The solution to the Middle East Issue is the prerequisite for the salvation of humanity!

Iran, without firing a single shot, could destroy Israel and global Zionism!

The useless and murderous Mullahs could put an end to the massive slaughter, but, unfortunately, they are “puppets” of the Zionists!


If Iran were “clean” and didn’t operate under the orders of those who fund its fascist regime —who are the U.S. and Zionist usurers— it could, IN ONE MOVE, “defeat” Israel and end the bloodshed in the Middle East! This, however exaggerated it may seem, remains a truth! …A tragic truth, which unfortunately is not being acted upon, costing human lives! Every day, children are murdered, and upon their corpses, the fascists of the region play games at the expense not only of the Palestinians but of all humanity …The fascists of all kinds, whether we are talking about Mullahs or Zionists! …ALL of them are murderers, shedding human blood for their interests without any mercy!

Russell Drew on X: All this could have been avoided if Israel had not been allowed to “manufacture” its “alibi” and act as the uncontrollable thug and pimp of the Middle East …A criminal, who strikes others whenever he wants in the most absolute and fascist way, in a manner that even the Nazis would not have dared to attempt. Unfortunately, worse is happening because Zionists were allowed to use Israel as a lethal “weapon” by crafting their national “fairy tale” as an alibi. The Mullahs of Iran could have shattered this “fairy tale”! …without any bombs, just with a single decision!

This could happen because Israel follows a very specific policy that allows it to be deadly without paying the consequences, as would happen with any other state. Israel has been committing crimes since its founding because it has “invented” its own “justice”! A “justice” that does not change due to general circumstances or its own behavior …The “justice” of the small and humble, who seeks a “place” in the sun …The “justice” of those who supposedly faced the risk of “disap­pearance” and are now fighting for their right to “exist” and to not find themselves in a similar position again …The “justice” of those who disem­barked in Palestine as “suppliants” and, once they set foot on its land, forgot everything, took up arms, and began slaughtering those whom they had previously begged to “host” them.

This “script” is what Israel relies on, even adding a bit of “theology” to polish it with some divine “blessing”. They claim that the state was founded by humble and tortured Jewish settlers from the Nazi concentration camps, who were seeking a homeland —and due to God’s promise— aimed and eventually managed to return to their ancient “home”. They overlook the fact that the state of the tortured and oppressed was established because of the plans of the ultra-rich imperialists for global control of humanity …It was founded not because of the poor victims of the “Holocaust” but because of the powerful Zionists, who were actually the financiers of Hitler …Because of the powerful overlords, who had big plans for the region and didn’t care that they would unfold at the expense of the people living there! From its foundation, Israel was a “tool” of the powerful, not a “refuge” for the downtrodden! What they claim is the exact opposite of the truth.

The same “invalidity” applies to their invocation of a Divine Promise, something which makes no sense when expressed, set in motion, and completed by people retroactively …and who, apart from everything else, are also atheist Marxists! It’s not an argument that “Palestine belongs to them because it was their ‘homeland’ thousands of years ago”! It’s like modern Greeks going to Magna Graecia or Marseille and displacing or killing people because those places were once flourishing Greek “colonies” and thus some of them have a historical “right” to return to their old “home”! …As if the Greeks were to claim —and the world would believe them— that they discovered some “oracle” from the Delphi sanctuary that included a “promise” from Zeus, assuring them real estate on the French Riviera and Capri.

This is exactly what the Jews are doing —and successfully— because they simply have the “tools” to support it. Since the time of the supposed “Holocaust”, they’ve learned to play the role of the downtrodden and always play the part of the “wronged” …To grow rich and gain power by playing the role of the “wronged”. Beyond that, they exploit the common “origins” of the great monotheistic religions and play a very specific role in a very specific “script”. They exploit the inherent Judaic foundation of these religions and easily “sell” their “fairy tale”. They know their “audience” and exploit what, thanks to the Old Testament, this “audience” already knows!

A people with zero history in terms of bravery and heroism exploits the only —let’s say— heroic event in an otherwise humiliating “journey” that exclusively passed through ghettos, brothels, and dens of vice under Christianity …The only heroic event of a people, which aligns perfectly with the pornographic content of the Talmud, written by some elderly pedophiles and some “justified” prostitutes …The Talmud, which over centuries “produced” Epstein, Woody Allen, or Polanski. This supposedly heroic event is exploited by Zionism because it is known as a “historical” fact to its “audience”.


