The grip tightens around Washington!…
…The modern “Reigning City” of Christianity “falls”!
What is happening with Mexico?
Who is “building” the new Ukraine at the “doorstep” of the USA?
Who is “recruiting” the Catholic “Hamas” of the future?
What is happening today in the USA is unprecedented in world history! …The theoretically “victor of victors” —supposedly at the height of its power— is “committing suicide”! …The “monarch” of the New World Order —and regulator of everything— “dies” for “inexplicable” reasons! …The most powerful Christian state is being “desecrated” before the eyes of billions of people, and its leadership not only does not resist, but instead encourages its “desecration”! …For “inexplicable” reasons, it follows suicidal policies that primarily target its own state and its people! …It has opened its vaults and finances wars and policies that undermine its political power! …It has shut down all its energy sources, leading to a very dangerous dependency for its operation! …It has closed all its productive activities, exhausting its economy! …It has opened its borders to ILLEGAL immigration, which is destroying its society!
All these cannot be accidental! The “suicide” of the USA will stand —for centuries to come— as the most representative example of internal betrayal! …Some are opening “backdoors” and the end is inevitable! We are literally seeing a “Déjà vu” …We are living days close to May of 1453 …We see the “Queen City” of our era collapsing before our eyes …We see the “besieged” opening the “backdoors” themselves, allowing the hordes of their enemies to invade their defenses. Today’s situation is even worse, because, as things show, the “besieged” themselves are the ones creating, financing, and arming the “conquerors” …They themselves bring the “besiegers” outside their “walls”! They do it blatantly and in front of their victims! …They do it in live broadcast! …and, in front of eyewitnesses with mobile phones in hand, recording everything, with an internet that spreads the “images” of this “suicidal” event to the ends of the world!
Under the leadership of a corrupt and abnormal old man —completely unfit to govern— the USA is heading rapidly towards its end! …An inglorious and absolutely humiliating end. A “queen city”, seized by the mania —either of “drunkenness” or of “madness”— has abandoned everything and “commits suicide”! … A ruling power at full strength “dives” into the “abyss” and becomes “wreckage”! The state of the USA, the largest “castle” of Christianity, seems to be paying the “curse” that follows the “castles”! …It “falls from within”! …It disintegrates due to betrayal! …It is being dissolved by those it trusted to increase its power! …It is “sold out” by those who govern it, to increase their personal wealth!
Right now, we are seeing the epilogue of a “play”, the end of which some should have known …A “play”, the end of which was predictable from the beginning —given that the identity and quality of its protagonists are known—. Some obviously underestimated the facts and got caught …The Americans got caught like some naive people who think that a TV show, in its rerun, might have a different ending because they are watching it for the first time …The absolute definition of madness —according to Jew Einstein— for someone who expects a different result when doing the same things. What do all these mean for our case? …That some have betrayed the Americans and it was absolutely certain —in advance— that they would do so!
We just need to find out who they are and what their plans are. This is not so difficult to do. The “candidates” in this case are not many …In fact, there is ONE …and it is the ruthless Zionists! For this reason, we speak of prior knowledge of the end of the play. When you know the history of your “partner” in previous “collaborations”, you should also know what awaits you! It doesn’t matter if you are becoming a “partner” with him for the first time when you know what he has done in his previous “collaborations”. When your “partner” is a known fraudster who has “cheated” all his previous “partners”, how is it possible for you to believe that he will not do the same with you? …Especially when, to become your “partner”, he used the betrayal of his previous “partner” as his “capital”! This is what happened to the Americans …They became “partners” with the Jews, who were already in an active “partnership” with the British! …They made a “marriage” with an “adulterer” who remained in his previous “marriage”.
All this started with the “Crash” of 1929. Then the Americans were trapped by the Zionists …They made them their “partners” because they were convinced by them that they could turn the economic crisis into an “opportunity” …The Jews convinced them that not only would they get them out of the crisis, but they would offer the USA the whole world. The Americans handed over to the Zionist Jews the “steering wheel” to get them out of the dead end and there they got caught, because they never regained that “steering wheel”! There they lost control of their lives! The Americans handed over absolute control of their economy to the Jews, and the result was the rise of the post-war New World Order of American domination under Zionist “direction”!…
…The PAX AMERICANA was the result of this “partnership” and it was this that dominated the world after their “collaboration” …This was what the Jews promised the Americans and this was what they gave them. Everything went as planned …Almost ideally. With the con artists Zionists at the “wheel” of the USA, the crisis of 1929 quickly became the opportunity of 1945. They asked them to be patient for a few years so that their conspiratorial plan could bear its “fruits” …”Fruits” at the expense of the previous “partners” of the Jews, who were the Europeans and mainly the British. The Zionists gave value to the “fake” dollars of the inflation of the “Crash” and, mixing them with the blood of millions of Europeans, they made them precious …They turned the death of Europeans into an “investment product” and just waited for time to “mature” the “yield”! …In reality, they “disposed” of their “junk” in the “yards” of their “neighbors”! …They put their green “junk” in “bags” and threw them at the “neighbors”, so their children would be killed because of them! They placed the inflationary dollars of wealthy Americans and Jews into five-year and ten-year bonds and waited for the years to come when the “bulldozer” of the NAZIs would make them profitable.
They financed Hitler with this “junk” to “manufacture” the Nazi “bulldozer” to level Europe and it was this leveling that they exploited! …Even the Nazi uniforms were paid for by the Jews with American inflationary dollars …With the same inflationary dollars, they paid for the construction of the infamous “Concentration Camps” to ensure the prosperous life of the Jews of the Diaspora, offering them the “alibi” of the “victim”! …It was a matter of national survival for these Zionists to involve ALL their compatriots in the “scheme” to ensure the “cooperation” of the accomplice and of course his “silence”!
The leveling of Europe was the secret of their “scheme”! …And this leveling they then exploited! …They exploited this leveled Europe to enslave it with its debts! They exploited the needs of its reconstruction to become its “LENDERS”! With the huge profits of their “investments”, they “helped” it, and along with this “help”, they burdened it with new loans and made it even more indebted! …They “saved” it just as they “saved” Greece with the Memorandums, which took EVERYTHING from it, and its debt not only did not decrease but almost doubled! Just as they enriched those who —secretly and illegally— financed the Simites to destroy Greece, so it was with Europe with those who —secretly and illegally— financed Hitler! …The same people were in both cases! …The same people were the Lenders in both cases!
