Spontaneous social “explosion” or perhaps a threatening “message” from the Zionists to ALL American and European citizens?

Could it be related to the inevitable economic “crash” of the USA?


In Britain, a “fire” has broken out, which, if not controlled in time, will threaten the world’s “powder keg” with explosion! But is this what it seems, or are there other things hidden beneath the glowing “surface”? What is really happening in the heart of the once British Empire? What is happening in the society that —theoretically— due to its imperial past, had the greatest familiarity with “cohabitation” and thus tolerance towards “different” populations? In reality, what we see today in the once Christian Britain of the Anglican “throne” is a picture of the future …Our future! …The future of all Christian states! …It is a “message” to everyone! …A clear “message” to all peoples about what awaits them if they wish to react to the policies and orders of the New Order!

Britain was the ideal place for the New Order rulers to test the functioning of their design, and that’s exactly what they did. Due to the mentality of its populations and its insular nature, it functions as an isolated and fully sealed “laboratory” where some are testing future policies …A “furnace” isolated and with relatively fireproof materials, where if they could set “fire,” they could do the same —much more easily— everywhere in the world …A “laboratory” for how the perpetrators will control their victims’ behavior …The Zionist perpetrators against their Christian victims! …The Marxists, who plundered the Christian populations and now —in the era when they must “be happy without owning anything,” as the infamous Schwab of the WEF told us— have to control them! …The populations of the unemployed and the hungry, who will eat the “garbage” of Gates! …The surplus populations that must “be urgently reduced,” as Harari has repeatedly emphasized to us in many ways!

The anti-Islamic violent reactions of the British, which were triggered instantly with the push of a “button,” prove the “successful” Zionist defense plan against their victims, who are the Christian peoples. What we see today is a general “test” for what we will soon see happening across all Christian states. When a simple provocation of a paid or psychopathic person is enough to set “fire” to one of the theoretically most advanced societies, we realize that the situation is terribly dangerous …We realize that all societies are under threat and, of course, under the permanent blackmail of those who can and have an interest in causing such “ignitions” …Those who have the money and the mechanisms to protect —through provocation— their interests.

Based on this design, bankrupt and almost destroyed societies will turn at will against those pointed out to them by those who essentially plundered and destroyed them and not against themselves! The poor will turn against the poor, and along with them, the known paid agents of the system’s provocateurs will take to the streets …The “children” of the Zionists, who —since the time of Hitler and Luxemburg— know how to play the same “game”! …The “game” that we have all seen played out before our eyes, regardless of whether we understand it or not …The “game” of provocation, which “pushes” the peoples where it suits the “bosses” of the provocateurs.

Ενάντια στη μεταναστευτική πολιτική //Διαδήλωση στόμα με στόμα στο Περιστέρι από τους Autonome Antifa – Antifa South This is the “project” we see today …A “project” that especially we Greeks see very often in the era of the misery of the Memorandums. But what is its “scenario”? In Britain, the provocateurs of the far right came out to defend the homeland and society with the aim of preempting and “overshadowing” its natural reaction! With the usual method of violence and the tolerance of the “rigged” police, they will very easily “stain” the poor British who protest with the “stigma” of NAZIs …All parents who take to the streets out of concern for their children will be labeled as “NAZIs”! …All the unemployed who protest against the unemployment caused by the destruction of the labor market due to the uncontrolled invasion of illegal immigrants will be labeled as “NAZIs.”