Δαβίδ και Γολιάθ | Πεμπτουσία

What Christian doesn’t know the story of David? This is what the Zionists exploit! Why do we say it’s a “nearly” heroic event? …Because how heroic can it be that the people of Epstein allowed a child to defend them in a duel with a monstrous adult man? How heroic can it be for a people to “stake” their survival on a child’s “slingshot”? …—if indeed that was a “slingshot” …and if by that word something “else” is not metaphorically implied—. Why would this spectacular act of collective cowardice be considered a heroic story of a people? The claims about “faith in God” mean nothing for a people who crucified the Son of God simply because it suited them! Apparently, something similar was true in this case as well! …It suited the cowards to send a child to a certain slaughter, just as it suited them to crucify Someone, they thought would help them escape their “debts” to Him!

These are the same people who, throughout history, have only ever done what suits them, and now, as atheist Marxists, they invoke a “promise” from God once again for reasons of convenience!!! This convenience is the reason why the atheist Marxists of Zionism “remembered” God and His “Promises”! This is the reason they “remembered” David and act with the fanaticism of the “Taliban! …This is the “fairy tale” they are selling to people, who have been trained to “buy” it! …The national “fairy tale” that justifies EVERYTHING! …The national “fairy tale” of the oppressed and weak, who fight for the right to live, pretending to be David facing Goliath! …A “fairy tale” that would guarantee them certain profit if they managed to have a “staged” Goliath in front of them!

That’s the whole secret of their strategy …The “performance” of a “staged” duel! That’s the “foundation” of Israel from its inception! …A supposedly oppressed “David” fighting for survival against a monstrous “Goliath”, which is the world of Islam. When you know that a “fairy tale” sells, you exploit it …You don’t leave anything to chance to seize the profit you’re after! …You arrange it yourself! …You know the successful script of a performance, you’re a “whiner” anyway …and you simply look for an “extra” to play the role of Goliath! …The “extras” need money to be hired …and Zionists have no shortage of money! What does this practically mean? …It means that THE SUCCESS OF ISRAEL IS DUE TO THE “STAGED” ISLAM. The great imperialist interests keep Islam in a state of weakness so that Israel appears “brave”. The great interests are those hiding behind the “persecuted” David, who pretends to be a “brave” duelist. Everything is “staged” with the precision of a theatrical performance.

In reality, all the fascist regimes in the region, which pretend to be —in name only— “anti-Zionist” and supposedly want the end of Israel, are controlled by the Zionists! …The same Zionist usurers support them! …The same ones manage their illegal money so they can blackmail them! …The same people, as bankers, “hide” and protect the wealth of the regime leaders in all the tax “havens”, so that they feel secure and, of course, remain obedient. The people of Islam are trapped between “gypsy-princes” and “kings” of British colonialism and fanatical “mullahs”. All these medieval regimes survive because they serve Zionist and American policy in the region! …They are private enterprises with “livestock” capital, not national states in the conventional sense of the term …”Puppets” of Zionism, protected by American bases in the region!

All the Islamist leaders of the past —from the Shah and Anwar Sadat to Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi— who attempted to develop Muslim states and align them with broader global progress, were swiftly eliminated. They were all victims of Zionism, one after another, “falling” so that their countries could be dismantled and become easy “prey” for Zionism! Everywhere they were succeeded by fanatical Mullahs —completely ignorant of economics and development— who, through petrodollars, were easily controlled by the Zionists. Only Assad escaped them, but if things don’t change, he too will soon fall prey to the pack of “wolves” that the Zionists have set against him…

…They were “demonized” by the Zionist media so that the international community would not react to their extermination. It is mathematically certain that those who succeeded them, the more “anti-Zionist” they appeared, the more likely they were agents of Mossad, who were promoted to power with Zionist money. Illiterate and fanatical people, who are blackmailed even over the most basic matters. Violent and abnormal individuals, who have more differences and hatred for those they govern and oppress than for those they pretend to present as their supposed enemies. These individuals are so insignificant that the Zionists don’t hesitate to kill them without any justification, just to show Israelis and the rest of the world that there is a continuous war in the region. They underestimate them so much that they don’t even consider them human! They replace them with others just like them, only to “change” them again with the next ones! Anyone who watches Netanyahu’s statements about Nasrallah and his successors will understand this completely.

In this plan to control Islam, “national-Islamic” Turkey plays a “special” role. The nationalist-Taliban Erdoğan is also controlled by the Zionists because he is the only one who can give them what they want from Turkey. Why? Because the Zionists have assigned Turkey the special role of “monitoring” Greece. They fear Greece and always want to have a “threat” to control and intimidate it. They have hated the Greeks —since the time of Mardonius and Antiochus— and consider them the only ones who can thwart their plans. However, this “threat” cannot have random characteristics …It must have Islamic characteristics that align Turkey with the “brotherly” states of the region but, at the same time, it must have national characteristics that resemble those of Greece. These dual characteristics are necessary because Islamic characteristics alone would not allow Turkey to exert great and lasting “pressure” on Greece. It needed to have strong national characteristics, which are difficult to develop in conventional Muslim states.

