The Zionists are in absolute panic!
Rehearsals for chaos and disorder…
…and, in the background, Civil War!
It seems the surprise involving Kamala Harris did not work. A few days of empty triumphalism and artificial enthusiasm are not enough to win the election. The “lame horse” that the Zionists —through absolutely fascist means— forced on the Democratic Party has shown from the start that it cannot secure an easy victory. Wanting to bypass the political dialogue —which was clearly not in favor of the like-minded followers of the failed Biden— they played by the rules of commerce. Using purely commercial marketing terms and trying to exploit the “politically correct” spirit of the times, they believed that nominating a female, even one who is “sort of black”, would be enough to maintain their hold on power. The plan was to run in the election with the theme of the “first black woman” seeking to enter the White House as the focal point of their campaign.
Their move was clever, but the choice of candidate was terrible. Kamala, as a personality, has no real qualifications and no political or communication charisma! When she isn’t laughing uncontrollably like a chicken, she pretends to be busy to avoid journalists’ questions. She has a unique talent for appearing to be the most foolish person in any environment she finds herself in. Even among children, she manages to seem inadequate. Meanwhile, she hides from the press and refuses to debate her opponent. All of this, however, is noticed and irritates the American public, especially now, when the country is facing serious problems, and people expect to hear solutions from those who want to govern them. This need is what destroys Kamala, as we are not in times of abundance where a good communication policy projecting optimism would have been enough.
It is therefore certain that her inability to present political discourse and offer solutions to the real problems of the people has been reflected in polling data. It is evident that the Zionists have real polls in their offices, and these must be far from encouraging. These polls have surely alarmed the “deep state” of the U.S., forcing it to act. The Democratic Party, controlled by Zionists, must act, as losing power would cause a huge problem …A colossal problem because, as things have developed over the past three years, there can be no smooth transfer of power. The Democratic government has been involved in ALL the major crimes currently bleeding not only the U.S. but also the rest of humanity!
These are REAL responsibilities when you consider that this party of Jews Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland, was the one that had the Jew Zelensky sacrifice a million young Slavs in the Ukraine war to enrich Jews like Fink, Soros, and the gang! …The party of Jews that supported Netanyahu in killing over 40,000 children to expand Israel’s interests over what little remains of Palestinian Gaza! …The party of Jew Yellen, who took five trillion dollars from the American treasury and gave it to Jewish usurers to save them from the stock market bubble they themselves created! …The party that, with the power of the U.S., forced humanity into global lockdown until it could be compulsorily vaccinated with the “poisons” of the Jew Bourla!
This Zionist SHADOW STATE that rules the U.S. and tortures the entire world through Zionists, bet on a “lame horse” that nervously laughs and now sees its calculations aren’t adding up …Sees it and panic sets in. As is always the case with the desperate, they are now desperately searching for ways to save themselves. In this quest, they are turning to their old “successes”. This is why they remembered the old successful “trick” that gave them the desired outcome in the previous election …The last trick that gave them power. What was it? …The slander campaign against Donald Trump …The supposed connection with the Russians, meant to activate the survival instincts of American society.
They are trying to repeat the same trick today. They saw that the “lifestyle war” of the young and charming wife of the Jew Emhoff against the “orange” elderly opponent is not working, so they reverted to their old tactics. They realized that the marketing of the “first black woman” who wants to be President of the U.S. is not yielding results, so they went back to their old strategy. They want to repeat their old strategy, even though this choice carries the risk of ridicule, since it has already been proven that all their previous claims about Trump’s suspicious relations with the Russians were fabricated lies! They simply thought, after getting the desired outcome, that Trump was finished and they would never need to play that “card” again …and they let it “burn out” …and now they are taking it up again! Anyway, for the desperate, shame does not exist when it’s their only option for hoping for a positive result.
As part of this “new” old tactic, Garland —the most corrupt Attorney General in U.S. history— came out and announced, in the most official way, that “Russia is trying to ‘interfere’ in the U.S. elections!” The Jewish master of disinformation, alongside the head of the criminal FBI, emerged to scare people with lies and exaggerations. Why do we call them exaggerations? Because it’s not possible for a state that controls all social media platforms, censoring and silencing the planet at will, to officially claim that it “fears” “Russian interference” in the elections simply because some websites on the internet support Trump. “Support” is a figure of speech, as these websites don’t even take a position on the elections; they merely discuss issues that concern American public opinion …Issues like inflation, energy costs, the price of food, illegal immigration, drugs, and whatever else concerns the average American citizen. They interpret this as “support” for Trump, as it disrupts the narrative of the “new and beautiful” Democratic candidate.
