Did the “Fund” unintentionally reveal Putin’s secret role?
Did the haste reveal NATO’s well-kept secret?
European leaders are furious about the IMF’s “return” to Russia! Nine European countries protested the IMF’s plans to visit and provide advisory services to a country that has invaded another. It seems unacceptable to them —for the IMF— to go to Russia, assess its economy, and simultaneously provide recommendations for improving its financial management. They see it as a betrayal for IMF experts to help the economy of their “enemies” while they have already ruined their own economies in an attempt to defeat them. “We would like to express our strong dissatisfaction with the IMF’s plans,” stated the finance ministers of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Poland in a letter to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, Reuters reported.
It is now clear that some people need to reconsider not only their views on the Ukraine war but also their own roles. They have literally destroyed the states and the people who trusted them to govern, by taking a position in a war that they did not even remotely understand who “set up” or why. This war was not a natural event by any means! It didn’t arise from an unpredictable “explosion” of national passions. There were no national hatreds or tensions in the region capable of causing such a conflict. Nearly a million people have been killed just a few kilometers away from Kyiv, where corruption and parties haven’t stopped for even a moment! The children of Ukraine’s “lesser God” never stop burying their children, while those of the “greater” order Ferraris and Moet. All this happens in the same neighborhoods, in the same cities! Some Ukrainians drive around in luxury cars —as if they’re in Monte Carlo— while others hide and don’t dare step outside, for fear of being captured by “paramilitary” groups and sent to the front to die.
How can this be normal? Ukraine could have been a stable country today, like all the other former Eastern European states. It had more or less found its “role” in the region and could have continued that way. It was the “buffer” between Russia and Europe …a protected and “safe” buffer, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Russia’s defense needs had already given Ukraine a corresponding “identity”. Russia and NATO had secured a stable “insulation” between them, and theoretically, everyone was satisfied. Ukraine’s security was a prerequisite for the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and theoretically, both sides had reasons to protect its “neutrality”.
Ukraine had received a huge “dowry” —as the Russians never claimed the territories inhabited by Russian populations, which the Soviet regime had arbitrarily handed over to Ukrainian administration— and could have had a bright future. It was the intermediary “distributor” of Europe’s lifeblood, Russian energy. It had large agricultural production, as well as significant wealth in minerals and metals. Everything a state needs to look to its future with optimism. However, this state was not allowed to find its “path”! It found itself in the crosshairs of beasts! In the crosshairs of those who wanted to impose the New World Order! Those who destroyed the global economy simply to loot it! Those who put almost all the states of the Western world into austerity! Those who “privatized” the homelands of nations! Those who forcibly “vaccinated” the entire world! Those who kill the children of Gaza! Ukraine was targeted by Zionists because they wanted to use it for their plans!
Ukraine’s downfall was meticulously planned. Many people knew about its tragic future decades ago …Merkel herself had said it at an unsuspecting time. Merkel, who was trained in the same “schools” of intelligence services and was a colleague of Putin in the Stasi. Merkel, who coincidentally —apart from Putin— also knew “since childhood” all the strange leaders who played a role in Ukraine’s unfolding. “We are not moving yet until Ukraine is strong enough for us to use it”! At the same time, while some naive people in Berlin were celebrating the fall of the wall and the Eastern Bloc, other cunning conspirators just a few meters away were planning the “walls” of a new era, because of Europe’s newly planned defeat. Back then, they had to wait, as the world first needed to “swallow” the fairy tale of European liberation from the Soviet-American “boot”. This “waiting” for Ukraine’s preparation was certainly known by Merkel’s “colleague” —Putin— who also monitored its progress from that time.
Victoria Nuland, the notorious Jewish Zionist, played a key role in this usage of Ukraine. Some sent her to Ukraine to organize the situation, in order to change the country’s politics and make it anti-Russian. Her goal was to cancel Ukraine’s role in the post-Soviet era of Europe …to give it a “suicidal” role by turning it against an “enemy” who had never been such! But that requires time and planning …It requires changing the “will” of the state and simultaneously creating the conditions that would bring national passions and hatred to the surface. In other words, it wasn’t enough just to change the regime to provoke such a “suicidal” conflict. It had to be combined with policies of oppression and crimes, to develop collective national hatred.