H πρώτη δήλωση Ερντογάν μετά τη φιέστα που έστησε: H Αγία Σοφιά έγινε και πάλι τζαμί -Στην προσευχή συμμετείχαν 350.000 μουσουλμάνοι |

Only today’s Turkey, with the illiterate and utterly corrupt nationalist-Taliban Erdoğan, can offer this “hybrid” situation …Erdoğan, the absolutely useful one, who literally “dried up” Mesopotamia and led Iraq into famine, which killed hundreds of thousands of children and triggered the first great wave of refugees to Europe! …Erdoğan, who took it upon himself to “eliminate” Assad and turn Syria into easy “prey” for Israel! …Erdoğan, the “faithful” Muslim, who is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and now pretends to be the “defender” of Islam and the Palestinians! …The greedy Erdoğan, who becomes richer by the famines, earthquakes, and floods that “bleed” Islam! …The greatest —in absolute terms— murderer of Muslims in history! …The corrupt major client of Jewish moneylenders! …The “pious” one, who single-handedly impoverished the richest part of Islam and perhaps of the planet!

This is the “scenario” for the future “functioning” of the wider Middle East region. All the leaders of the region, who pretend to be fanatical “anti-Zionists” —with Erdoğan now being the foremost hypocrite— are “puppets” of the Zionists! Through the betrayal of their people, Israel manages to control all the states around it …It manages to control a monstrous religion of over one billion believers! …The small “David” manages to stand tall in a permanent conflict with a “lobotomized” “Goliath”! It is “cheaper” for them to control “pet” nations by “feeding” their corrupt “leaders” with petrodollars and prostitutes than to offer them development and wages to keep them calm and satisfied! Even the financial “support” of the Taliban-fascist “princes” of the region against the Palestinian people is done with the encouragement and help of Israel! …Netanyahu forced the Emir of Qatar to finance Hamas!

This happens because this is what the “scenario” of the “heroic” “David” requires …The “scenario” of controlled violence against a “set-up” opponent. With the “alibi” of the threatening “shadow” of the “supporting actor” pretending to be “Goliath”, they do whatever they want …especially things they could not otherwise do, because they would provoke the global community. By “showing” everyone a wild, fanatical, and uncivilized “Goliath”, who never actually strikes them — because he is their own — they find the opportunity to strike the weak around them every day …”Showing” a military giant with nuclear weapons who allegedly wants to “obliterate” them, they obliterate women and children around them with military means to seize their lands! This is why we speak of a crafted “scenario” with a crafted “lament”! If the “performance” is set up and the “supporting actorς” are secured, everything is easy!

From there, the Zionists follow their usual strategies, the same they have used since they were vagrants in ghettos and on the streets …They faithfully follow the strategy of Marx …The strategy of the gypsies and his followers …What is it? …The gypsies are the ones who steal and then scream as if they are the victims! …The same thing that the Marxists do, who accuse others of what they themselves are doing, trying to create confusion! …This is what the Zionists constantly do, because they are both gypsies and Marxists! …They accuse others of the very things they are doing! For all the things the Zionists “weep” and “wail” about, claiming that the fascists supposedly did to them, are the exact things they themselves are doing to their victims! By controlling the global media, their “lament” is louder than the wailing of their victims, and thus they manage to be murderous while also exploiting the image of the victim …In the best case, they are the brave “David” who successfully fights for his life with all available means.

They MURDERED over 40,000 people —mostly children— in a few days and “weep” hypocritically for the abductees, which is now well-known to everyone that, for most of the losses that concerned them, the Israeli army itself was responsible. There isn’t a square in the West where they haven’t come out to give the “performance” they need to create an “alibi”. Why do we talk about an “alibi”? …Because quite simply —as has now been proven— they are hypocrites who pretended to be surprised and shocked …Everyone was aware of the possibility of such an action by Hamas, because they knew the purpose for which it would be done before it even happened. It wasn’t something unprecedented or unknown to Israeli society, and thus it didn’t catch them off guard. This kind of action was a standard tactic between Israel and the Palestinians! When we know that Israel itself and Netanyahu personally contributed to the founding, operation, and uninterrupted funding of Hamas, some things become clear. Even the famous “tunnels” of Gaza were constructed with Israeli technical support and funding.