However, their exaggeration doesn’t stop there. The state that controls all search engines expressed concern about what its citizens “see”. In other words, the Americans who, through secret agreements with the UN and other international organizations, imposed on humanity the fear of supposed “environmental change”, alleged “global warming”, or mandatory “vaccinations”, now “fear” that some “third party” might influence and “sway” the American people. The same people who influence all the world’s populations, literally “burying” any opinion that doesn’t suit them, are worried about the “Russian opinion” within the U.S.! They’re concerned that this opinion, transmitted through a few websites, might indirectly influence the election result in the U.S.! This state, which has been proven to have directly —and often violently— interfered and “rigged” election results in all Western countries, now claims to “fear” interference in its own election process! These aren’t just exaggerations; they border on stupidity!!!
At the same time, the same Zionists attacked anyone they feared and considered dangerous to their plans, especially those supporting Trump. Who is the person that scares them the most today? Who is his most powerful supporter? …The richest person on the planet …The owner of X …The owner of Tesla …The one who’s been mocking the entire Zionist network of the Democratic Party …Elon Musk. They are trying, indirectly, to threaten and blackmail him. They are attempting to intimidate him. Those who, through Garland, have “weaponized” the Justice Department against Trump, believe they can use it to threaten whoever they want.
If they didn’t hesitate to conduct humiliating raids, going so far as the bedroom of the wife of a former U.S. President, who is also running for the same office and is a billionaire, they won’t have any qualms about threatening a simple billionaire …So why wouldn’t they try to threaten, terrorize, and ultimately blackmail Elon Musk over his political preferences? And that’s exactly what happened! Who did it? Who dared to call for the punishment and silencing of the richest person on the planet? …Coincidentally, once again, it was a Jew! …Robert Reich …A parasitic advisor from the Bill and Hillary Clinton network. This is how the panicked Zionists want to approach the elections!
This entire “campaign” to terrorize their opponents couldn’t have been executed without the proper tool! …The FBI, whose boundaries are indistinguishable from the underworld …An agency founded by criminals, staffed by criminals, and, for most of its existence, run by a blackmailing transvestite named Hoover. This is where the FBI comes into play. This “fallen in many sins” agency is the armed “hand” of the shadow state …The “hand” that strikes those whom its “bosses” threaten and blackmail. That’s why Garland made his announcements, standing next to the FBI director. Through this image, he wanted to send a “message” to those he was threatening. The corrupt Zionist, showing everyone his vicious “dog”, wanted to intimidate certain people.
This dirty, dark FBI is still being used by some to win the elections today. They continue to use it because this illegal practice has deep roots in time …Its interference in election matters is ongoing! This FBI, which initially led to Trump’s defeat, then tried to prevent him from running, and finally, when they couldn’t stop him, handed him over to his would-be assassins! This FBI has already unleashed a wave of terror on anyone who holds opposing views. It’s already blackmailing those foolish enough to support Trump using Epstein’s lists. It’s already struck deals with the Zionist social media owners, burying anything that doesn’t benefit their masters and promoting anything that does. It’s already taken over the distribution of newly arrived illegal immigrant voters, whom the Democratic Party needs in certain states to overturn results. The FBI, which “disappeared” 300,000 immigrant children, will blackmail any involved Republican politicians who might challenge the Zionist owners of the Democratic Party.
We are certain that before the elections, these criminals will try to stage more provocations, and unfortunately, the more they fail at “easy” ones, the more they will try “harder” ones …Things will become more dangerous, not easier, as election day approaches. The Zionists don’t even want to imagine that they could lose power …That they might lose control of the Justice Department and the FBI. They don’t want to imagine that Epstein’s lists or secret judicial deals involving Biden or Trump will come to light. They don’t want to imagine that the American people will find out who and why “vaccinated” people with Bourla’s “poisons”. They don’t want to imagine that the American people will learn who funded the war in Ukraine, who opened the borders with Mexico, or who burned Maui!