Simple tricks of the underworld loan sharks, because such UNDERWORLD were the Zionists! …Real underworld, if someone considers that real criminals staffed the mechanisms of the Roosevelt government and managed the international policy of the USA. Somewhere there, drunkards and gamblers —like Churchill— meet with prostitutes —like Wallis Simpson— with generals and diplomats. For the first time in history, the “high” policy of imperialism was taken over by common criminals! …Mafiosos, pimps, loan sharks, gunmen, and knife-wielders! The “sewer” of the ghettos had entered the “salons” of the World!
These were the ones who “conquered” Europe by “sneaking” into it from its Nazi “toilets”. They trapped it in the bloodiest human sacrifice in history! …and somewhere there, all the trash of communism, which was absolutely controlled by the Jews of the Diaspora, was useful to them …These Jews, whom they convinced to betray the people who hosted them for the sake of their supposed great national “goal” with the promise of huge war compensations! In this way, ALL the Jews became accomplices in their great national “scheme”! All they had to do was learn to cry and lament in front of the audience watching them.
In just a few years, the “phony” dollars from the American “Crash” turned into real money and were returned as such to the “investors.” Some Americans became incredibly wealthy from the destruction and plunder of Europe. The Americans were happy… perfectly satisfied with their “demonically clever” “partners.” They saw them and thought they had struck a “vein of gold”… the first rulers of the world without breaking a sweat! The first winners of a war that they themselves caused, in which they participated “friendly” and almost bloodlessly at the end, sharing the “loot.”
Dressed up and polished, they arrived at the last moment for the “parades” in a Europe steeped in blood and rubble! Victors in a war where everyone else “bled” except for the victors —and of course the informers who served them—. In a war whose end left everyone in ruins, the Americans didn’t have a single broken tile to repair! Their conspiratorial “partners” did equally well. Not only did they rise to the top of the World with an “elevator,” but they also secured the “halo” of the “martyr!” While other peoples were “bleeding” because of them, they were “relaxing” in Concentration Camps, well-guarded by the usurers’ employees. THE ULTIMATE HYBRIS!!! …The masterminds of the greatest slaughter in history posed as “martyrs,” whom the peoples had to worship! …The butchered worshipped the one holding the knife and kissed their “hand”! …The greatest perpetrators in history became “sacred cows” for their victims! …Europe filled with “monuments” to its killers!!!
They accomplished all this with a simple trick of the street thugs: …The “informers” hired paid NAZI “bouncers” to “break” their competitor’s “shop” and then lent him money to “help” him… They lent at usurious terms, to finally seize the “shop” from his “hands”! They had the NAZIs flatten Europe and then lent to “save” it. The Americans and the Jews became globally dominant in this simple way …The “freeloaders” of human history! …Victors and “SECRETIVE” —because they were already accomplices in the greatest crime in human history—! However proud the “partners” were of their cunning “trick,” they had to keep their mouths shut, because otherwise they would be in danger! …They “silently” celebrated their “triumph” behind closed “bank” doors. They celebrated while their victims were experiencing absolute despair and thanking them as “benefactors” or “sympathizing” with them as “martyrs.”
As always happens with gangs of murderers, “Omertà” is mandatory! …”Omertà” for all “investors” …”Omertà” for the Americans who “bled” Europe and “Omertà” for all the Jews who inspired and orchestrated the greatest massacre of Christians in history, even securing the “false alibi” of the “Holocaust”! …”Omertà” even after their criminal collaboration, because the “work” didn’t stop there …It continued, as the Jewish “partners” of the Americans —who were simultaneously financiers of the idiots in Moscow— were the ones who set up the “Cold War” with Moscow, which was necessary for the USA to become the world’s rulers. The criminals were inextricably linked, and their permanent collaboration was essential for their safety! …Absolutely mandatory, since any conflict or simple friction between them would reveal and “topple” them both from their “throne.”
“Time brings cabbages and time brings cauliflowers,” says the wise people …”Permanence” and “Jews” are incompatible concepts! …The “Pandora’s Box” next to Jews cannot remain closed for long! …It was only a matter of time before the Jews “betrayed” their “partners” …It was only a matter of time before we saw the same “show” again! They did it with the Germans, they did it with the Russians, the French, the Ottomans, and they repeated it with the British, as we should never forget that the PAX AMERICANA was built on the “legs” of the betrayed British Empire …On the “zombie” that they themselves had “poisoned.” The method is always the same and it is that of the usurers. They promise profits to their “partners” at the expense of others —to attract them— and the “chubby” “partners” eventually become their “prey.” This is the nature of the Jews and this is confirmed by the statistics of history.
Anyone who “partnered” with the Jews simply at some point “disappeared” from the map. They rose “high” very quickly and even more quickly “plummeted” into the “abyss.” They carried the wealth of the whole world to the common “table” and in the end, they were left only with the “burnt card” in their hands. They were looted, corroded, and their society disintegrated. This is how the Jews are in all their dealings …with whomever they collaborate …They follow to the letter what they describe with great precision in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” …Locusts, which, wherever they pass, leave nothing surviving.
This is their nature! …They cannot change! That’s why we talk about a “show” that always has the same ending, and yet knowing this ending does not save the naive who insist on “betting” on its change. …The snake DOES NOT become a dog because you fed it! As soon as you relax, it will bite you, even if it is full! This phenomenon is seen repeating itself today against the USA. The small nation of Jews, which because of the monstrous power of the Americans is by far the most powerful and economically successful nation on the Planet, turned against them! …”Full” they “bit” them and not because of need, because they were fighting for survival! The snakes, as the Founder of Christianity called them, did once again what their nature dictates! They, whom He Himself threw out of His Father’s Temple — along with their usurious benches — did the same against His own children.
So, those who got the Americans into the big “tricks” of “world domination” are the same ones who are now taking them out of them …They are the ones who are now looting them and leading them to “death.” The USA, which through the Jewish usurers financed the great slaughters of the World Wars, are today repeating the same policies, but this time —unfortunately for them— they are doing it against themselves. Once, the war in Europe brought the USA the immense profits of “world domination” and today the same war becomes the cause of their collapse. Once, a Hitler “manufactured” with American dollars gave the Americans control of Europe and today a Zelensky “manufactured” with the same dollars gives the Jews absolute control of the USA.