Η διαρκής κακοποίηση Παλαιστίνιων παιδιών στο ισραηλινό σύστημα φυλακών - INFO-WAR This “relationship” is the basis of Israeli policy toward Gaza and the Palestinians. Within the framework of this “relationship”, the hostage-taking took place! …It happened with the knowledge of the Israeli government! …And proof of this is the deliberately inadequate border security, which was necessary on that specific day for this abduction to take place. Why did it happen —or at least its initial goal was— to succeed in the mass abduction of civilians by Hamas? …It happened to set in motion a prisoner exchange …One more of the dozens of exchanges that have taken place in the past. Why are these exchanges made? …They are made because it suits the policy of the Israeli state …They are made because the Israeli state doesn’t want to show signs of “weakness” or “relaxation”, and thus doesn’t want to release anyone due to any “sensitivity” on its part.

Even when it does, because it wants to “relieve” its prisons, it wants to do it in a “violent” way that perpetuates the situation and obscures the “truth”. What is that truth? …For Israel, prisons are NOT “correctional” institutions! …The prisons of Israel are the recruitment centers for Zionist agents and informants! …That’s where Mossad, Shin Bet (Shabak), and other “reputable” Israeli institutions “shop” for informants, traitors, killers, etc. This is the need Israel wants to cover, and it simply “covers” it through the so-called “blackmail” of the “kidnappers”, who are its former “inmates”. Inevitably, Israel has to maintain such “transactions” with the Palestinians to create a “flow” in a problematic daily life. A state that demonstrably arrests anyone it wants arbitrarily, without respecting any of the globally recognized human rights, opens “avenues” for such “defusing” practices on its own!

A state that demonstrably rapes, tortures, and cripples its prisoners easily opens up “bargaining” with the “opposing side”! Why? …Because it is “overloaded” with prisoners, whom it doesn’t want to “educate” forever. After the “education”, it wants to get rid of them to “educate” others …To move the previous “batch” out and bring the “next” in! …The same problems that all “training centers” face! Because the arrests are made without any measure or limit, just as easily as the prisons fill up, at some point they must just as easily be emptied! …It just needs some excuse …to “cover it up”. The excuse in this case is the mass abduction of Israeli civilians and their exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

The same thing happened in this case. Whenever the Palestinian “terrorists” —in cooperation with Israel and for their own personal “heroification”— wanted to appear as if they were “saving” some of their fellow nationals who were prisoners, they would initiate a “prisoner exchange”. But where would they find those prisoners to exchange? How would they find prisoners when they were trapped in “sealed” areas —which are, in reality, open concentration camps— entirely controlled by the Israelis? Therefore, somehow, they had to acquire them! …The Israelis themselves had to help them acquire them! …The Israelis themselves had to choose which of these Palestinians they would make “heroes”! …The Israelis themselves had to decide which Israeli citizens would be allowed to become “victims” of this situation!

This is what the Israelis always did when they wanted to “relieve” the pressure from having too many prisoners and had to find a spectacular and “public relations” way to “dispose” of them! …A method that would not alter their policies! …A method that would “justify” the state violence they were exercising! …It was a case of combining the pleasant with the useful. They “got rid” of prisoners who were no longer useful to them anyway while simultaneously giving their Hamas faction a “savage” profile! In this way, they also “loaded” Hamas with those whom they had turned into collaborators in prison and then sent them as “heroes” to Gaza. This is what happened with this practice because it simply benefited Israel. In this way, Israel did not tarnish its image of being “tough”, while at the same time maintaining the Palestinian “terrorist” threat alive! …It decided for itself who among the Palestinians would be “heroized” and who would be killed, without being accountable to anyone!

Armed resistance only way to confront aggression': Hezbollah praises Hamas Op against Israel | Free Press Kashmir It was in this “heroic” game that Netanyahu’s Hamas played. The same routine “game” that Hamas tried to “play” on October 7, 2023, since strategically, the kidnapping of random Israelis had no other meaning. They simply did not know at what moment the murderous Israel would take this as a “pretext” —and then as an “alibi”— to destroy them completely. Many times, they brought the same “jug” to the “spring”, but this time the Israelis had decided to “break” it. That’s what happened in this case …Even the Palestinian agents working for Mossad were trapped!

We are absolutely certain that Israel and Netanyahu personally decided on the kidnapping! …They were the ones who chose to “sacrifice” the Jews at that particular music event! …They were the ones who facilitated the Palestinian “terrorists” to cross the fully controlled “borders” of Gaza and carry out the kidnapping! Everything else was a “terror show”, “staged” by Mossad and the Israeli military …The Israelis themselves committed all the bloody atrocities against the Israeli hostages in order to secure the audiovisual material for the propaganda that suited them! “Rapes”, beheadings, mutilations, baby executions, etc., were all “propaganda”! …Whatever wasn’t a lie and was genuine brutality, it was a crime committed by the Israelis themselves!