What was Nuland’s role? …To overthrow Yanukovych …To overthrow the inherently —due to its population— pro-Russian government in Kyiv and stir strong national passions within Ukrainian society. How was this done? Through the criminal misuse of state power. The new anti-Russian government in Kyiv would demonstrate its “will” at the expense of Ukraine’s own populations! …Against the Russian-origin populations, located in very specific geographic areas of the country. Before striking the Russian “donkey,” it would strike the Russian “saddle” within Ukraine! And that is exactly what happened …The Ukrainian government used the Ukrainian army to attack Ukrainian citizens! …The Ukrainian army bombarded Ukrainian cities! …The Ukrainian government punished populations for characteristics that were already known and legally protected, as they had recognized national minority rights! …In other words, it was the Kyiv government that changed its behavior! Not the Russian populations of Ukraine!
This was the murderous work of the Zionist Nuland. What was the target? Ukraine? Russia? Its mineral wealth, as some naïve figures on the U.S. political scene claim? …Of course not! The goal was to change the entire European security framework! The goal, through Ukraine, was to design the future “bipolarity” of Europe! The goal was to provoke an inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine! The goal was, through the “violated” Ukraine, to drag the entire Europe into a confrontation with Russia! The goal was to help NATO create a new pan-European “enemy,” thereby securing a role for itself in the New World Order. They had “discovered” Europe’s monstrous adversary and thought they could use it to blackmail and threaten all European countries. Whether through nuclear threats or energy dependency, the moneylenders of New York believed they had found a way, via Moscow, to “govern” Europe. When they weren’t threatening Europeans with the nuclear “claws” of the Russian “bear,” they would threaten them with its “black honey,” since —as Germany’s collapse has already proven— Europe’s production is entirely dependent on Russian energy.
So, Ukraine was not the target! …The goal was not to destroy Ukraine …The target was Europe! Ukraine was simply to be “sacrificed” to achieve this goal. Ukraine was the “slaughtered lamb” to provoke the beasts’ struggle for control over it. The war in Ukraine would provide THEIR Putin with the “alibi” to permanently threaten Europe! …To threaten it with real atomic bombs, something that just a few years prior, even speaking about would have gotten him labeled insane. This was the objective of the Ukraine war. The Zionists, who provoked it, aimed to enslave Europe! …To turn Ukraine into a “knife” to be “stabbed” in Russia’s “side,” but with Europe holding the knife, so that Europe becomes the target! This was the “play” we saw, directed by NATO! They made Europe “wound” the “bear” to make it an enemy.
Jewish moneylenders used the Jewish Zelensky to help Putin appear to the Russians as a supposed “super-patriot” while simultaneously becoming a “bogeyman” to Europeans. The Jewish moneylenders gave Putin the opportunity to invade Ukraine for a supposedly “sacred” and “national” cause, aiming to change the previous alliance design in Europe. They killed nearly a million people so that Europeans would fear for their own future! This way, they gave Putin an “alibi” —to avoid being challenged by the Russians themselves— and placed him in his war role. “But is this possible?” someone might ask. “Putin is waging war on the West! He’s threatening it with nuclear weapons! Could this be just a show”? …And yet, a hammer strikes the anvil with great force and passion, but both are tools used by the same craftsman to do his work!
This was the Zionists’ plan: to strike the Russian “hammer” with force on the European “anvil,” with the “soft” Ukraine in the middle! Their risk with Putin was minimal …they knew him “since childhood”. It’s logical that they wouldn’t fear this “investment” in the Russia of the Jew Chubais, who literally “appointed” Putin to his position …In the Russia of Putin, who considered Kissinger a “wise and visionary man” …In the Russia of Jewish oligarchs, who control its entire economy! …In the Russia of Putin’s Jewish strategic advisors, who shape national policy based on the “wisdom and visions” of the Jew Kissinger! It was necessary to use Russia because they couldn’t otherwise complete the new pan-European design of the New World Order. How else would they align all European countries into an anti-Russian alliance? How else would they make NATO the leading player? How else would they put nuclear threats in Putin’s “mouth” against Berlin, Paris, or London? Even “distant” Portugal is passionately participating in NATO’s pan-European anti-Russian “campaign”! Putin even threatened Alexandroupolis with a “strike”!