But this achievement, as difficult as it is to achieve, is just as difficult or even harder to maintain. You can easily or with difficulty deceive someone and take their possessions. But how feasible is it to keep those possessions when they are essential for their survival? Easily or with difficulty, the Jews with stock market games, usury, supposed “pandemics,” and the machinations of international politics, took everything from the Americans. But what happens from this point on? …Will they be able to stay at this “height” now that the economic crisis and destitution have begun to trigger the “alarms” of American society? Now that Americans have become extremely poor and the Jews are provocatively wealthy, how will they withstand the reaction of their victims? How will they withstand an inevitable and violent Christian reaction, the triumphant non-Christians?
Controlling the reaction of Christian Americans is now the main priority of the Jews …Controlling the reaction of people, who have not been recorded in history as the “best kids.” The powerful Americans are the children of the old colonists of the New World, and this does not rank them among the “harmless” and “naive” peoples. This is what now scares the Jews, as they have reached the “top” and do not have the option to seek other powerful “partners” to overthrow the previous ones and hide behind their “backs.” Now they are alone at the “top” of the World and must act alone. Now they are at the “top” and there, to survive, you must be a “beast” yourself.
This is their problem now. They are at the “top,” but apart from the financial aspect, they are extremely weak. They cannot function as “beasts” through power, so they resort to high-risk tricks that do not guarantee the desired outcome …Tricks that, if revealed, will be their downfall. Therefore, they exploit the resources at their disposal and attempt by every means to weaken the American state to control it completely …They aim to weaken it to such an extent that it will not react at all to their actions —no matter how anti-American these actions may be— …To weaken it to the point where it lacks the power to help its people. Using the very means of the American state, they continuously strengthen its enemies so they can threaten and blackmail the American people.
To achieve this, they have bound the U.S. government —through the Jew Blinken’s Ministry— to an international policy that weakens it economically and politically exposes it to all its allies. They “stole” power with the conspiracy of January 6th by the Democratic Party of the Jew Schumer. They looted it with the conspiracies of the FED by the Jew Yellen and Jewish usurers like Buffett and Blankfein. They weaponized the Justice Department and turned the FBI into a terrorist organ of the Zionist deep state with the Jew Garland. They misinformed through the Jew Bloomberg’s media channels. They silenced and censored with the Jew Zuckerberg’s Facebook and the Jew Brin’s Google. They flooded it with ILLEGAL immigrants with the Jew Mayorkas. They handed over children’s education to perverts through the Jew Weingarten. They planted “levers” of violence everywhere with the paid and violent spies of the Jew Soros, who generously funds BLM.
All of these are achieved through threats and blackmail! This is neither strange nor unprecedented. From the beginning of their collaboration, this has been happening. What they did in pre-war Britain with the “peculiar” royal offspring and corrupt politicians, they are now repeating in the U.S. They have planted blackmailers everywhere like the Jew Epstein, who hold the entire political staff of the U.S. in their hands. This sexual blackmail is nothing new for the Jews, nor is it something unknown to many people. The general blackmail is carried out organized by the American state itself for reasons related to the peculiarities described. It is done to preserve the national “omertà.” Long before the Epstein scandal, the American ruling class trembled at the lists of the Jew madam Heidi Fleiss …Jew was the greatest pimp in U.S. history because Jews extract their political gains through sex and perversion, as the Elders of Zion describe in detail.
All control of American society and government has always been and still is under the eternal “eye” of the infamous Hoover and his successors. The FBI holds the secret of the current situation! The FBI is the “eyes and ears” of the “deep” American deep state, and this “tool” has fallen into Zionist hands! The FBI is the real “weapon” of the Jews in the U.S.! Why? …Because the peculiarity of American “success” gives it a unique “pathology” as a system. A “pathology” that other similar systems did not have, as all their enemies were only external. The U.S., due to its peculiarities, had enemies both external and internal! “Foreign and domestic enemies,” as their Constitution emphatically states! The external enemies were handled conventionally by the CIA, following the well-trodden path of other great powers of the past. The peculiarity of the U.S. was that it had to keep an eye on its interior since the Americans themselves threatened with the revelations of their secrets. From the beginning, the post-war American power system was set up in such a way that, without appearing, it protects the national “omertà” and its “partners” in the greatest crime of history through blackmail and terrorism.
This need established a permanent and nationally legitimate mechanism of blackmail and terrorizing American society to protect the national “omertà,” vital for American interests. Protecting this “omertà” was the main “object” of both the CIA and the FBI. The “omertà” and all it implies about the “image” of the “partners”! The CIA abroad and the FBI at home! The CIA protects the “Holocaust” and the “martyrs” from “deniers” abroad, and the FBI does the same at home! American politicians, unionists, businessmen, intellectuals, actors, athletes, etc., are all potential targets of the FBI! Anyone who enjoys publicity and has the power to influence society is an “object” of the agency’s oversight!
This FBI of armed “observers” was set up by the infamous Hoover. A small CIA that protects Washington from the Americans. If the CIA’s role is to protect the U.S. from foreign states, the FBI’s role is to protect Washington from the Americans. Its role is to monitor and threaten any Americans within the U.S. who, for ideological, racial, class, or social reasons, would threaten to reveal the crimes of the “partners.” To monitor and threaten the “internal” enemies! Those who could, for any reason, reach outside Washington. The “domestic enemies” pointed out to society by the political leadership of the U.S. and handled accordingly by the FBI.
It’s a “one-man show”! The FBI alone —using its own agents— creates the internal enemies and then rushes to “deal” with them! The chosen and useful “domestic enemies,” once “communists,” are now “Maga republicans.” Once “crypto-communists,” from whom “confessions” were demanded, today are “White armed anti-Semites” asked to surrender their weapons! …Whatever suits them, in whatever way suits them, to exercise the desired state terror that ensures their control over society. Under the pretext of “anti-communism” by their own spies, who pretended to be “fanatical” communists, the FBI did whatever it wanted! And today, it does the same under the pretext of “anti-racism” or “anti-Semitism.” Even the “rights” of children to “gender change,” the questioning of “climate change,” or resistance to “vaccinations” are subjects for the FBI to create or deal with internal enemies of Washington’s policies. This has always been done and continues to be done. The control of post-war American society has always been based on the doctrine of creating, targeting, and demonizing these artificial enemies! …In the “name” of protecting Democracy, they could “rape” society!!!