Bring my baby back alive': Families of Israeli hostages cling to hope Once they secured the “alibi” that Netanyahu’s corrupt government and the Zionist media needed politically, it was easy to start the mass crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza …All under the pretext of destroying the terrorist organization Hamas …They bombed civilians and children with F16s because “terrorists” were allegedly hiding among them. In a hermetically sealed and controlled area, they discovered the “blind” tunnels …The same people who supplied the “terrorists” with materials to produce the fake rockets that break roof tiles …The same people who “appointed” the “legitimate” leaders of the “terrorists”! The whole evolution and management of the situation reveal a well-thought-out “script”! Everything happens ONLY in the way and at the time that suits Netanyahu and Israel! That’s why we also have the “salami-slicing” of the hostage releases! …Israel decided that the Palestinians would be the “bad guys” who started the whole thing and would also be the “bad guys” forced to end it with the release of the last hostage! Meanwhile, however, Israel, because of its supposed “righteousness”, has killed tens of thousands of children, who “don’t count” in any “equation” of the International Courts!

That’s the “fairy tale”. The Zionists started “whining” first because of the “kidnapping”, and they will be the ones to “whine” last until the release of the last hostage. The cries of the Palestinian children obviously don’t count anywhere and never. These are inferior “goyim”, whom no one cares about if they are killed or mutilated. That’s the trick of the “Holocaust” “witnesses”. They “set up” a situation as it suits them and then adjust it so they never lose the status of the “victim”, no matter what crime or atrocity they commit! Why do we talk about a “setup”? …Because those who can find hidden terrorists in the basements of densely populated areas of Tehran, Baghdad, or Beirut, for some “strange” reason, cannot locate the hostages in a hermetically sealed area of impoverished people, where not even a shack is left standing! Isn’t that strange? But since there are NO “strange” things in this world we live in, it’s certain that this is done with malice!

This is what the Zionists do because this is the policy they have applied since the founding of Israel, and they don’t change it because they find it effective …They murder DAILY, and also DAILY, somewhere in the world, they come out, whining, to hold a “memorial service” for the “Holocaust” …DAILY they murder people, and they don’t stop DAILY whining because the NAZIS —ONCE— “tormented” them! …DAILY they seize the homes of poor Palestinians, and DAILY they demand spaces in all countries to erect “Holocaust” monuments so the world won’t “forget” them. All this, as we understand, happens according to a specific plan …It happens because they have secured the “alibi” of the weak, who claims their right to exist …The “alibi” of one who supposedly came close to destruction and has the right to never allow such a situation to happen again …The “fairy tale” of David, who has the right to self-defense!

Meanwhile in Canada on X: Knowing these facts, one can easily understand the details of the Zionist plan. In the full development of this “fairy tale”, Iran has taken the role of “Goliath”. The Zionists have “invested” in Iran and have given it the leading role in their “script”. For this reason, they are entirely dependent on its behavior. They depend on it because Iran is the only factor in the plan that can destroy all their plans and, along with them, Israel itself. Why? …Because Iran is Israel’s “alibi”! …It is the useful idiot who plays the role of “Goliath”! …It is the “supporting actor” who wears the “weapons” that the Zionists and the Americans bought for him!

AP WAS THERE: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to Iran | AP News We are clearly talking about an “supporting actor”, because today’s Iran was “CONSTRUCTED” from the start to be Israel’s “supporting actor”. Ever since the Americans and Zionists “brought down” the Shah’s regime, that role was reserved for it …That would be the hidden “support” of Zionist Israel …The first entirely controlled regime from a “chain” of countries that Israel destroyed, as Netanyahu “prophesied” about Libya, Syria, or Iraq …The “chain” of countries that “needed” to be destroyed by the Americans, as General Wesley Clark —who stated publicly in an interview— couldn’t understand the reason for why it had to be done. Of course, he didn’t understand because he was American, unaware of the plans of Zionists like Kissinger. These Zionist conspirators are the ones who support the hated and loathed regime of the Mullahs …They are the ones who sent Khomeini there, to send, one of the most organized and wealthy states of that era, centuries “backward”! Why was Iran specifically useful to them? …Because it did NOT “touch” Israel and, at the same time, was NOT an Arab state! What does that mean? …That they can play the game of “eternal” rivalry …until, theoretically, they “touch” each other!