Even if Trump has no intention of pursuing them, reality will “pursue” them, as the succession of individuals in positions of power cannot proceed smoothly, and the next in line cannot bear the overwhelming “sins” of their predecessors. Who will dare take on Garland’s illegal actions at the Department of Justice? Who will cover up all the “sweet deals” that the very Department has made with the Zionist shadow state, keeping individuals like Bankman or Maxwell out of prison? Who will lead the FBI without being “initiated” into the corruption of the Obama and Schumer shadow state? How can they hand over Epstein’s lists to those who aren’t controlled by Zionists? …That list is a Mossad asset, and its agents within the FBI manage it! Who will inherit Mayorkas’ files on the Mexican border? …300,000 immigrant children were handled by the FBI, and now they are missing! Who will take on their files? Who will take on the files about the deadly fires in Maui? Who will protect Fauci, who was ordered to “vaccinate” all Americans with Bourla’s “poisons”?
…The entire “structure” of American imperialism could “collapse”! In the age of immediate information dissemination, nothing can be controlled if Pandora’s box is opened. In the age of Snowden and Assange —and countless willing whistleblowers— none of these individuals can feel completely safe unless they control the “keys” to information security. If the “file” on Ukraine or Gaza is opened, who will stop those who want to open the corresponding “file” on the dissolution of Yugoslavia? Who will stop those who want to do the same for Libya, Syria, or Iraq? The Democrats have been the main actors everywhere, with some Zionist “mastermind” responsible for the planning. From Holbrooke and Albright to Blinken and Nuland, the same “directorate” dominates. We are talking about crimes against humanity, and where there are such crimes, there are also the criminals who committed them! We are already seeing the collateral “damage” from their desperation to stay in power, with revelations surfacing that should never have come to light.
When the “deep state” is forced to reveal the hidden roles of individuals above suspicion, it has a problem! When hardline Republicans like Bush, Romney, Graham, and Cheney are forced to support a ridiculous Democratic candidate, it becomes obvious that the two major parties are actually “communicating vessels”! …Perfectly connected if you think about how all these exposed Republicans work in tandem with the Democrats! …Together they destroyed the Middle East on behalf of the Zionists! As was recently revealed, the Zionist AIPAC funds and controls all these individuals through “handlers”. All of these unpunished criminals against humanity are the ones who make up the American political underworld that threatens and blackmails international justice institutions. All of this, however, leads somewhere and threatens the Zionists’ monopoly …It exposes them to the now impoverished Americans, who are already angry with their political leadership.
This is where the well-known saying applies: “…he didn’t know …why didn’t he ask?”. The ABC network he trusted is an absolute Zionist tool. It belongs to Disney, the company of pedophiles …Disney of the Jew Bob Iger …Disney, the friend of the Jew Epstein …Disney, the company of Jewish usurers on Wall Street …Disney, which risked its own future to serve the WOKE ideology. Is it possible that a company, that risked everything for its masters’ ideology, would respect journalistic ethics, when its masters’ power is threatened?
We understand that things have become so extreme that all possibilities are now “on the table”. If they are threatened with losing power, they are capable of anything. From attempting to assassinate Trump to causing civil war-like chaos in the country, allowing them to postpone the elections and impose martial law. It’s certain that they will do anything until they can manage the situation in a way that ensures they remain in power. By choosing Russia as their enemy —and thus someone who, even indirectly, is in military conflict with the U.S. state— and holding the “powder keg” known as the “Wall Street Stock Market”, they can lead American society into an emergency situation via a “crash”, under the threat of a real civil war, hoping to save themselves amidst the chaos. Especially now, when they see their hopes are minimal, as the surprise of the “first black woman” for U.S. President —the one they “invested in”— didn’t work. Things will get much worse before we reach the November elections. The American people are in danger, and so is the rest of the world! The “darkness” is thickening over the “dark” U.S. But hope remains, because we mustn’t forget that the darkest moment of the night is just before the dawn!
Panagiotis Traianou
The article excellently summarizes the current situation before the upcoming American elections. I wanted to translate the article into Slovenian using ChatGPT, but it didn’t do it and responded with ‘Sorry, I can’t assist with that.’ I wonder which Jewish lobby controls OpenAI and ChatGPT.
Interesting. You can always use Google translate, or other AI machines, as Gemini, Phrase etc