In this arbitrary way, an incredible intensity of terror was artificially created within society, which was exploitable because it placed everyone under the threat of blackmail. This blackmail was Hoover’s doctrine, who, among other things, permanently targeted the “halo” of the Jewish “partners”! …The perverted transvestite Hoover, who was himself blackmailed by the Jews! …The “moralist” Hoover, who went down in history for the famous photo where he performs oral sex! It is no coincidence that all sexual scandals always touching the White House contained a Jewish “stone” of scandal! …Marilyn Monroe of Kennedy was Jewish. Also Jewish was Clinton’s Lewinsky with the infamous “stained” dress. All such blackmail was done by the Jews, and the Jew Epstein belonged to this rule. Epstein, with thousands of videos of his “friends,” which, whoever possesses them, controls the U.S. today! …And those who have them are known!
Now, however, the Zionist Jews, despite the power they hold, are afraid …They fear that at some point, the intimidating power of the FBI will not suffice …They fear that blackmail and threats to a completely discredited and untrustworthy political staff, which people hold in little regard and could dismiss at any moment, will not suffice …They fear that the conventional “tools” of American political planning will not suffice to continue existing in an explosive situation that, if it “blows up,” will leave nothing standing …They fear they can be overthrown by the powerful of the U.S., who are the Anglo-Saxons —their old “partners”—.
This is exactly their great problem, and that is why they have hardened their stance. Their problem is the Anglo-Saxons of the U.S. …The “owners” of the U.S. …They, who were exhausted economically and politically by the “global” policies of the Jews …Those who, from factory owners, became merchants because Jewish usurers closed their factories, promising effortless super-profits …Those whose money, offered by Zionists for their “closures”, was “eaten” by the same people in stock markets! These are the ones they fear now and play their strongest “cards” against! Their most famous “cards” are those of internal social division! They try to the last moment to exploit the political power of the Democratic government to divide Americans and turn them against each other …To lead them into an internal social conflict, which will lead them to absolute weakness. All at no cost to themselves and at the expense of American society!
The supposed “sensitivity” policy of the Democrats on ALL issues that can cause division is aimed at this goal! …On all issues where the “doctrine”-Hoover can create the artificial “enemy” that the system wants to exploit! Their “sensitivity” about reparations for black people for their years of slavery in the US is only intended to pit Black Americans against Whites! The same goal applies to the supposed “sensitivity” policy on student loans, which is only intended to pit poor urban Americans against the rich. The same goal applies to the supposed policy of “rights” on abortion, which aims to target conservative Christians. The same goal applies to their “concern” for the “right to choose” of small children on their gender. The Jewish have turned against their former “partners,” the WASPs —that is, the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of the US— and are trying to demonize them to neutralize them. This is the target of the “White supremacy” “propaganda”!
They want to impose these divisions to ensure that it creates a heavy and dangerous social climate …A civil war-type climate, which the Jews are permanently fanning with their well-known violent para-state “arms”! The Jew Soros ensures this! Based on all this, one can understand why the FBI was a key player in the Capitol invasion provocation —and whom it served— …One can understand how this FBI collaborated with some masked individuals —who clearly were not Trump supporters— in this invasion and why these masked individuals were never revealed. If one could see the faces behind the masks of the masked individuals terrorizing American society, one would see the same faces starring in all dangerous situations! …The same people who “fight” for the lives and reparations of black people, the “rights” to abortion and gender choice, the pride parades, or the “fight” for student debt cancellation! All organized by the same Democratic Party of the Jew Schumer and all on the payroll of the Jew Soros and, of course, his son.
The pinnacle of the FBI’s provocative para-state activity came with Biden’s election …Declared as an Zionist, by Biden himself. The FBI LITERALLY PLACED Biden in the position of President of the US! …From start to finish! …The FBI decided to “contaminate” Trump’s campaign with the baseless “charges” of “collusion” with the Russians! The FBI decided that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a product of conspiracy theory, because otherwise it alone could have shaped the final election outcome! …The FBI allowed the —surgical— phenomena of election fraud! When the issue of fraud finally reached the Capitol with “force” to be brought before the Plenary, the FBI “closed” the matter with the infamous “invasion” of the “Maga Republicans.”
The FBI in all its “glory”! Just as it previously did with agents pretending to be communists —to “sell” “anti-communism”—, it did now with agents pretending to be “Maga Republicans” —to “sell” Democracy— …The well-known tricks of the Jews who paid Nazis who burned the Reichstag to seize power. Throughout this process, the entire Jewish media and social media network, owned by the Jews, was protective of the FBI and its huge responsibilities in crimes against American Democracy. Its Director spends most of his day at the Capitol, explaining FBI’s crimes, rather than in his office! This is the FBI of the Jew Garland, which is “communicating vessels” with the CIA of the Jew Cohen, which is literally a branch of Mossad!
But even these are no longer enough! …NOT enough, because the Jews are now “against” the American people themselves, and the people CANNOT be blackmailed with these means. A people are blackmailed with wars and Civil Wars, not with sex scandals and corruptions. The Jews provoke this people with their activities. They are so provocatively “successful” within the US and so “distant” on all levels from the average American citizen that it is certain that many of them do not sleep peacefully! …They “see” the “storm” of reaction coming and know that no matter how much they divide society, at some point, it is NOT enough! No matter how much they divide those who suffer from poverty today, they will not be able to trap them for long in this artificial conflict.
All those who supposedly stand “against” each other will find common ground when they reach the point of truly fighting for their survival. In such a case, the real opponents will be revealed, not the artificial ones! …It will become clear who the real enemies of Americans are! It’s simple. In this life-and-death struggle within the US, there are only two opponents …Common American citizens who cannot survive and the Jews who have looted them! …The victims and the predators! …The “suckers” and those who deceived them! It’s only a matter of time before the “kicks” shake the World. It’s only a matter of time before a new, even tougher and more nationalist “Trump” emerges from a suffering and tormented society.
The fake tears and the “Holocausts” will not save a people who today, besides having the world’s greatest billionaires, also have the biggest corrupters of Christianity …The most famous swindlers from Madoff to Bankman …The most famous pimps —even in their female form— like Fleiss …The most vile pornographers and pedophiles from Strauss-Kahn and Weinstein to Epstein, Woody Allen, Polanski, and Dershowitz. Wherever there is a world record of vileness, some Jew is the “champion” and some American politician is his “protector” and “admirer”!