How does modern-day Iran compare to pre-revolution Iran? - QuoraEgypt, for example, is not useful as an enemy because it “touches” Israel …There is a “surface” of friction between them, and war is within the realm of possibility, which is not in the Zionists’ interests …They cannot eternally exchange threats and play the game of impressions with “little rockets”. Simple things. When you want to have a PERMANENTLY staged pseudo-noise scene, and only that, you must ensure intermediaries who will never allow it to escalate beyond verbal levels into an actual confrontation! …Who will give the bully the chance to shout, “Let me hit him”, without anything ever happening! If the opponents are in contact, it’s impossible to set up a pseudo-noise …No one is stopping you from completing your threat. That’s why Egypt wasn’t useful as the enemy of the “Let me hit them”-Israel …“Why aren’t you stopping me? …Stop me because I’ll hit him”.

If the situation were not so tragic, we would be talking about comedy. Moreover, Egypt is Arab, and this brings ALL the Arabs “against” Israel. Therefore, Israel cannot, after every pseudo-conflict, “swallow” those it wants …Literally “swallow” them, since Israel and its society now have  the “know-how” to operate as an occupying force against the “conquered”! …A fascist state that practices the harsh politics of “apartheid”, setting up controlled “Hamas” groups that supposedly threaten it …A murderous state that fabricates its “alibis” to kill anyone it considers a real threat and who is not part of its “cast” …

…A state of “superhumans”, since they perceive all others as “goyim”, born to serve them, with rights over life and death. The coexistence of Zionists with their victims within the same societies is not something strange — this is normal for them! …For centuries they have lived under these conditions! Simply, when they are weak, they act as greedy “parasites”, and when they are strong, as bloodthirsty “beasts”! In the ideal development of their scenario, they will even end up “selling” culture and freedom to their victims …The “benefactors” of oppressed Islam! …The “civilizers” of it! …The new “Alexanders” of the region. Netanyahu has already started this “fairy tale”, addressing the oppressed Iranian people, whom the Israelis will “help” liberate from barbarism!

All of this is happening according to a plan. They have a ready-made plan and are implementing it step by step. In reality, they want to impose the design of Alexander’s “Successors”, which gave absolute control of the region to a specific ethnic minority, which ruled over different barbarian kingdoms. By fully controlling the leaderships of the primitive “Taliban” —who keep their people trapped in a religious Middle Ages—, the Jews will offer “hope” to their subjugated people …They will distinguish among the “civilized”, who will have the right to be their “tablemates” and will build collective “defenses” like the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the time of the Successors. The old Hellenization of the “newly enlightened” collaborators of the overlords will be replaced by their “Marxization”! …All of it copy-paste in a centuries-old plan, which Netanyahu has put into its final stage.

For this reason, Iran was the ideal “supporting actor” for the final version of the “performance” …Far enough away to be an “anvil”, allowing Israel’s “hammer” to strike all the Arab nations between them! …Far enough away to allow Israel to advance towards the Persian Gulf …thus, occupying all the territory it aims to conquer until it “touches” it! …Until Israel “swallows” the entire Arab world, which, in essence, not only does not concern Iran but is also its enemy …A hated enemy, considering that Shia Iran is not Arab and has fought against the Sunni Arab World over all their differences! In the Arab-Israeli rivalry, Iran has more in common with Israel, which it supposedly hates and opposes, than with the Arabs it supposedly loves and defends. These differences reveal the “artificial” nature of the creation of the “Goliath”, who arbitrarily pretends to be the protector of the Arab World.

Since the Shah’s Iran could not serve them in this “scenario”, the Shah was replaced by the illiterate Mullahs. People who had been marginalized as fanatics, useless, abnormal, and unproductive rose to power …Specifically elevated by those who sent Khomeini as a “package” to govern them. Literally, all this human “garbage”, which tortures the Iranian people in the name of Allah, survives thanks to the Zionists and the USA! They are the ones constantly sending money to feed the Iranian underworld, and through various “embargoes” and sanctions, they allow them to practice harsh repression without being accountable to anyone or being exposed to the international community. They are the ones allowing an illiterate regime to develop nuclear and missile technology, in line with their role. Without the help of the USA and Israel, the regime in Tehran would be “decorating” stakes in the squares of the country.

