, of the American state. This means that the powerful economic players changed, and thus state policy, always aligned with these interests, would also inevitably change. Inevitably, since bankers and merchants have different interests than industrialists and producers in general.

Mexican mafia boss counting millions of... - Stock Illustration [109544819]  - PIXTA

Suddenly, industrialists would become the poor “relatives” of the bankers …The “beggars” who would plead with them for some privileged and perhaps charitable “injections” of money. Suddenly, all politicians began crowding outside bankers’ offices for sponsorships. However, all this was revolutionary change for American society …A society that slowly began to degrade its productive function. All this happened a few years after Kennedy’s assassination when Zionist bankers became dominant …Hoover’s “bosses”. It was only a matter of time before their money also infiltrated the once WASP party …The Republican Party …The party of traditional industrialists and the “barons” of the land …The party of America’s old “masters”. Once the major private interests of the U.S. no longer connected to production, it was only a matter of time before those interests extended beyond U.S. borders. Hence, the enormous drug profits would inevitably drive those collecting them to replicate the same system on a global scale.

Michelle Obama Defending George W. Bush Is a Lesson in Class Solidarity |  Teen VogueThe New World Order, then, was the natural result of this immense and unprecedented accumulation of “empty” wealth derived from the “illness” of drug addiction …A wealth accumulating within the American “organism” like infected “pus” in a sick body and not like “blood” in a healthy one. However, even wealth, when it exceeds “measure”, becomes a problem! …When it is no longer controlled in its production and threatens those collecting it!  This is what happened to the Zionists in the USA. With their superprofits, they initially easily achieved their goals, but later they began to face problems. Initially, they “vented” their wealth by buying properties and businesses, but even these eventually ran out. After buying everything within the USA, they could no longer “release” the constant increase in “pressure” exerted by these superprofits. Something had to be done, or this “abscess” would burst within the USA and destroy them too! What did they do? …They decided to “release” the “pressure” externally …They would dismantle the previous design of the two poles of the Cold War era and replicate on a larger scale what they had successfully completed in the USA …They would dismantle the Western World to create a need for “buyouts” for their money …They would use their wealth to buy out the nations of other peoples! …And that’s what happened! …

The global New World Order was now a necessity for them …It was necessary for the survival of this network before it faced its victims and, therefore, the American state and its people. The political “architect” of this network is the Jew Kissinger …The man of the Zionist usurers …The man who, thanks to AIPAC’s drug dollars, completely controlled the politics of both major U.S. parties …The man who politically “set up” the New World Order and effectively “founded” its “directo­ra­tes” …Those we see as the Bilderberg Club or WEF. When did the “construc­tion” of the superstructure of the New World Order begin? …With the “attack” by “Republican” Bush Sr. on Iraq and the attack by Jew Greenspan on the Western World. Iraq was bombed with bombs, and the Western World was “bombed” with cheap money, which was the “tail” of the superprofits of the drug trade.

The signal was given with the fall of the Berlin Wall. That was essentially the beginning of the dismantling of the Cold War bipolar world. The Zionists of the United States gave money to the Zionists of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc and bought everything. With drug money, various Jewish individuals like Abramovich, Prokhorov, Usmanov, Khodorkovsky, and many others —coming out of “nowhere” with checkbooks from drug-money lenders— purchased everything. Like the “locusts” of Pharaoh, the Jews of the Eastern Bloc looted everything. They stripped the nations of their national wealth. In Western countries, they did the same, but with a different “pace”. First, they led them into “intoxication” and over-indebtedness, and then placed them under austerity programs. They put them under these programs to plunder them! …To seize everything from them! Simply put, in the Soviet Union, they did it in an “instantaneous” manner, while in the rest of the West, they proceeded more slowly, leading up to 2008 and Obama.

Ντομινίκ Στρος Καν - Ζαν Κλοντ Τρισέ«Πρέπει να κινηθούμε ταχύτατα. Θα  είμαστε έτοιμοι το Σαββατοκύριακο» - ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ Who were the protagonists in this Zionist conspiracy? …The same “chosen ones” again! There was so much money involved that it implicated almost the ENTIRE Jewish Diaspora in a privileged position at the expense of ALL the peoples who “hosted” them! The conspiracy was so vast and dangerous that they trusted no one outside their own ethnicity! JEWS were the protago­nists EVERYWHERE! …The “instru­ments” of the Jew Kissinger …The associates of the Jew Greenspan of the FED …The Jew Strauss-Kahn of the International Monetary Fund …The Jew Jean-Claude Trichet of the European Central Bank …The Jew Ackermann of Deutsche Bank …The Jew Blankfein of Goldman Sachs.

These were the ones who destroyed ALL Christian states and their peoples in order to plunder them without resistance. Everywhere they had collaborators who had been preparing for years for this “attack” …Corrupt collaborators ready to do anything to serve them for payment. NONE of this happened by chance! EVERYTHING was the result of a plan! …A plan based on specific individuals. These individuals —with their means and money, from the same Marxist “incubators”— “produced” the leaders who betrayed their peoples and elevated the global Zionist and Marxist New Order.

Today’s New Order is a “copy” of the “defenseless” United States as it existed immediately after the Kennedy assassination. The same system of Jewish criminals and usurers that attacked American society launched an identical attack against the entire world. The same people who murdered Kennedy attacked global society with the same methods. The same people who, through corruption and blackmail, neutralized the security services of the United States did the same with the Governments of ALL the states of the West. This New Order of corrupters attacked humanity with everything at its disposal …With drugs and “drugs”! …With drugs that, under the “blessings” of the CIA, were distributed everywhere unchecked, as well as with the “drugs” of social media …”Hallucinogens” of all types and kinds from the same people.