Without Ukraine, how would they put all of Europe in a “bag” of terror? That was the goal! Putin couldn’t suddenly, out of nowhere, threaten all European peoples! A simple nation-state like Russia couldn’t just assume the “pan-European” threatening role of the Soviet Union. That was something that needed to be “built”! …and that’s why the Jewish Nuland went there …The enemy of Russia had to be created first, and then the Europeans had to identify with that enemy so that Russia’s “reaction” would concern them all! For this to happen, Ukraine had to be sacrificed …and that’s what they did! By destroying Ukraine and using the nuclear threat, they attempted to impose a pan-European post-war design, without having to fight a war of that scale. We will have a new “Yalta,” imposing the results of a “Third World War” without actually having the war itself! …The “giants,” who will supposedly come to a “balance” —which arose from their supposed conflict— will impose a “New Order” for the “good” of humanity!
The weakening of Europe was the goal of this entire “process”! …A goal that had been decided decades before ordinary people even noticed it …A goal that required great preparation so that some could place Europe under the “hostage” of Russia …To re-enslave “liberated” Europe from the Soviet Union’s fear, now under Russia as a “bogeyman”. That’s why GERMANY of the commie-Nazis was once again put in the sad role of betrayer and destroyer of Europe! ONCE AGAIN, Germany proved to be the “Achilles’ heel” of Europe! …Its permanent “cancer”!!!
Germany of the corrupt Kohl and the Jewish Merkel destroyed Europe ONCE AGAIN, to serve the plans of their owners, the Zionist moneylenders. All the industrial powers of Europe were flattened by the German scourge. Germany took subsidized loans to impose itself unfairly on the whole of Europe, and when it finally succeeded and became its supposed “engine,” the sly ones went and pulled the “main switch” called “Nord Stream” and turned it off! That’s why Germany, although it was harmed to the maximum extent, did not react to the greatest act of thuggery ever carried out in peacetime!!!
The economic and political weakening of Europe was a prerequisite for starting the war in Ukraine! Southern European states had to be put into austerity programs so that their “creditors” could control them! …To control their behavior and, thus, their alliances. The industries of the industrial states of Northern Europe had to be destroyed, so that these states could also be threatened with destruction by the same blackmailers! When all this was achieved and Europe entered an economic recession, the NATO “game” began …The “game” of the “allies,” who are judged by their willingness to participate in the “games” that destroy their own states. The war in Ukraine would not only give Putin an “alibi” but also give the traitorous European leaders an “alibi” to destroy their national economies to serve their “masters”.
The European states “committed suicide” to “save” “Democracy” and “Freedom” …They “committed suicide,” fighting for “higher” values alongside Ukraine, as Biden assured us in his celebratory speech to Congress. This was done through the policy of anti-Russian sanctions. The sanctions policy against Russia was a trap for Europe itself …A trap that was very cleverly set up over a long period. Why was it a trap? …Because Russia was NOT dependent on its production! …It relied on its wealth! …It exported energy to its clients but became an even bigger client for them since it bought “higher” processed products from them! In other words, Europeans gave Russia money as customers and took much more when Russia became their customer! This makes sense. Russia exported energy and raw materials, which follow a specific “market dynamic,” and imported products with enormous added value!
A country with these characteristics has the power to blackmail others, not to be blackmailed! …It was doing them a favor by buying their products! …It was pressured by the French, the British, and the Germans to buy their products, even against its own interests! How is it possible to threaten someone, whom you initially pressured to buy your products, by saying you’ll deprive them of those products? Russia remained industrially underdeveloped due to intense pressure and conspiracy!!! Can you really think you can blackmail it with sanctions that essentially undermine your “success” in keeping it dependent on consuming your products —and therefore, keeping it weak—? After emerging from the ruins of the Soviet Union, Russia had fallen victim to the Western scourge and lost all of its industrial strength!!! After a massive “plundering,” it had become an underdeveloped yet incredibly wealthy “Arabia” of the North! …and this means that its general poverty was a given, regardless of the billions that the “few” who controlled its natural resources were collecting.
This means that any sanctions imposed on Russia by Europe would not harm its capital but would be suicidal for those imposing them! By losing access to cheap Russian energy, Europeans would not only make their own production uncompetitive, but they would also lose their best customer! …They would not only lose the supplier of cheap gas, but also the customer who spent billions on Mercedes and Ferraris in a society that was unemployed and poor! You NEVER pursue such policies against someone you need as both a supplier and a customer! Even a down-and-out street junkie knows it’s not in their interest to take such measures against their supplier.