All these “NAZIs,” when they take to the streets —”overshadowed” by professional far-right and fascist elements like Tommy Robinson— will find themselves facing Soros’s “children” …The “colleagues” of the real far-right NAZIs, who are the far-left communists. Facing the genuine NAZIs —who will “contract” the poor parents and patriots— will be the also trained communists! …Those who will “contract” the poor illegal immigrants …Those who will “overshadow” the illegal immigrants …The Islamist illegal immigrants specifically! This is the trick that traps the people in a deadly “trap” …The professional Marxist provocateurs of both extremes will place the poor in the middle to clash, and they will regulate the “tensions” of these clashes based on the orders and requirements of their bosses.

reseauinternational: Υπεύθυνος για τις εμφύλιες ταραχές στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο είναι ο Σιωνιστής Τόμι Ρόμπινσον, ο οποίος είναι πράκτορας της Μοσάντ – dimpenews.com The hooded and masked PROVOCATEURS of both sides will come out to manipulate the reacting citizens like sheep and turn them against those chosen by the Zionist headquarters …The PROVOCATEURS, who are paid by THE SAME bosses, to control the citizens’ reactions. It is no coincidence that the British “ultra-patriot” Robinson is simultaneously a Zionist and lives much of the time in Tel Aviv, presumably with a salary from Mossad. Now he was useful, now they used him. That’s the trick. The poor against the poor —under the orders of the informers and provocateurs— and at the same time, the Jews, who are responsible for EVERYTHING, will remain safe in the untouchable selling social “sensitivity” and anti-fascist “expertise”! The leader of today’s “uprising,” Tommy Robinson, declared it officially. ONLY with the Islamists do they have a problem. With the rest, whether Hindus …or JEWS, the NAZIs of Britain have no problem.

…In the untouchable and officially the Jews with the “permission” of the leader of the NAZIs. The Zionist leader of the “patriots” of Britain. The result is “magical.” The Jews, as the most fervent nationalists, will “curse” the nationalism of others! …Those who enriched themselves by plundering the poor will not be involved in their “civil war” and will be untouchable along with their spoils! Those responsible for the global imperialist policies that “spawned” the migration “waves” will not appear anywhere! The Jewish usurers like Buffet or Fink, who, with their stock market “bubbles,” illegal recapitali­zations of their banks, and corrupt privatizations, plundered all the states, will not fear the people’s reactions!…

The Middle East's graveyard cities …The Jews like Albright, Kissinger, Blinken, Nuland ensured this by dismantling the Muslim states and causing the migration “waves” to the West! We are talking about premeditated CRIME! We are talking about a CRIME that had been foretold, and people just did not pay attention to the “Cassandra” …Netanyahu had described it very analytically to us decades ago when he revealed to us the Middle Eastern states that would be destroyed over time for the “security” of the West and Israel —states that at that time were in better condition than Israel itself!— …General Wesley Clark, who was the NATO military commander in the “distant” 1997, revealed it to us. He told us that the USA and NATO would attack and dismantle ALL the states of the Middle East and North Africa, even if their military “brains” did not know “why”!

Theoretically, we knew everything! It just had to happen for us to understand it! …We had to see everything fall apart to understand that behind the destruction are the Zionists and their interests! …The destruction of Libya and the execution of Gaddafi by the beast named Hillary Clinton was a foretold crime! …The destruction of Syria and the attempt to overthrow the Assad regime was a foretold crime! …Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon were permanently in their sights! We are not saying this …The butcher of Gaza revealed it to us himself! All these were “useful” crimes for the criminals because they wanted to artificially cause humanitarian crises on a large scale to push populations towards Europe! …To push specifically Muslim populations to Christian Europe!

This was the trick of the Zionists! …The trick of the “bosses” and financiers of Netanyahu. To artificially create internal and absolutely “distinct” social enemies of the European peoples within their own homelands! …To have the imperialist “arms” to threaten the peoples with civil-war-level conflicts so that they would not react! …To have a distraction, and the peoples would turn violently against those pointed out to them and not against those who are truly responsible for their economic destruction …and these are the local Jewish communities! …Against the permanently “different” and thus the “distinct” enemies! This is why the religion of the illegal immigrants was a strategic choice. In this way, the local Jewish communities would be easily protected …The communities that have the “ability” even to “disguise” themselves …The communities whose members can change “nationalities,” names, even religion, without “disappearing.” These communities, which, collaborating with the international Zionist centers of the New York Jews, “conquered” the states and their economies and plundered them.