They were all part of the same network! The same network of the “architect” Kissinger, along with the Jew Harari, the “philanthropist” Soros, and the global “censor” Zuckerberg. Gambling, prostitution, pornography, and pedophilia have reached their absolute peak on a global scale, aiming to dismantle the entire human society and its core, which is the family! Jews are behind all the degenerative addictions that today threaten primarily Christian society with destruction. Even the Woke agenda of many “genders” is their invention. In whichever of these areas you investigate, you will find Jews dominating and profiting. All the friends of the Jew Epstein!…

…All “chosen ones” of the network that murdered Kennedy and seized control of the White House. Everything was and continues to be done with the “backing” of the United States, which has literally become the “enforcer” of Zionism and Jewish usurers! …Everything is done using the old and tested methods of the blackmailer Hoover. NOTHING has changed within the U.S. since then! …Clinton, Obama, Biden —all corrupt and blackmailed “puppets” of the Zionists— …Little “Lyndon Johnsons” who are willing to do anything for their masters to stay in “their seat”. Everywhere there are networks that “dirty” people in power to make them easily blackmailable by the most powerful “tool” of authority, which —since Hoover’s era— remains the FBI. The faces may change, but the methods and “tools” do not! This was revealed in the recent scandals involving both Epstein and Puff Daddy —and the Jew Clive Davis who controlled it—.

All these “producers” of blackmail material had the “backing” of the Democratic Party of the Zionists and usurers …Of the pedophiles, pimps, and traffickers of drugs, children, women, and lately even “salvatory” “vaccines” …Of the Zionist party of Kissinger, Schumer, Garland, Blinken, Sullivan, Yellen, Nuland, etc. …The party that —with the Jew Zelensky and Netanyahu— has killed over a million of our fellow human beings just in the past year! This party today lost its electoral battle to Trump and his allies. The —for many— unexpected victory of this alliance —against all media and the paramilitary mechanisms of Zionist propaganda— brings back the “ghosts” of American society to the forefront …A society that today is in a stage of deep “decay”. The American society is literally in “free fall”!…

Incarceration-Based Rehabilitation: Addressing San Francisco's Illegal Drug  Use Problem - San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association …A society in which drugs are now sold on its sidewalks, and countless drug addicts “stare blankly” like zombies on those same sidewalks. …A poor society, which —literally— when it is not starving, feeds on the “garbage” that businesses of the Jew Buffett serve it. …A sick society, whose members, when not dying prematurely from diabe­tes, begin dying from the “vaccines” of the Jew Bourla …A society that became homeless because the funds of the Jew Fink seized its members” homes …A society that borrows to educate its children, placing them in the “captivity” of Jewish moneylenders from the very beginning of their lives. This society, with the few “breaths” it has left, reacted in the last elections. It reacted against the Zionist party, which, unrepentant —even after its electoral defeat— continues to “wound” and “sicken” it, indifferent to its inevitable “death”.

The handling of Trump and the insistence of Kennedy to open the “closet” of the skeletons of modern American history will determine whether and to what extent this society can survive. …To what extent it can limit the Zionist network of criminals that controls the USA. …How much it can free itself from the infected “leeches” sucking its “blood” …How much it can rid itself of the financiers of Zelensky and Netanyahu, who keep it “shackled” with the threat of a nuclear war. If the files on Kennedy’s assassination are made public, no one knows where these revelations will lead and whom they will “burn” as individuals. This is now the last hope of the Americans: …To prove the obvious, so a process of cleansing their society can begin …To initiate a process of “de-Zionization”!…

…To free itself from the “chains” imposed by the Zionists and gradually regain its “identity”. …To liberate itself from the warmongering “pirates” of the White House, who use the power of the USA to threaten humanity with a Third World War …To break free from its “tyrants”, who, just days before the elections, repeated their tactics by attempting to kill Trump. THE SAME FBI and THE SAME interests attempted, with bullets, once again to deprive the American people of “hope”! By a few millimeters, we avoided a new “unsolved” murder that, in the absence of communists, would have been blamed on some “conspiracy theorist”. As Trump himself said, “…God saved me”! …and that —more than ever— seems to be the truth! This is why we speak of the Furies returning! If Kennedy’s murderers are revealed, the USA will be “liberated”, and this will mark the END of the New Order of murderers like Soros and Netanyahu!

The “renegade” Kennedy, who tilted the “scales” in favor of the Republican victory, might, with the pressure he exerts, become a “catalyst” for developments and, in time, return to the Democratic Party as its “savior” …As the “purifier” of it from the Zionist “plague”. Now is the Kennedys’ chance to reclaim their party from the hands of the “pirates”. Let the return of the “dead” be “triumphant”! If the Zionists begin to be “uprooted” from the USA, they will be “uprooted” from EVERYWHERE in the World! …Especially now that they risked implicating ALL the Jews of the Diaspora as their accomplices …Now that humanity SEES THEM IN GAZA FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE and literally hates them! …Now, when they are also seen by the ruined Christians, who never had a reputation for being the “nicest guys” in history! The Zionist murderers have opened the Underworld, and no one knows what might emerge from it!…

…NO ONE EVER escapes the pursuit of the Furies!


Panagiotis Traianou