These sanctions would give Russia the opportunity to develop because it would be “forced” to look elsewhere for the supplies it was no longer getting from European production. The result? …What we see today! …In the market, where Chinese cars were not previously competitive, they now dominate …Chinese competitors to the Europeans have conquered a market they could not have dreamed of until now. Simultaneously, the new dynamics of Russia’s economy allow it to pursue re-industrialization to the highest degree! While history has shown us —through the failed attempt to acquire Volkswagen— that until now, Russians couldn’t acquire top-tier production know-how to develop industrially and break free from European production, now they can! …They were “too weak” to demand it from the powerful Europeans, but they are now strong enough to demand it from the Chinese and the Koreans!
The result of the sanctions was that Russia gained what it had been lacking all this time: competitive industrial capital. This capital, combined with its infinite energy self-sufficiency, makes it an absolute superpower on the planet! …A “threat” not just to Europe, but to the entire world! Given its tremendous military power, it is now “playing” alone! Americans saw how modern Russia looks on Tucker Carlson’s show and were terrified! They thought they would see the broken Russia of Yeltsin, the drunkard, and were shocked to see it “shiny”. Gradually, after being strengthened by Europe’s foolish sanctions, Russia will have the ability to acquire the remaining expertise of devastated Europe and will destroy it! The once wealthy Europe—the largest “shareholder” of human knowledge by far—will be left as a “corpse,” surviving on the brink under the mercy of its “creditors”! How accidental could this be? Was it a disastrous mistake by the fools governing European states, or was it the ultimate secret of the New World Order? …Europe will once again be “shackled” into a new “Cold War” era of poverty and dependence …The U.S. will take on the role of “pimp” and “protector,” and the moneylenders will take everything! …All for the “good” of peace and humanity! In reality, the SAME people are repeating the SAME plan as in World War II! …The SAME Zionist moneylenders, who financed Hitler to destroy Europe —and, after bringing it to the mercy of its creditors, trapped it in a balance of terror with the Soviet Union— are the ones who financed Zelensky to do the SAME …To destroy Europe again! …To bind it to the loans of the moneylenders and trap it in the inability to respond under the “threat” of Russia! …The SAME people who financed the “revolution” of the Marxist Stalin to threaten Europe are the SAME ones who financed the “nationalism” of the Marxist Putin to do the same thing!
Now they are preparing a new “Yalta” once again with the same humiliating terms for Europe! …And once again, a “destroyed” Germany, having dragged all of Europe down with it, will wait to be exempted from the bad “fate” of the rest! The IMF will simply repeat the “game”! That’s why it’s heading to Moscow now, ignoring the “anger” of European “leaders”. Just like Bretton Woods “decided” on the post-war “Order” before the war in Germany was even over —and thus before Hitler was defeated— so now the IMF is going to Moscow to impose the terms of the New World Order—before Zelensky is defeated and before the war in Ukraine is even over—!
Just as the delegates at Bretton Woods “constructed” the monetary policy of the post-war era on global “dollarization,” the SAME people are today “constructing” the future “de-dollarization” of the global economy! The EXACT SAME tricks by the SAME people, just on a larger scale! …We will have the regulations of a World War without having a Third World War! However, the cost for the European peoples and their future will be just as painful! We will just avoid the millions of dead, which primarily threaten the designers of the New Order and secondarily the people themselves!
The slaughter in Gaza, which occurred in the “shadow” of this undeclared war, was an expected collateral consequence of the global changes the Zionists attempted to impose. Since the Jews are the ones “organizing” the “next day” for the entire world, is it possible they wouldn’t try to benefit themselves on a national level as well? Is it possible they wouldn’t “favor” their fellow Jews? Amid the “chaos” of their own “world war,” they decided to carry out ethnic cleansing and seize the “land” they needed from the indigenous Palestinians, regardless of whether it was their homeland. Everything is THE SAME!!! …In the first execution of this “project” of global human slaughter, the Zionists gave the Jews, as a collective gain, the reparations of the pseudo-Holocaust, and now they will give them Gaza and the West Bank!