They are the ones who need the “imported” populations to exploit the problems these populations inevitably create to ensure their own security. Only in this way can the Jews hide “behind” the Christians because the common animosity against Muslims will unite them with the Christians! This animosity, which they themselves cultivate, aims to overshadow everything. It is the animosity that will cover the greatest “plunder” in human history, which is the Christianity by the greedy Jews. It is the animosity that could even cover the greatest crimes against humanity. Soon, the Jewish butchers of Gaza hope that Israel’s crime in Gaza will be “forgotten” because the anti-Islamic “wave” will overshadow the sympathy that currently exists in Europe for the Muslim Palestinians!

False claim image shows 'mass exodus' at Israel airport | Fact check This is now the goal, and for this reason, the Zionist murderers are not worried about the crimes they commit in Gaza. By controlling the Marxists of far-left organizations, who “regulate” the behaviors of the reacting Muslims, they will easily identify them with the supporters of Palestine. They will make them provocative based on their religious behavior and slowly but steadily drive away the Christians who support the justice of the Palestinians in Gaza. The supporters of the Palestinians will start with the “Allahu Akbar,” and their “credit” in Europe will end. This is the “switch” that the far-left “employees” of the Zionists hold in their hands. They have the discretion to make this behavior marginally provocative and make the Palestinians lose all Christian sympathy!

The possession of this “switch” is what the Jewish Zionists like Netanyahu seek to have in their hands, controlling all provocative mechanisms like Antifa. If they manage, through the violent reaction of the Muslim provocateurs within European states, to align Jewish interests with those of the Christians, they have eliminated all dangers, given that all dangerous international courts are under the absolute control of Christians. In this way, Christians —despite being their ultimate greatest victims— will end up being their protectors! In short, they will be “cuckolds and beaten”! For this reason, Israelis are now leaving their homeland en masse —which theoretically is well-armed and capable of protecting them— and are going to the “enemy” Christian territory of the supposed descendants of the NAZIS! To the territory of the “ANTI-Zionists” and “ANTI-Semites” white Christians! To the supposed “womb” of racism and fascism!

Police station set on fire as far-Right violence spreads to SunderlandThis happens because the Jews operate PURELY as a “gang” and thus know the plan precisely! They know that today’s antipathy towards them will never become dangerous. They themselves are orchestrating the “clash of civilizations” envisioned by Huntington and Kissinger and through this will secure a “position” on the correct side of the “clash.” The Jewish “rapists” of Christianity will thus hide behind the Christians, who will fight the equally poor Muslims, who fell victim to THE SAME “rapists” in their own countries. Now, they don’t need the paid NAZIS to gather them to PROTECT them in the “concentration camps” of burning Europe!!! Now they take the plane themselves to find safety in Europe, which may be “burning” again, but that does not concern them directly!

This is the whole trick of the Jews! This is being “constructed” today in Britain. The violence in Britain is “instructive”! It is instructive and is addressed even to the most powerful Christians …even to the “planetary rulers” Americans! What we see happening today on the streets of Sunderland can easily be transferred to the streets of Chicago or San Francisco …Quite easily, because the Government of the —self-declared— Zionist Biden made sure to “flood” the USA with millions of ILLEGAL immigrants! Specifically, Catholic ILLEGAL immigrants, to be “distinct.” Jew Mayorkas made sure to let in all the “underworld” of Latin America into the USA! If the Americans are not “good” children, the provocateurs of the Zionists will make sure to punish them …Quite easily if one considers that THE SAME centers “move” the far-right neo-Nazis and the communist ANTIFA on both sides of the Atlantic! …The same Marxists are both, and the same interests move them!