It is only a matter of time before all these things “explode” simultaneously! …To act like a “spark” in a society that has “dried up” from poverty and is ready to “explode.” Now it’s natural for the Jews to fear Trump and the changes in state policy he promises! …The US without an external enemy frightens them …The US of Trump and the “Maga Republicans” terrifies them! …The US without Democratic power in their hands is very dangerous for them. All the internal enemies they have created so far are too small to limit the reaction of a hungry people …They are very weak and are within the capabilities of such a state to deal with and control! Therefore, long before they face a “Trump” who will not allow them to conduct internal divisive politics safely, they had to create an external enemy that would serve them without needing power in Washington! …
This was precisely their solution to their problems. To create an external enemy who could terrorize the American people from “outside” …An external enemy who could exploit the internal conflicts already created by the Jews within the US …An external enemy whom they could control themselves without the absolute need for power in Washington …An external enemy who could “regulate” the state behavior of the US in such a way that serves them perfectly. Who was the most suitable to regulate the behavior of fanatically Protestant Washington? …Of course, Mexico!!!
Spanish-speaking and Catholic Mexico, with which they have old differences over sovereign rights and is one of the countries with which the US had actual military conflicts over their national sovereign rights! It is not like the “brother” state of Canada, which not only cannot serve them with its Anglo-Saxonism, but is also demographically insignificant and isolated. Mexico is a “corridor” that will bring all of Catholic Latin America as a threat to the “door” of the US! …It will activate all the instincts of the peoples whom the US has been provoking with their unfair, imperialistic, and authoritarian policies for a century …Policies of raw interventions, invasions, assassinations, dictatorships, resource plundering, etc. All these, through Mexico, can reach the necessary intensity right outside the Rio Grande!
A very dangerous situation, as this external threat can suddenly become internal at any moment —with the large Mexican and not just Spanish-speaking minority in the USA—. We are not saying this because we are conspiracy theorists… The FBI of the Jew Garland is already “constructing” this!!! According to an internal report of the FBI itself, Catholic Americans —and the Catholic Church in general— are already being treated as “terrorists” —and the Church itself as a “terrorist organization” respectively—! …Something similar to Hamas within Israel! All these “inexplicable” things have their explanation if someone understands their designs!
The FBI, through this behavior, is trying to exploit the power of Catholicism to terrorize and then blackmail American society. For this reason, it is trying to organize a dangerous mechanism of Spanish-speaking Catholic provocateurs and paramilitaries. It will use the same people in the same way it once used “crypto-communists,” later the blacks, and then Putin’s “Russophiles.” After “Black Lives Matter,” we will also have “Catholic Lives Matter” …No problem. With the millions of “potential” enemies, who are the Spanish-speaking people of the USA, it is easy to “play” games against society. It once did this with the communists, who were supposedly “controlled” by Moscow, and it recently did this —without any real evidence— with the “Putinists,” who supposedly wanted to “influence” the election result of the USA.
Since the “trial run” was so successful and justified even the “muzzling” of society, they will not have a problem with a truly powerful social factor in the USA, like the Spanish-speaking Catholics. The threat of communist Moscow will be replaced by the even greater threat of Catholic Rome. They will use Spanish-speaking criminals to pretend to be “sensitive” Catholics —just as they used black criminals to staff the “ranks” of BLM— and will threaten society with “arson.” A few provocateurs and some spectacular actions against Protestant or Jewish targets, and the “internal” enemy is ready! Only this time, these internal “enemies” will have powerful protectors outside the borders of the USA, because the Catholic Church is a colossal mechanism with equally colossal forces! …A monstrous force of 1.4 billion believers, which can even frighten the USA.
The once homogeneous USA of citizens, who shared the “American dream,” can become a “Donbass” before anyone notices …A real “Donbass” with the enemy next to its borders and not an ocean away, as was the case with the Soviet Union in the previous design. For the first time in their history, the USA will acquire the pathology of conventional Christian states …The pathology that allows the USA itself for a century to “regulate” the behaviors of states from afar with blackmail and minority threats. Now they will find themselves in the same “denominator” as Ireland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, etc. Millions of Mexicans live and operate within the USA, either as legal immigrants or as illegal ones! …Millions of Catholics in a country where the FBI has already classified them as “terrorists” —like Hamas—! …Millions of people who do not even know English and who, due to objective data, operate as second-class citizens, since they lack many rights due to their irregular stay in the country …Millions of people who are “butter” on the “bread” of the Democratic Party of the Jews!
With the “activation” of Mexico, all these suddenly become a “national” and “religious” minority, which can be influenced from “outside” …A minority that will bring the USA to an unprecedented position to have to manage a reactionary minority …A minority that the FBI will ensure has an internal armed mechanism, like Hamas inside Israel! …A minority that, due to huge revenues from drugs and crime, will “self-finance” and be absolutely obedient to those who allow it to trade drugs in the USA and live unlawfully. So? …So, it will be controlled by the CIA and the FBI, which control the drug trade in the international and American spheres respectively …The two absolute “tools” of the Jewish Zionists and the Democratic Party! …The CIA, which literally acts as a “branch” of the Jewish Mossad, and of course the FBI, which is absolutely controlled by the Jew Garland! …The SAME ones who also finance authentic Hamas!
So, through this design, those who can pull the strings of international politics will be able at any moment to impose an “aggressive” anti-American policy from Mexico and simultaneously make the Mexican minority in the USA “restless” …Especially if they use the “expertise” of the Jew Nuland, who has just completed her “work” in Ukraine and thus can change location of activity on the Planet, but not the “object” of her work. So? …So, they can transfer the conditions of Ukraine intact to the “doorstep” of the USA! …They can once again orchestrate a proxy war with the victim this time not being Russia, but the USA itself! …To do with Mexico against the USA what the USA is doing against Russia, exploiting Ukraine! …Ukraine of the Jew Zelensky, who pretends to be Ukrainian, and because of whom the Jewish usurers of the whole Earth are getting rich on the corpses of Ukrainian youth! If we put Mexico in the place of Ukraine, what are we looking for? …The Jew “Zelensky” who will fit them!
Given, therefore, that there is the necessary “expertise,” Nuland, Sullivan, and Blinken, only the “Zelensky” was missing. Under this prism, we see the electoral victory of Claudia Sheinbaum in the recent presidential elections in Mexico with different eyes. The “Mexican,” who has NO relation to Mexico, either nationally or religiously! …She is a Jewish Marxist, American-educated and a former UN employee dealing with “Climate Change”! …More Jewish and more globalist even than Bill Gates! …A real Zelensky! She was the “winner” of the elections in Mexico! She easily prevailed in the dirtiest election period of all time, since almost ALL her rivals were executed by the local mafia, which is known to be controlled by the “tools” of the New Order —and thus by the FBI and the CIA—! So? …So, we found out who will be the new “anti-American” Zelensky, who will give Mexico the role of Ukraine!