We understand that Putin’s role is NOT as “clear-cut” as he would like! Why would he want it? …Because he still needs the “alibi” of being a “super-patriot” …He needs the “alibi” because, BECAUSE OF HIM —among other things— tens of thousands of Russian soldiers have lost their lives! …Young Russians, who, if Putin had not been involved in this conspiracy, would all still be alive! Putin needs the “alibi” for his own survival —literally and figuratively—! He needs it because he helped foreign Jews and foreign Protestants drag Orthodox Slavs into a terrible “Civil War,” which has already “counted” —and thus mourned— almost a million dead!!! If his role is revealed, not even the Jewish oligarchs will be able to save him, and they too will have to fight for their own lives!
That’s why they protect his image with all means, unlike other “disposable” figures like Zelensky. They need him because the Russia they’ve handed him is one of the pillars, if not the foundational pillar, of the New World Order. That’s why they’ve “appointed” him as its lifelong President! …He was always a favorite of Kissinger and Schwab! …A participant in all the New World Order “conclaves”! …Their “chosen one,” managing as a “dictator” a “province” of their “empire”. With Merkel, Biden, Johnson, or Macron, who pretend to be his enemies, he shares the same “stable” under the Zionists’ “barns,” all AT THE EXPENCE of their peoples! All of them will “help” him remain in power and thus maintain his “alibi” in front of the Russian people!…
…They will help him because he helps them! That’s the only explanation for why everyone accuses him and involves him in all their domestic issues as a “demon,” yet he doesn’t respond. They use him to “play” their political “games,” and he doesn’t react. Is it possible that the head of the powerful Russian Secret Services would allow speculation against him and not respond by leaking information? Snowden did it, and the powerful “heir” of the KGB can’t? Doesn’t Russia know who Epstein’s Jewish companions were and what they did? Doesn’t Russia know about Obama’s private life and “Pizzagate”? Doesn’t Russia know the dirt on Bill and Hillary? Doesn’t Russia know who paid Hunter Biden? Doesn’t Russia know what’s happening in Macron’s “family”? Why doesn’t he blow them all up? He lets them accuse him when he could flatten them as individuals? Is he ready to drop atomic bombs on all European capitals, killing millions of unsuspecting and innocent civilians, yet he can’t “blow up” their corrupt and deviant leaders with a single forbidden piece of information?
All of this, on its own, proves that something “stinks” about this situation. Obviously, all of this is part of a “rigged” game among collaborators! …The Zionists’ puppets are putting on a “show”! …Putin offers them gains, and he expects something in return! For us, it’s a given that it’s pre-decided that at the end of the war in Ukraine, they will give him the Donbas as a “gift,” which belonged to Russia anyway! …They will give him something that already belonged to the Russians as a “gift” to “bind” them to their “strategic benefactor”. They believe that with Donbas, they can secure his lifelong power. They know him, and they will strengthen him! …They will support him with all means, so he can permanently “threaten” Europe and its people with “punishment” if the interests of their “creditors,” who are also his “protectors,” demand it. There can’t be “pimps” without “enforcers,” and that’s why the Zionist moneylenders are inextricably linked to Putin!
The irony is that the Zionists are doing all this with the “backing” of the U.S., and at the same time, they are digging a “grave” for the U.S. as well. Everything is being done at the expense of Europeans with the political and military “backing” of the U.S., and at the same time, the SAME people are undermining the U.S. as well. It’s inevitable because the U.S. also needs to be controlled so it doesn’t threaten the New World Order. It’s inevitable that they too will be trapped in a similar “snare”. Just as Europe is dangerous for Zionist interests, so are the U.S. As such, they too must be kept in a controlled state. What’s happening in Europe will also be implemented in the U.S. under the logic of “copy-paste”! The U.S. will also be led to economic “suicide,” so that the Zionists’ extortionate designs can function. They are now setting up the conditions to “play” the same “game” from the other side of the ocean! …They are desperate to place the irrelevant and weak Kamala in the White House to set their plans in motion. Through her, they will turn the U.S. into a weak “Ukraine,” so they can control not only the American people but the entire American continent! How will this be done? …We will describe it in another text.
The END of everything is very near! …
… And equally near is the punishment of ALL the criminals in this world!
Traianou Panagiotis