Yes, pro-Israel Jews lobby the Government — and like all UK citizens they have every right to do so | The Independent | The Independent This warning “threat” against the USA — especially in light of their upcoming elections — is being “manufactured” today in Britain and beyond. If they manage to terrorize Europeans with Islamic violence within European countries, they will make ALL Christians sympathize with Israelis. They will make them feel the threat of the “different” …They will make them feel as supposedly the Jews in Israel feel. Why do we say “supposedly”? …Because in Israel, Jews themselves create the tensions that affect their society, while in Europe a “performance” will be staged to “manipulate” Europeans for Jewish interests! The policy that will “herd” them into the New World Order designs will develop without Europeans’ knowledge!

This “backstage” knowledge allows Jews to appear so provocative, even though they are completely isolated worldwide. This knowledge makes local Jewish communities openly support crimes against humanity! Netanyahu dared today’s crimes because, in the meantime, through ILLEGAL immigration, they have advanced extensive “Israelization” of all Christianity! With organizations funded by various Soros-like figures, they promoted fanatical Islamist ILLEGAL immigrants into all Christian countries, who, under conditions of social reaction — and thus great tension — will cause waves of violence, making states operate under the pressure of an internal enemy, similar to Israel. Then, with the logic of similarity — based on the well-known: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” — EVERYONE will support Israel and rush to give a “forgiveness certificate” to the greedy local Jewish communities that have devastated everything! …A “forgiveness certificate” to the greedy “locusts” that devoured everything! …Those who liquidated the pan-Christian capital of know-how and production just to get rich, leaving ALL Christians unemployed!

If the reader knows their plans and goals, they can also understand the significance of their political “investments” …They can understand why Jews around the world “love” communists and communist parties so much. These parties are the “reservoirs” from which they draw provocateurs!!! The so-called internationalism of Marxist communists gives the alibi to “scum” to betray their homelands for alleged ideological reasons, while in reality, they are corrupt and ruthless traitors taking bribes! Those who “sell” cheap “sensitivity” to the world are paid by their bosses! These experienced and well-trained in provocations communists, who are paid by Zionists, will manage the reactions of ILLEGAL immigrants! They will regulate the “tensions” of Islam, and thus they will put the “gun” of blackmail to the heads of nations! Simply put, we all need to know that MARXIST CHRISTIANS are ALL those MASKED ones who “sell” violent religious Islamic fanaticism and “hijack” the Palestinian struggle!

Here, another very basic issue arises …Do Jews as a whole know about the crimes committed by their leaders, or is everything done without their knowledge? Do Jews know these dirty and murderous plans or not? How can we understand what ordinary Jews knew without internal information? …Did they know that blood would be spilled in Christian streets, which they could exploit? How can we discern this? …We can discern it in a simple and very mathematical way! …We can discern it by interpreting human behaviors!

How easily predictable the outbreak of this social violence is for some can be understood by interpreting the “equations” related to the behaviors of those who “star” in social “problems”! …No one more expert in solving these “equations” than those whose history has indelibly linked them with the provocation of major social problems! The infamous Jewish usurer Rothschild, advising lower “goyim” on economics, once said that “it is profitable to buy when blood begins to flow in the streets”. What did the greatest usurer in the history of the world tell us? …That when you see blood flowing in the streets, you stop playing with money and all mechanisms that produce money from money — trade, stock market, etc. — and buy assets that are NOT affected by the financial function! …Assets that are not affected by monetary and stock market crises! The quintessential and all-time classic of this choice is real estate! …Real estate, which, when the economy flourishes, is a low-yield investment!

So? So, what Rothschild tells us constitutes an “equation” and “equations” can be read in many ways. What does the “equation” say? …He who KNOWS ==BUYS== when blood FLOWS in the streets! This is the equation! So? …So, this means that when someone buys when blood begins to flow in the streets ==KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING== when he follows the advice of the Jewish usurer! …When interpreting the signs of the times that show him what to do! So, what does a Jew, one of those who not only “interpret” but also “write” the “signs” themselves, do? …He has BOUGHT before others start to do so and therefore before there are the “signs” that activate them …He has BOUGHT just before blood begins to flow because he KNEW — before it happened — that this blood would be spilled in the streets! What could be safer than the investment of the murderers themselves in coffins and black suits? Who can know better than them what will be in demand after the “sudden” and unexpected for EVERYONE ELSE death wave? Rothschild, in other words, “nails” the Jews!