It is now evident that the Jews have begun to “distance” themselves from their “partnership” with the USA …They have started to distance themselves from the principles and commitments of their “partnership” and to treat it as a hostile state, which must be integrated into a new design, in which it will not lead. To achieve this —given that they do not have a state of their own with the necessary political and strategic power to lead globally—, they are forced to attempt it with a cunning design and not through the threat of violence. For this reason, they are trying to impose a new cold war design similar to that of the previous era …A cold war design that will keep them at the “top” through the dynamics of its balances …A cold war design that, compared to the previous one, will be more multidimensional because it must now “embrace” the entire Planet, which the New Order aspires to control, and not just the Western World, as the previous design controlled.
The design they have set in motion literally imitates the “image” of the Earth’s tectonic plates …It imitates the dynamics of the huge tectonic plates, which with the right “trigger” will give the creators the ability to cause huge terrorist “earthquakes” or at least threaten with such! In reality, the Jews are activating ALL the internal hatreds of Christianity and doing the same with other religions! They will put the great Christian doctrines in a fierce rivalry among themselves, and in the same “arena,” they will put the other religions. In Europe, for example, the Protestant “plate” of NATO will “meet” and thus be in “friction” with the Orthodox “plate” of Russia. Between them —in the role of “trigger”— the absolutely controlled by the Jews Ukraine!
In another Continent —thousands of kilometers away— they will activate another inter-Christian “fault,” almost forgotten …A “fault,” which the “American dream” and the great global “loot” had rendered inactive for many years …The “fault” between Protestantism and Catholicism …A “fault” that was the cause of the bloodiest wars and the greatest inter-Christian hatreds in Europe …A “fault” they do not want to activate in Europe, which has been bloodied many times by it because it will ruin their design. It will fragment Europe and will not allow Russia to function in the desired way. For this reason, the “friction” between these “plates” will only take place on the American continent. These two “plates,” without being affected by the other side of the ocean, will be activated by the “trigger” of Mexico …The now controlled by the Jews Mexico! …Absolutely controlled, either because of the Jewish President or because of the CIA and the Democratic Party of the USA, which provides its underworld with the necessary wealth and bullets to “produce” politics and of course politicians of their choice.
The reader can understand how this design will function, allowing global usurers to regulate the behaviors of “mega-systems” …Supra-national “mega-systems” that will be built upon the “platforms” of old religions and old religious doctrines! Nuclear Russia with the “flag” of Orthodoxy… The Protestant USA in alliance with the hard-core Protestant European “core” with NATO as their “flag” …Catholic Latin America with the “flag” of anti-Protestant hatred from the Spanish-speaking countries …Communist China with the “flag” of its obsession with the “counter-revolutionary” Taiwan …Hindu India with the “flag” of its anti-Islamic passion …Shia Iran …The Sunni Arab World …All controlled by the same supra-national and supra-religious centers of the New Order! All funded by the same usurious centers! The centers that control the “wallets” of ALL the corrupt leaders and their dominant social classes! The corrupt leaders, who —by “coincidence”— are ALL Marxists!
The design has already spread everywhere and is easily understandable in its operation if one can “decipher” it …If one can see it as an “instrument,” which with the proper use of its “keys” “plays” the desired “music” for those who operate it. The “plate” of Orthodoxy can be activated where the Protestant NATO, which controls Ukraine, “touches” it. The “plate” of Catholicism can be easily activated where the Protestant USA “touches” it with the “key” of Mexico. The “plate” of Christianity as a whole —where Islam “touches” it— can be “activated” with the “key” of Israel. The “plate” of communist China —also with Christianity— will be activated with Taiwan. The Indian “plate” —with Islam— will be activated with Pakistan. The Japanese “plate” of Shintoism will be activated with the “key” of North Korea…
…Israel, Ukraine, Mexico, North Korea, Pakistan are the “wedge”-states among these “giants”! These states are the “keys” of the same new-world-order “instrument,” which the Zionists want to “play” at the expense of humanity! States that the Zionists want to control absolutely! States with strange to suspicious leaderships! …Marxist leaderships that, either with the backing or the money of the Zionists, monopolize power and are not accountable even to their own people! Fascist leaderships that do not respect human rights and do not hesitate to eliminate anyone they consider their opponents. These states with their strange ideologies, Marxist perception, corruption, and huge crime rates have been “set up” —with the money of the Zionists— in this way, so they can be controlled absolutely!
All this will end up at the “directorate” of the New Order! …Where the usurers, who have plundered the entire Planet, are! This is the requirement for the security of the Jews. Now, being at the top of the World and without a strong and ambitious “partner” to hide behind, they try to hide behind many pseudo-opponents …Pseudo-opponents whom they themselves will support and control from the “shadows” of the “corridors” of the power outposts! They will “hide” behind “showcases” like the WEF, the Bilderberg Club, and the UN and will govern the world “modestly and humbly”, without anyone controlling them.
This secret “directorate” is what connects these “enemy plates” with each other… “Plates” different from each other in all aspects, but with one common element that exposes them… A common element that makes Washington, Brussels, Moscow, Constantinople, Beijing, Delhi, and Tokyo absolutely alike! What is this common element? …The love of their regimes for the Jewish usurers! All these “plates” have the same lenders! Their leaders have the same interlocutors and advisors, who are also their personal bankers! As states, but also as regimes, they have the same financiers! The Jewish usurers are equally beloved in all these Capitals, which —for the “roles” of the “scenario”— “hate” each other!
The recent visit of Russian warships to Cuba confirms what we are saying. With the arrival of the Russian fleet in Cuba, the “bosses” mimic their own policy in Europe …They mimic the policy of the Protestant USA in Europe! …Threatening a strong state again with a proxy war! …Only this time the terms are reversed. Orthodox Russia —in the role of USA— gives support to the Latin “NATO” of South America, so that Mexico appears as a threat to the USA with its backing —just as Ukraine appears as a threat to Russia with the backing of the USA—. Essentially, they mimic the “Bay of Pigs crisis” in Cuba and bring the great enemy of the USA off their coasts. They give nuclear power to the Catholic countries of the region …even without the Latin American countries themselves having nuclear weapons!…
…The whole pie and the dog fed! The American people will taste the nuclear threat of the “Latinos,” without necessarily breaking the monopoly of nuclear weapons! However, the threat of millions of Catholics —and fanatically Anti-American Latinos— will be at their “door”! …Mexico, Cuba, and Russia sent a strong “message” to the American people a few miles from the beaches of Florida! Close to them is also the Catholic Spanish-speaking Argentina with its also Jewish president Milei, contributing with its Catholic “weight” to the design! …An “Argentinian” as much as “Mexican” Sheinbaum is or “Ukrainian” Zelensky is! All this is happening now, at the moment when the plundering of the USA has been completed, and the Jews are trying to find a way to make the situation permanent, which favors them, and this requires that they can threaten, terrorize, and thus blackmail the American people.