Ταξίδι στην... κόλαση στέλνει το Ισραήλ ο Μαχμούντ Αχμαντινετζάντ | This Iran, due to its “role” in this “perfor­mance of terror”, now has the ability to destroy the Zionists’ “show”! …To destroy it with the decisiveness that only someone who —even as a “supporting actor”— is an essential part of the “performance” can. How can this be done? …The simplest way …By VOLUNTARILY resigning from its role! …Let Iran’s leadership publicly declare —and even enshrine it in its Constitution— that Iran no longer “targets” Israel! …That the disappearance of Israel is no longer a national goal for Iran! …That Iran has no religious, national, or ideological reason to pretend to be the protector of the Sunni Arab World! …The problems of this region of the planet concern it as much as any other nation in the world, and from now on, it will remain a “spectator”, like all the others! …Just like all the other nations of the world. Therefore, Iran “aligns” itself with the international community and follows its policies towards Israel!

This means that the “Goliath” fabricated by the Americans and Zionists will no longer give the “alibi” to the murderer “David” of the region. To prove that “David” is a common “thug” of the streets …A “pimp” who stages “trouble” with “supporting actors” to pretend to be a “hero”, when, in reality, he is a murderer of women and children! This is exactly what Israel is! …With the “support” of the USA and the “help” of Iran, it uses a super-modern war “machine” against children and civilians just for its own BENEFIT! …A terrorist who seizes everything in the name of its so-called “right”, inventing ON HIS OWN “enemies” that allegedly threaten its right to exist! …A real “pimp”, who beats defenseless women in the name of “protecting” them. This will be the end of corrupt Netanyahu and the murderous Israel that he has created…

If Iran stops giving “alibis” and arguments to Israel to justify its daily violence, it will have a problem. It will no longer be able, in the name of security, to seize entire territories and set up “mobile” defense zones, which constantly expand and “swallow” Palestinian land. In such a case, the powerful Israel of murderers will have to “survive” on the “corpses” it has “sown” across its territory! What will Israel do without the useful “Goliath”? How will it live among the corpses? How will the psychopath murderer of the region live among its victims? How will it justify its stance to the global society, which has already targeted it and keeps finding new “skeletons” in its “closet”?…

…It will have to live with the conse­quences of its actions before huma­nity, which will take a “magnifying glass” to measure its crimes! …It will have to live among the corpses of the children it killed! …It will have to live among the ruins of its own bombings! But what does that mean? …It cancels out the secret goal of its strategy! How will it “chomp” Gaza from the Palestinians? Not only will it have to postpone this action, but it will also have to restore the damages and make it habitable again! It will be pressured by global public opinion to do so! Israel itself, as a state, will have to face the enormous and thus costly humani­ta­rian crisis it caused! …It has destroyed hospitals and filled the place with disabled people! …It has destroyed people’s homes and filled the place with homeless people! Who will restore all of this?

D9, η ισραηλινή μπουλντόζα μάχης «ανοίγει δρόμο» στη Γάζα - Πτήση

The Zionists started all this atrocity so that, under the “smoke” of the alleged Iranian threat, they could begin expropriating the Gaza Strip and start settlement programs there. They have already begun studies for the future construction of the Gurion Canal! What will happen if it is revealed that Jewish funds, many months before the “hostage-taking”, had already parceled out Gaza and were receiving down payments from wealthy Jews for seaside homes? What’s going on? Are the modern “prophets” of Israel engaged in real estate? If Iran “resigns” from being their enemy, how will these plans unfold? How will Israel itself function as a state? How will the murderer “David”, who had staged a “performance” with a Fake “Goliath” while, in reality, plundering widows and orphans, operate? How long can Israel endure international condem­­­nation if it is proven that everything was provocations and atrocities committed by MURDEROUS and GREEDY beasts to seize the land of the poor Palestinians? …For whom do the bulldozers in Gaza work day and night? …Do generals make decisions for the Israeli army or contractors?

Zionism worldwide today is at risk …It is at greater risk than ever before due to the current atrocity of the invasion of Gaza. This is the biggest gamble Netanyahu has taken. With his policies, he is not only threatening the survival of the State of Israel but also the Jews of the Diaspora! He has literally gambled the fate and future of global Zionism on a single bet! …He “gambled”! …He forced all Jews worldwide to take to the streets and support Israel’s murderous policies …He placed ALL of them on the same national “platform”, and this is dangerous because if the State of Israel is condemned by the international community as a killer state, that condemnation will also extend to the Jewish Diaspora, which supported and backed these criminal policies for their own benefit.

This is the danger! …It has been revealed, what until now had been carefully concealed! …It has been proven that Hebraism worldwide have developed a common “platform” of interests! …The same interests are served by the Israeli child killers in Gaza and the predatory Jewish Zionists of the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the local “investors” in global real estate! When you celebrate the death of thousands of children because you believe that people who resist your tyranny must be punished, it means you are complicit with the Zionist criminals. When you consider the death of thousands of civilians to be “equivalent” to the capture of a few dozen hostages—most of whom are still alive—, it means you share the same views as fanatical Zionists regarding the worth of “goyim” compared to the “chosen”. All these things, which until now the “martyred victims” have hidden, have now been exposed worldwide.

