Epstein—Maxwell Case…
…the trial that will bring down the system of Patriarchy !!!
What will be the English throne irreparable destruction
consequences for the New Order,
cause of the Queen’s second-born son?
What the current war crisis in Ukraine has to do
with the inevitable “exit” of nations from the pandemic crisis?
Why is the political leadership of Greece
“dreading” this seemingly unrelated Trial?
We use to say that the greatest secrets are well hidden when they are fully exposed to public view. The ultimate proof of this diabolically clever tactic is the famous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. Even today no one dares to attribute this knowledge where it “seeks” by its very title to be “deafeningly” attributed. How much more blatantly to “ask” for it? …And yet, even though today —and therefore with hindsight— we can admire the precision of its application and its results, we cannot attribute it to the conspirators who drafted it and of course initiated it.
What it describes is so precise that it could easily be called a self-confirming prophecy. What we see happening today —and what surprises us— was written in the “Protocols” at least a century before it happened …Everything …The rapid degeneration of Christian societies in the last century …The absolutely uncontrolled urbanization-demobilization of the once productive Christian societies …The uncontrolled corruption of their political leaders …The unprecedented plundering of states …The destruction of any moral value system based on human effort and contribution to society …The targeting of religions and the unabated propaganda for atheism …The tolerance of any kind of sexual abnormality …The organisation and arming of social groups with strong anti-social behaviour …Groups which, from the time of the first communist parties to the present day with the armed Antifa, support and serve specific interests.