All this is happening precisely when the Jews fear the reaction of the Americans, who are experiencing their absolute impoverishment! …When they have an absolute need to be able to terrorize and blackmail the American people! …When, as a population insignificantly small people, they need strong “backers” to blackmail the American giant! …Precisely when the founding act of the birth of the “petrodollar” expires! How important can this be? …Very important if one considers that the control of the energy of the Western World was the basic foundation of PAX AMERICANA! …Very important if one considers that the change for the New World Order began with the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s IRAQ at the moment when he announced that he would attempt to sell Iraqi oil outside the “platform” of the dollar! …So important that it led to the fall of Gaddafi and the disintegration of Libya when he also thought he could do the same! Now, the obligation of oil-producing countries to pay “protection” —for every gram of oil they produce— to the dollar usurers and of course to the Americans, who supposedly own the dollar, is officially ending.
If, therefore, the Americans as a people considered it natural and “just” to intervene themselves when someone threatened their interests by violating international agreements, now that these have expired and the conditions have changed, someone had to go and threaten them with intervention if they reacted, not respecting international agreements that expire to their disadvantage! That is to say, at the time when poverty would turn the Americans into Iraqis or Libyans, someone had to go and “remind” them that this is very dangerous! …These are “loans”! How coincidental can it be that just as the Kissinger Agreement with the oil-producing countries was expiring, the Russian fleet was sailing to Cuba?
We Greeks understand this completely. Just as in the case of Greece, the Jewish “lenders” feared the consequences of the shock that would cause a change leading to its impoverishment, so did they with the case of the petrodollar …and for this reason, there was a similar handling. They feared the reaction of the Americans from the shock of a change, which is mathematically certain to soon lead them to absolute impoverishment. The USA have —”officially”— “fallen” a “level” and evidently, “police” measures had to be taken to control a potential reaction from them!
As in Greece, to prevent the public from reacting, they brought down the bat-wielding “bravos” of the Zionist KKE; similarly, now they have brought down the “bat-wielding” Putin of the Zionist design! Marxist Putin went to Cuba to protect the Jewish usurers of Wall Street from the Americans and to assure the BRICS, who benefit from the “downgrading” of the US, that they will not meet the fate of Iraq, Libya, or Syria! …He went there on the orders of the Jews to warn the Americans that they themselves now risk finding themselves in the position of Iraq or Libya! …All together in the hospitable “embrace” of Mexico with the Jew Sheinbaum …Catholics and Orthodox —under the design of the Jews— with nuclear weapons outside the “door” of the Protestants! …The same shenanigans from the same rascals!
As we understand, all this does NOT happen without betrayal! The US remains extremely powerful. The “beast” of the US is temporarily “bound,” but its bonds are not unbreakable. They allow some to terrorize their people because their leadership is corrupt! …It is absolutely corrupt and completely obeys its corruptors, who are the Jewish usurers. If one considers that these usurers —the owners of the Democratic Party of the US— are afraid of losing power, it should not seem strange to us that they would implement a policy of extreme national necessity that would cancel the upcoming elections! …What they did with Zelensky in Ukraine. This is not an unlikely horror scenario. Under the present conditions —with American society “boiling” in unprecedented and incredible poverty and social problems— it is impossible for the Jews to leave power “bloodlessly” …It is impossible to let the Republican patriots seek the truths about all the policies that brought the US to today’s destitution …It is impossible to let a leadership attempt to regain the strength of the US and cancel their global design, which is based on the “downgrading” of the US.
The point is that they are no longer at ease either. They have stirred up the entire world and are trying to hide within the problems. They have flooded the world with ILLEGAL immigrants, so they themselves do not appear different! They are moving people from EVERYWHERE and to ALL directions to make them slaves dependent on their money! …They are moving Africans and Asians to Europe …They are moving South Americans to the US …They are moving wretched people everywhere to change population compositions or electoral results at will …They are moving disadvantaged people everywhere to exploit their survival instincts and turn them into “levers” of pressure against the host populations. They respect NOTHING and NO LAW —written or unwritten—! They have given their own meaning to the concept of “sensitivity” —as well as “charity”— and hide everything under the “carpet” of “culture” and humanitarianism! They threaten every day —and in all ways— the sovereign rights of nations and the human rights of their citizens! …Such “turmoil” the planet has never seen before!
All this is happening because they realize they are very close to absolute destruction. Like genuine “locusts” of the desert, they have ravaged everything, and now they are concerned about their safety. They went on their own and “bit” the only people who had the power to protect them worldwide and hide “behind” them forever. They “sawed” the branch they were sitting on themselves. They lost the support of the American people, and now they are trying to fill this void, “hiding” behind the confusion of the artificial conflicts they themselves cause. All the “mess” that characterizes the Western and especially the Christian World today has been caused by the Jews, who are trying to save themselves and survive among their victims.
For this reason, they have started to threaten and blackmail everyone for any reason. They have “invented” all the newfangled terms about “conspiracy theories,” “hate speech,” “community guidelines,” etc., to stop any attempt to seek the truth from their victims in its infancy. They are trying in every way to “gag” societies because today, literally, ONE slogan or ONE line can incite Christians to slaughter the Jews in the streets! The irony is that the same knowledge that allowed them to exploit Christians and their passions is the knowledge that today threatens them because they did NOT respect it.
It is like those students who read a lesson very well but did NOT understand it …They memorized it, but they could not grasp its deeper meaning. What does this mean in our case? …That the Jews knew very well that Christian society is easily herded, passionate, and kills whoever those who control it point out …but this characteristic makes it dangerous for EVERYONE and not just those who are pointed out by those who control it at any given moment! Christianity is a beast that is easily swayed —with shouts— against whoever one wishes, but one does NOT want to find oneself ALONE in a room with it! …It is a bloodthirsty beast, and woe to anyone who stands before it, even if they controlled it completely a little while before.
