The grip tightens around Washington!…
…The modern “Reigning City” of Christianity “falls”!
What is happening with Mexico?
Who is “building” the new Ukraine at the “doorstep” of the USA?
Who is “recruiting” the Catholic “Hamas” of the future?
What is happening today in the USA is unprecedented in world history! …The theoretically “victor of victors” —supposedly at the height of its power— is “committing suicide”! …The “monarch” of the New World Order —and regulator of everything— “dies” for “inexplicable” reasons! …The most powerful Christian state is being “desecrated” before the eyes of billions of people, and its leadership not only does not resist, but instead encourages its “desecration”! …For “inexplicable” reasons, it follows suicidal policies that primarily target its own state and its people! …It has opened its vaults and finances wars and policies that undermine its political power! …It has shut down all its energy sources, leading to a very dangerous dependency for its operation! …It has closed all its productive activities, exhausting its economy! …It has opened its borders to ILLEGAL immigration, which is destroying its society!