He is the one who gives us the “tool” to reveal what his co-nationals might have known and what not! If Jews have been playing with stock markets, shares, or bonds until now, what do they do a little while before the moment of the great “crash” they orchestrated arrives? What do they do a little before the blood begins to flow in the streets, which will activate their remaining competitors? Did they do anything revealing their knowledge and allowing them to create the conditions for this “crash” not to concern them? If we look at what Jews have been doing within Christianity in recent years, what will we see? What did they do after the first virtual “crash” of the “Pandemic”, during which they grabbed five trillion dollars from the Americans? What did they do when Pfizer, led by the Jew Bourla, destroyed economies and people’s jobs, who could no longer service their loans?

From the COLLECTIVE “investment” behavior of Jews, we can understand their COLLECTIVE knowledge! If someone searches for them, they will see that with that unprecedented liquidity — due to the unprecedented fraud of the “Pandemic” — they started BUYING everything! …They left the financial sector and are “sweeping” pan-Christian real estate just before the big “crash”! …They are “sweeping” everything because they KNEW blood would spill in the streets! With corruption and usury, they put all nations and states into Memoranda and, with special laws, gained an advantage in the grand “loot”. Now, as other Christians also “listen” supposedly to Rothschild, any purchase is meaningless because simply nothing is available! …The “locusts” of the desert grabbed everything first! …They did it because they simply KNEW what would happen before it happened! …They KNEW because they orchestrated it themselves! …So simple!

Unfortunately for them, there is no fairy tale without its dragon! Here, the dragon is that their “victory” will NOT give them glory! …No cunning will give them the ability to hold on to their global “loot”! This is not a game! …They grabbed everything, but these things lead billions of people into poverty and misery. The worst for them is that they grabbed everything from people who were used to having everything! They “plucked” the strongest Christians! They are leading to hunger and despair those who history has not classified as the “quietest” children! The result now is fear! …They fear what every thief fears, who risks being trapped with the loot in his hands! …They risk losing EVERYTHING now that they have gained EVERYTHING!

That is why they needed an “escape” plan from the beginning …A plan that is now becoming clear. Now it is evident why Soros and his company showed so much “sensitivity” to ILLEGAL immigrants! Now it is clear why the US Democratic governments and Zionists destroyed the entire Middle East and North Africa! Now it is clear why Jewish “capitalists” protected and funded ALL communist parties worldwide! Now it is clear why Jew Mayorkas left the US borders uncontrolled! It is now obvious that we are entering the final phase of their plan! …This, which WEF’s Schwab has revealed to us! They will clash among themselves, those who own NOTHING, while those who have grabbed EVERYTHING will remain unscathed!

In Britain, they are now playing their top “card” …They are blackmailing one of the world’s most powerful nations with Civil War! …They are blackmailing it ahead of the upcoming elections. With the fires and smokes in Britain, they want to send a message from the other side of the ocean! …They are blackmailing the Americans with the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants they “loaded” on them, to protect the Jewish community in the USA, which looted it! They want at all costs to terrorize Americans so that Zionists do not lose power …To continue to govern the USA the gang of Jews Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland, Schumer, Yellen, Nuland …To continue to govern even under the leadership of the silly wife of the Jew Emhoff. Now all these will face the “dragon” of the “fairy tale”, and that will not be pleasant for them!…

…DELETE the “loot”!!!…

…and they ALL together back to Israel!!!…

…to face the situation that THEY THEMSELVES created!!!



Panagiotis Traianou