This is where the Jews got it wrong! Having —as evidenced by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion— the knowledge to exploit intra-Christian passions and exploit the differences between Christians, they progressed through the centuries. They had this knowledge and exploited it to the fullest. However, they did not have the wisdom to think that this is safe for them only when the battle that suits them is intra-Christian. They did not understand that the battle of the successors is safe only within the Hellenistic Kingdoms and without the participation of the barbarians! They did not understand that they were safe only when the Christian “buffaloes” clashed within the Christian “swamp,” and this “swamp” is finite!
From the moment they allied with the Americans and reached the absolute peak of the Christian system, they should have stopped. From the moment they conquered “Rome,” they should have stopped …They should not have “gone out” of its “range” …They should have stopped where the final clash would concern exclusively the Christian systems …There, where they themselves would have some strong Christian people behind whom they could hide …There, where they themselves, as provocative “frogs,” could ride the “buffalo” of their choice and turn it against someone else to lick “blood.” As long as they “drop” one Christian for another, they have no problem because they clash among themselves, and the provocateurs remain unscathed.
However, from the moment they “dropped” the Americans without then attaching themselves to another Christian substitute, it means they lost Christian protection! …It means they “went out” of the Christian House! …They lost the safety of the previous design, which they believed they possessed absolutely. Now they find themselves in the “arena” alone among the beasts and must act like a beast. Now they are trying to control the powerful Christianity with other religions, which they wish to handle like Christian doctrines, and this is wrong! …This is wrong because Christianity is an unmatched beast, and thus you CANNOT control it with an external enemy! …There is no religion that can stand before it in power, and thus there is no force behind which the Jews can “hide”! Simultaneously, the Jews themselves represent a different religion and thus also enter the “arena” of religions under unfavorable terms.
If for any reason they come under the “target” of Christians, they are FINISHED …They will seek God’s help! …Because, as proven through the centuries, Christians are not the best “kids” of history. If Christians realize how many hundreds of millions of Christians the current wealth of the Jews cost, not even Moses himself will save them! …Not even oceans closing and opening will save them! For this reason, they literally “tremble” at even the most insignificant verbal “attack” against them …They “tremble” even at the slightest “whisper” that can cause mass hysteria against them. They know how instinctively the Christian killing masses react when they perceive a common enemy. Because of this fear, they have begun preparing the only defense they have as their last “card” …Their “wandering” …Their permanent movement …Their “dispersion” to the ends of the Earth.
This is what they are doing now. They will try to “disappear” among the world… To follow the “currents” of migrants and illegal immigrants, even in the opposite direction …To “vanish” within countries and religions …From Cyprus to Hawaii …From Norway to South Africa. Fully aware that they have destroyed the economies of ALL Christian nations, they know they had to initiate their movement, as they would easily become targets of their victims. Thus, in recent years, they began to “scatter” themselves and to disperse their “possessions”. They started buying or claiming multiple citizenships. Trying to save themselves from inevitable “Crashes” and inflations, they began to “hide” their wealth in real estate …In global real estate. They are buying everything at whatever cost and are the ones who “thought” with these purchases to receive gifts and “golden visas”! Wherever they think they can be safe, they buy properties, hoping that at the same time they secure a “refuge”.
Having taken from the USA —as the last “spoils”— the “check” of four trillion, they have been “unleashed” across the entire planet and are “sweeping” everything. The four trillion is a fabulous amount, which no one can really understand what exactly it means …No one can truly grasp the magnitude of the “check” that Biden has given them. Literally, this “check” is the fruit of a century’s labor and sacrifice for a huge state like the USA. Literally, in the “turmoil” and panic of the “Pandemic”, the Jews snatched from the Americans everything they had and did not have! …The greatest “robbery” in the history of mankind! …A real “heist” at the treasury of the World Leaders!
Having snatched the “cream” of the American economy, they have been running for four years to “invest” it across the entire planet. They are “sweeping” everything in their path. The primary “investment” target of the “wandering” Jews, who for centuries lived in the ghettos of major cities, are the cities themselves. With their money, they have changed all balances in the real estate market and have dismantled societies. They have forced the corrupted leaderships of all states —which they themselves have destroyed— to give them the absolute advantage in the markets arising from the economic disaster of their citizens …To ensure their legal anonymity, to not provoke the populations. They have driven citizens out of their cities with the “Trojan horse” of “Airbnb”! They themselves, as individuals, have begun to seek isolated “paradises” to hide from the view of the world …”Paradises” such as Hawaii or New Zealand, where, if they resist the “locusts” of the desert, they are burned alive.
Unfortunately for them, the world has become very small …Too small! …So small that with a computer and the internet you can “tour” the whole world in a few seconds …If you take power, you can locate everyone and everything within minutes …To see where everyone’s house is …To locate the bank where they have their money …To find the real estate they own …There is nothing that cannot be done by a person in a few minutes for any part of the world that interests them …Much less a person with the power to punish! Everything is on their “keyboard” and unfortunately for the Jews, the “DELETE” is also on that same keyboard! …They will lose EVERYTHING from EVERYWHERE! …Their wealth will “evaporate” faster than a summer rain in the desert! No one will pity them, when people learn what the Jews have done against humanity …The human slaughter of World War II …The manipulation of the “Holocaust”… The looting of the stock markets …The Memoranda …The ILLEGAL immigration …The supposed “Pandemic” with the deadly “vaccinations” …and now the Slaughter in Gaza.
Literally, there is NOT A SINGLE major crime of the last century that the initiators and executors of it are not Jews. Even the millions of the dead of the monstrous communism are charged to their own “account”! Their last mistake will also be their fatal one. They “threw down” their partners, who were also their protectors, and now they will pay for their greed! If until now greed led them to successive successes, now it leads them to destruction! The snakes DID NOT understand where their prey ends and started to “bite” their own “tail”!
They had to respect reason and self-limit their collaboration with the Americans. They should have known that this was the “ceiling” of their success. They should have remained hidden behind the “backs” of the Americans …No one would ever threaten them, and much less, challenge the “halo” of the “martyr” of the “Holocaust” …A “halo” that was paid for with gold for its propaganda but yielded billions! …The “halo” that the Americans with their nuclear weapons, the CIA and the FBI, would NEVER let anyone “scratch” or “tarnish.” They respected NOTHING and simply did what they ALWAYS did …They “bit” them! …and now they will suffer the consequences! …Especially after the “suicidal” for Zionism “Massacre in Gaza,” they have lost every “support” …not only in the US, but also globally! …They are hated even by those who have never even interacted with them! …The serpent of the desert became the “ouroboros” serpent of the Scriptures! …he committed “SUICIDE”!!!
Panagiotis Traianou