The Zionist Jews of the Diaspora have been “exposed” and lost the protective “shield” of religion …They have proven through their actions that they are not just ordinary believers of a religion, like so many others! …They have shown that they are ethnically Jewish, mischievously presenting themselves under various national identities as faithful followers of Judaism! Why is this important? …Because they can no longer pretend to be “Greeks” or “Americans” or “French” or “Italians” believers of the Judaism, as there are, for example, Japanese Christians or Canadian Buddhists, etc. …They are Jews everywhere! …and among the things they share with one another is also their religion! EVERYWHERE in the world, they remain permanently religious and ethnic Jews, “brothers” ONLY with the Israelis. This means that if the State of Israel is condemned, the condemnation automatically applies to the Diaspora Jews as well.

This is the damage Netanyahu caused them, and it is irreversible! …He “downgraded” them from the level of religion —which is protected worldwide by laws of religious freedom— to the level of nationality, where everything is relative, and their rights are determined by special conditions due to specific agreements …He “downgraded” them from the level of a religious minority —which guaranteed them an easy collective defense— to the level of a national minority, which guarantees nothing and permanently portrays them as foreign nationals wherever they reside …He “downgraded” them to the level of “Israelis”, since —as will easily be proven soon— most of them also hold Israeli citizenship …Τhe safe “haven” for their gang when they are prosecuted for fraud where they live.

Now they will have “friction” everywhere, because no one tolerates a foreign “roommate” who supports his criminal “brothers” to profit together at others’ expense. They can no longer “hide” and “disappear”, pretending to be of other national identities and relying on laws of religious freedom. They are now “detectable” as ethnically Jewish, and this notion is terrifying for the criminals hiding behind protected religious rights! Corrupt Netanyahu led them into his crimes, and now the “bill” will come, because the children of Palestine will not let them escape. Soon, corrupt Netanyahu will no longer be able to claim that he fights to protect civilization and freedom. Soon, it will be revealed that in the “thriller” of the Middle East, the murderer is the one who managed until now to be above all suspicion! The murderer is the one who supposedly fights for his right to justice and survival.

Since “one bad thing leads to another”, there is now the danger—due to the global hostility caused by their actions— that all issues concerning them will be “opened up”. The “secret” of their “success” will INEVITABLY be revealed …The sealed “secret” that is the cause of their “explosive” enrichment …The “secret” of the “Holocaust”, which made them extremely wealthy …The “Holocaust” that took some from the filthy ghettos, of open toilets in the backyards, straight to the Champs-Élysées and Fifth Avenue …The “Holocaust”, that ensured them reparations, scholarships, tax exemptions, subsidies, etc. Some Jews —wherever they were placed by their “brothers”— to serve their national interests, secured unfair competition conditions with just a few hours’ stay in the Nazi “concentration camps” …Just enough time to be branded with a number …The number of the “lotto”, which guaranteed sure profits. And, worse things are coming!…

Unfortunately for them, soon the Epstein and Puff Daddy lists will also be released, exposing them once and for all! …EVERYWHERE JEWISH pedophiles, usurers, corrupters, blackmailers, murderers! It will soon be proven that today’s scourge of pedophilia is the ultimate “tool” of power control, allowing the Zionists to blackmail and control everyone, everywhere in the world, since this is a problem that fatally troubles ALL religions and ideologies at once! …EVERYWHERE “sick” JEWISH corrupters, who have “infected” Christian society and are leading it —as Schumer assured the Americans— into infertility, dependency, and destitution …and Christians must accept their fate to live as subjects of Zionism, with whatever “roommates” the Zionists choose to coexist with! …”Roommates” like the fanatical “Taliban”, whom they themselves send to Christian territories and scatter at will.

The Islamic East and the Christian West will acquire absolutely common characteristics with only one difference — the religion of the “inferiors”, which in both cases will be compatible with that of the “humble” and “heroic” David! …The ultimate triumph of the “chosen ones” …True “chosen” …but of the Devil! …Of the Devil, whose goal is the conquest of the Roman Empire …both, in the East and in the West …The “chosen ones” of Baal, who tried to conquer the world centuries ago with the Persian Wars and are trying again now. But, unfortunately for them, as always, when humans make plans, God laughs! They were stopped then by the Greeks, and they will stop them again now! They should have been more careful! …They reached where they shouldn’t have, and Christians are not exactly the “nicest” people history has recorded.


Panagiotis Traianou


